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Everything posted by manxman2

  1. you pair need to get out more, maybe get laid aswell.
  2. I can see you being quite popular round these pastures.
  3. I didnt care what people thought, to me it was always about the number, the higher the better, its what the farmer expects too see when he drives to the gate to see how you done, i had no problem scattering 100+ rook and jackdores about the plot bellie up, rather than just 30 or 40.
  4. He is better than i ever was with that ratio, i managed to smoke a 100 str8 english skeet moretimes than i can remember, but i couldnt match that.
  5. The above post just about sums it up. see if the debt collectors will work on a no collect no fee basis, not a chance of that happening, so that should tell you all you need to know about the debt collectors confidence.
  6. !!where you post the invoice one day and the cheque arrives two days later pretty much without fail.!! I had one like that, royal bank of scotland, there was no shortage of cash there either, i saw the volts many a time.
  7. Building firms can be fickle in their cash flow, even in good times. I was ripped off for 5k+ by a firm for 2 builders cleans, i actually lost about 3.5k on the deals as i paid for staff and materials with my own cash. Apart from chasing over to spain to give him a kicking , i just had to let the anger go, i never did 2 jobs again for any firm, without getting paid for the first one first. I got £240 of the liquidators total. You were torn between the need for repeat business, and suspicion is my guess. Horrible time for you, bur its time for a face to face with the person who contracted you, then you will know if they are in trouble, speak to other firms that they sub out to aswell, if they aint been paid, well its frustrating but you cant get blood out of a stone no matter how hard you squeeze it. be lucky
  8. frenchieboy, your sig says you will do a swap, wife for dog. Terms were non nagging dog, well you have a bonus this dog was the best trained animal on the island. If we have a deal i will dig him back up in the morning, he is only out in the back hedge..
  9. Thats exactly what its always been about.
  10. When my yellow lab was young, he would get that exited when the barbour was around my shoulders that i would let him out of the car and just drive off with him in tow, do about half a mile at his full speed and let him back in, calmed him down for the first kale or stubbles we walked for pheasant.
  11. Barley and rolled oats, ours was shallow and big.
  12. A couple of swift cracks across the snout as a pup, would of achieved the same goal. It will have started by barking at other dogs he sees from the car, when he is safe, and progressed to habit from there.
  13. i took my grand daughter over to the paddock for the southern 100, and on the way, she starts having a conversation tru a garden hedge with another kid, a black kid, nothing unusual there ofcourse in this day and age, however i was about 14 when i saw my first real blackman. Times they have changed blairs great social experiment has been a disaster for all concerned, except for tony ofcourse, for whome it was very profitable.
  14. I think the lack of coverage is due to shooting still being seen as an elitist sport. The lIkes of jackie stewart etc, promoting clay shooting didnt do it any favours imo.
  15. Am i right in thinking most of the domestic wood pigeon in britain migrate, and the percentage that do not migrate is only small. I have said numerous times since joining here, that in the isle of man here, the pigeon population was small, however that did not stop massive by my standards flocks of pigeon staying over for awhile, i remember one particular flock of about 10 thousand birds in the santon valley using a field of Un -harvested barley, there was snow on the ground, but that field was blue with them, they stayed a couple of weeks undisturbed, as sid did not want the pheasant using the field disturbed. that was not the only time, just one that got all the jiuces flowing, and then disappointment.
  16. I had thoughts that it was the poles and eastern bloc immigrants that would be the most trouble, as they eat anything carp swans etc, they are the Labradors of europe.
  17. !! no sodding fun going as a Japanese general !1 good one that.
  18. my oldman was in the army, and me, my mam and my sister lived with my nan, and all the yougest aunties and uncles, who bytheway are nomore than 5 to 10 years older than me, the oldest of the next generation, my nan had 16 children 13 survived past childhood. Never really knew my grandad, just some little drunken muppit who used to give us a few bob now and then, re would turn up, pat the new baby on the head, knock another into me nan and then go back to sea for another year. School holidays we would be ordered of the premises, so crossbar ride down to he beach for the day, the clan. The reason i mention this is the return home, great big basket of chips, fresh bread and butter, and my fav rabbits in silver foil, the meat just falling of em, bootiful as bernard would say. I think me nan boiled then oven cooked the rabbits.
  19. moving out of the nissan huts into the new estate, was magic at the time, instead of about 15 of us cramped into 2 nissan huts that sat along side each other.
  20. I see your flocking off. choo chooo
  21. Good to see you hanging about here. {im still on the curtain theme, im on a roll choo choo}
  22. This gentleman came along to save your days. My fav by along way. Left link only, see if you can guess who first.
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