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Everything posted by Bobba

  1. I received an urgent email request from my permission as there was massive crow numbers on newly planted barley. I rang 101 and explained the situation. I was told that crop protection is regarded as essential work. The Officer gave me his "collar number" in case I was stopped. Great response from A&S which reflects the situation described by Chairman in his post above.
  2. You ask if it would be possible for you to work in America. Our American friend says yes. I am not contradicting him but if it is important to you then I would check. I say this because our son did two long periods in New York in banking. His wife is a qualified physiotherapist. Not only were her UK qualifications not recognised there but she was not allowed to work in any capacity. They lived a block or so away from Central Park and so to keep her sanity she became a volunteer there.
  3. A mate has the Beretta 20 bore with kick-off which he finds very comfortable with his shoulder problem.
  4. That's exactly the point. It's considered safer and lower risk...... At this moment in time. The last thing Cornwall needs is a bunch of contaminated morons taking the virus there.
  5. If you're looking for ideas there's a topic further down the list on Kit Trolleys where there's a photo of mine fitted with mud scrapers.
  6. David, as I understand it the BASC was attempting to contact the ACC concerned with these matters to obtain confirmation that there would be uniformity of application across all police forces. Has this happened please? For example, as I understand it Durham say pest control ok, Avon and Somerset say no.
  7. Bobba


    You must have liked it. You told us three times 😂😂😂( just leg pulling)
  8. David, is it not possible please to use the BASC members emailing service for this important clarification? Thanks.
  9. It appears that there is no national approach by the police. By this topic, Cheshire seem to allow crop protection. The Durham police website says "shooting vermin alone for the purpose of protecting crops and livestock will be permitted". Yet, I asked Avon and Somerset for guidance on essential crop protection, solo, (my permission has started drilling) and I was told "I cannot give you authority to leave your home for this reason". I've no gripe with A&S firearms dept who have a good reputation. They will no doubt be complying with the requirements of those further up the greasy pole. But it would be helpful and give clarity if there was a national approach. Particularly as those getting it wrong (according to how their police force see it) run the risk of losing their licence. I understand that the BASC are seeking guidance, on a national level, how the police will view such activities and what they intend to do. As soon as they know they will be updating members.
  10. Thanks. You keep safe too.
  11. Bobba


    What? Oldypigeonpoper? Never.
  12. Exactly. I sought advice from my licensing authority (A&S) about essential crop protection and the reply included " I cannot give you authority to leave your home for this reason".
  13. Easyjet cancelled my flights to Corfu return. They keep emailing to select an alternative flight but I want a refund. They are obliged to give one but impossible to contact. If anyone knows how to resolve this mess please advise. Thanks
  14. Bobba


    You're welcome. A periodic update of progress would be of interest. Thanks (dog with a bone - it's in the blood)
  15. Bobba


    These are Observations from a landlord who has by design never had students but who has more than once found it necessary to take tenants to the small claims court. In my view a landlord cannot profit twice from the same situation. If the landlords refuse to refund the rent (from your post I presume they've paid a period rent up front) then your son and friends should send them a factual letter by recorded delivery. It should evidence the landlords reason for their notice and their case for reimbursement, together with a calculation of the amount due. They should ask the landlords to explain clearly, with reference to the lease (if there is one), why they believe a reimbursement is not due. The students should state clearly that in the event of nil response by the landlord or invalid reasons (in their view) for non payment by the landlords it would leave them no alternative but to proceed to the small claims court. Do not be put off by this it is easy peasy, it's just a slog. They could add that they're also going to the daily telegraph money page for advice and the students union legal section - a three way pincer movement often adds pressure. The reason I advise this is should they commence court proceedings the court will have expected both parties to have attempted settlement before having recourse to the courts. You do not mention a deposit. Was there one and is it held by the TDS? (Tenants Deposit Scheme) If it's held by the TDS then they generally favour tenants !!! So to an extent they're protected and have indepenent arbitration. If it's in the landlords own account then in their letter the students should also seek the return of their deposit and say that it too will form part of their action in the small claims court. It's a bit of a chore. But if you're a dog with a bone you can make it fun. Good luck
  16. Bobba

    Essential work

    With the current spell of drier weather my permission will, hopefully, start some planting at the end of the week. In the event that this attracts the attention of pigeons / crows how defensible would crop protection be as essential work. Particularly as it would be solo work with no contact with others from home and return. It would also count as my daily exercise. Thoughts welcommed. Thanks.
  17. Bobba


    The News reports show people still meeting in groups and ignoring advice on distancing. I would not be surprised if before long lockdown will be total except for essential trips. eg supermarket, chemist etc. My solo drive to farm to shoot will have to be regarded as going to natures supermarket for food.
  18. In real life Frank Bourne was awarded the DCM for "outstanding coolness and courage" in the defence of Rourkes Drift. He retired a Lt Colonel. Nigel Green acted the part well in Zulu.
  19. Bobba

    Pubs to close.

    It won't be bog roll panic buying anymore. Watch the booze fly off the shelves.
  20. Just looked out the window. There was a blue moon encircled with flying pigs!
  21. Bobba

    Panic buying

    Here's panic buying in extreme. A friend had the misfortune of her freezer packing up. She visited a well known outlet to buy a replacement only to be told there was a backlog in the 100's. The sales team said that people were panic buying freezers to store their panic bought food.
  22. Sadly, it's been confirmed. Cancelled.
  23. I suspect that Glastonbury will be cancelled as well.
  24. And there was I thinking there was legislation to protect people against age discrimination..........? if the worst came to it I would wander into A&E and say "I've got Coronavirus". Irresponsible? No doubt. But the will to live is the force of Self preservation.
  25. 'Cos oldypigeonpoper quoted Robert Peston saying the Gov'nt are looking at over 70's quarantining themselves for three months. So, I wondered how many of us there were.
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