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Everything posted by yickdaz

  1. just be glad these new ones are more in our favour
  2. that's the natural England licence, not the new defra one
  3. exactly without them nobody will listen to us ie the shooters
  4. you don't need to apply for one just abide by it
  5. he was no nonsense and wanted to get to the bottom of all this mess
  6. yeah just watched it he got clipped a few times but apart from that he was class, lets see him in proper super middle fight, smith and canelo will be tougher
  7. Exactly and he did start all this in the first place, make your bed (lie) in it
  8. I hope it is and I hope he,s squirming at the min
  9. and listening to him he seems to be in favour of the new licence
  10. that's the biggest farce about it all, and shows you how short sighted they all are a crow can attack a lamb on a livestock farm one day then the very same bird can raid a nest the next day on a arable farm few miles away they seem to have forgot that crows have wings and can fly
  11. https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fbasc.org.uk%2Fblog%2Fne-general-licences%2Fbasc-responds-to-announcement-on-future-of-general-licences%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3i7w-XKbSG7xbYviJosTL-hFP-4rDbXpuRh-Yp2nYEa35qpYnT8_9NJRI&h=AT0P1og13YKvC9a6Ap2tHDSnouL2Y5sElTvNnOm0w2xwCCJoLbUay2_pXZ3JQzUGSod0iF7MPTpNO8pLAxPUAql3RFu_ZtfsGiZaeJHWJ7OQ3bFDIsGEby7M5JMMltcDe0eiIDEt9sTSqycWfmWPjlmRheres heres's another episode to this saga
  12. I would read it again but yes good to go if there is a crop to protect, but stubbles are a no no from what I see section 8 states below 8. When this licence can be used a) Only as a last resort to prevent serious damage*.
  13. Yeah just seen myself you don't have to apply for an individual licence as before but it does stipulate to prevent serious damage to crops only or have I misread it ?
  14. you can't argue with actual footage
  15. i would love to see the damage that woodies are doing at the min left unchecked and free to eat what they want around England, I bet theres a lot of peed off farmers
  16. its getting complicated and just downright stupid now
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