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Everything posted by ROB REYNOLDS UK

  1. im thinking of geting one if they make them ,do they ??.is so were the best place to look for one ,,want it for rat shooting ,,even better if some one has one for sale aint botherd about knocks ect as long as it works ,,
  2. yep im for one ,100 post says your in to your pigeon shooting i do a lot more reading than i do posting ,its only a badge to let other members know that your off here if met at a game fair ect , im not a tight ****** but i think £4.99 sound better
  3. with or with out kids you would not get me over there digger you go over mate and i will hold your guns for you till you get back if you get back that is
  4. on any dark night you can shot rats like i do at 10mtrs and closer ,just dont use some big power lamp ,just so you can mke them out in the lamp is good enough .
  5. the best places to find rats are on pig farms ,large chicking farms ,and on tips ..pig farms are your best chance as the tips wont let you on unless you know the gaffer when you go round at night with a small lamp just so you casn make them out at 20ft is best as they will sit a bit longer for you to get a shot at them ,,were ever you see a rat or rats ,thats the place to put the bait down its got to be so big it can not drag it off or so small like grain it has to stay to eat it ,we use the farmers grain :blink: fill your pockets with the stuff and bait up around the farm as you go round by the time you have gone back to the first place baited you should have a rat feeding ,they have really good noses and will find it ..you want at least 8 baited places and dont rush round only turning on your lamp when you have the gun raised and you are ready to fire ,,dont take all day about fireing you gun the faster you are the better dont go for head shots unless you know they aint botherd about the lamp but if you miss one it will know the second time what your all about they aint that daft that why there so many off the things when we go we take a terrier of some type the last time we went was last week got 29 rats 9 to the dog and the other 20 i shot, some close up running shots i just poited the gun without looking down the barrel bit like a shot gun i got over ten this way ,point and pull if you do take the dog make sure you both know that its one shot only then let the dog go ..its really good fun in fact i could do it every night and im 46yrs old
  6. just back in from doing a small rookery 7 nests shoot twice all were empty bar one,it you hopped out shot that one ..rookery next to it 70yrds away thats not mine to shoot had young sitting in there nest and a few off the nest .100yrds away from that one very large rookery which i can shoot but only with the air rifle had 4 branchers out and some sitting tight going back to do them in the week as its in the grounds of a private school..did all this after a morning on the pigeons on a freshley laid maze field..shot no pigeons in one hr so went for a walk about shot one crow one maggiepie and one myixey rabbit still got me out the house though
  7. i had four pigeons for four shots the other day a first for me ,all on the trot ,4 came in i dropped 3 then a ouick reload for one of the pigeons to come back to have a look for its mate ,big merstake for that pigeon
  8. it dont matter which auto you buy ,you have got to keep it clean on the inside and oiled up to keep it working right and some dont like some carts ,
  9. dead birds i say as they can be easy seen from a far B) but use a flapper and a floater or bouncer as some call it
  10. theres them that wear a vale and shoot loads and theres them that dont wear one and shoot a few ..says it all really B) ..movement is a no no in a hide cammod up or not ,them crows see every thing ..
  11. i will be doing some rook shooting [branchers] very soon just woundering if any body as seen any young about yet out of there nests .i start to go about the 1st of may now, i know it should be on the 12 of may too shoot the ******* but they seem too be leaveing there nest early every year.two years ago we went to do some on the 12 of may which was the proper time to do them but they were gone all but a few,so any body seen any yet ??
  12. i had a good day on the wheat sunday it was 9" high dont ask me what they were feeding on but they were on it and came in like a good un B) farmer just put in the peas in yesterday may have a look at them tomorrow
  13. how much for all three peckers with out the batts ..and can you do a close up of one of them.. tar i would have the shells as well but i think there a bit on the dear side :blink: bring the price down i may have them all :unsure:
  14. the best way i have found for this net is to use cable ties so that it has a two inch loop start of by putting one in each corner top and bottom then one 2 1/2 foot in from the corner top and bottom ,then you can put your pole in to the bottom cable tie first, then into the top cable tie and adjust and so on its real easy its how iv done my ,,get your self two pieces of string and two tent pegs so you can surport the net so it keeps it from sagging in the middle ,its what you need on a windy day or soft ground
  15. thats not the one you are looking for ,the one jim uses you can see through it as it has lines going from side ti side going down to the bottom were you can see out try these people at burton on trent called livens ..01283 568661 they have realtree advantage nets in
  16. http://thehuntinglife.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=8042 theres one on here the guy is from notts £50
  17. iv just been and seen another farmer who has a pea field full of pigeon he has not had any body on his farm for over 20 years down to daft ***** ******* it up for people ,but iv just got it must be my good looks and charm ,had to show him my SGC as well thats a first for me ? been trying to go for the last two days but its been raining like mad ,im hopeing to give it a bash saturday ..fingers crossed it may be a good day pea fields wait till the birds find it then get on quick they can soon clear it ..
  18. dont know the anwser to this one but i think he would as he likes his money
  19. 01283821300 or mobil 07789860755 ask for nick as its his place ,this bloke knows his stuff and heres how to get there http://www.streetmap.co.uk/streetmap.dll?G...=329720&A=Y&Z=5
  20. good going for a young un :blink:
  21. i know a man that breaks ISUZU,S and have his number and will give it to you as soon as the washing merchine as stopped as my phones in it he is based at marchington ,just down the road from subury prison very easy to find ,he will have an engine or parts to fix..just give me time to dry out the phone :blink:
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