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Everything posted by manxman2

  1. not that i remember pintail. had more than i can remember off town/farm pigeons tho. shot 2 chuffs by mistake one session on barley stubble, they came in quiet from behind, and the sun was in my face, the were just black Xs to me.
  2. Can any sort of living still be made now on bunnies or pigeons fellas. You know anywhere in the country i mean, or are the days of archie coates etc over.
  3. Dont worry dave i am not trying to belittle your quarrie. Ive no doubt they are smart in their own way, i just dont have much experience of big bags with pigeons, only ever had one sittings where i got over a ton best i can remember. There just wasnt the population of birds here, loved reading about it tho,
  4. Looks nice, autos absorb recoil well anyway because of their weight in my experience the 1100 was a fine and reliable gun as far as my experience with remmies goes..
  5. Ive just watched a video of a magnet, looks like they would be absolutely lethaL with 2 jackdores up for rooks/jacks. Would it not all come down to lighting conditions having a big say in success with them.
  6. Does a one bird or 2 bird cradled rotary make a big difference lads. ps pidgeons are stupid, but even they learn after time.
  7. Yeah deffo technical rather than criminal, but strange the guy has taken it so bad as to top himself.
  8. Ironic really, had its day, and they werent even around in my day, well at the end maybe.. They were in our minds, but making one was a different kettle of fish.
  9. And you have loads even in the summer henry, have been lucky enough to fish on he tummel in summer, wouldnt like to fall in.
  10. Re-reading that last post has made me think a little about how times have changed even over here. I think i owe you current and future crop of shooters an apology of a kind aswell for my small part in the way i and others of my generation took things for granted, and in doing so in a cumulative way have cost you young fellows a few freedoms we took for granted. I always left my gear in the car cartridges and guns were always hidden away and the car locked when unattended and on my drive over-night. There were many times tho when i was slack, a copper comes into my shop one day and asks if that was my car out front, i says yes i will be gone in 2 mins i am just checking everythings ok, he says theres shotgun cartridges on view in the back of my car, this is in the days when you just went to the post office and bought a vermin or game license for £4 or £8 and there was no trace to guns and cartridges etc, you just had as many as you had and that was it, it didnt matter if you had enough guns and cartridges to invade IRAQ. Anyway he says anyone could just reach in and take them you know, i said aye have you tried, no he says, the dog might bite me. The point was why would anyone chance getting biten for a box of cartridges they could buy at the time for a couple of quid at any garden centre or gun shop over the counter as easy as buying a newspaper. But all those lapses around the country all with many other trangressions that would simply not be tolerated today, mounted up in a small way, and the mass murders just put a top hat on it. I am really just said on another thread that finding this place has opened up a pandoras box for me, its just good to read and talk to like minded folk as most dont know what makes us country folk tick.
  11. Finding this site has opened up a pandoras box for me ellebarto, the vast majority of people just dont understand what makes us shooters tick. To be able to talk openly about field sports even tho in my case its historic, is still very pleasant.
  12. Had plenty of speckled white jackdores, even had one near 100% white, but never a pink eye, anyone ever get a pink eye. eta Even near white town/farm pidgeons, but never a pink eye.
  13. The gear you young fellas have access to now is quite incredible really, compared to what we old-timers had. The materials are so varied, but you cannot beat natural cover.
  14. I used to mark my first bird coming in, i would not be distracted by anything else happening out infront, and would watch my bird to the kill area, after pulling on him i would swing into the easiest target left as the others depart.
  15. you are mixing up the brazillian lad with the other, i was talking about the earlier killing, when the lad was sat in te back of the car, not menendez. Ive fired close to, if not a million cartridges in 35 yr, as i was a government sponsored fulltime {march to sept} vermin {corvid} shooter for 3 years, prior to that i was acommitted decoyer who handed in so many heads that i was chosen to do the job for government, after the new minister of the department changed the budget and i lost the sponsorship i again settled for committed decoyer, i also represented the island at english skeet in inter island games. I also know fulwell what it feels like to be on the wrong end of a 12 guage. As i am only the second person on the island to have been shot by accident and survived, te only other ive known was a painter who blew his arm off, taking the gun out of his carboot., my shooting partner loaded his gun behind me, and it went off, i was knocked 2 paces forward and everything started to buzz and i just wanted to lie down, i had picked up half the load of a eley olympic trap in @ss and hip, no pain at all and very little blood either, just lots and lots of little lumps, like nettle stings, not at any point not even in hospital the following fortnight was there any pain, only embarrassment, as i bent over a chair each morning and all the trainee nurses came for a look at yours trulys gunshot wound, the reason the doc said was because they will probably go thru their whole carreer and never see another, that was over 30yrs ago, how times have changed. The reason i moaned to the doc was because i knew most of the trainees as its a small island{45k pop then} and bent over with my tackle hanging on display was more painful than an @ss full of birdshot. Even tho they removed and stitched up where the flyers went, they left the rest insitu, as they are up against the bone and to deep, an x ray is like a starry night, but i could not afford a copy at the time, the cost was a weeks wages then, truly they asked for something like £50 if i wanted a copy. ps The irony was it was a competition gun i had loaned him for a days decoying out of a bail hide. I had just jumped over the front 3 bales and had just started walking with the dog to to decoys to tidy up, and whack. Moral is dont lend guns with no autosafety catch to plums.
  16. I take your point, and had already considered that angle. But these armed police are the cream of the cream, and i can safely discount brain freeze. One thing, the shots from that close deliver massive impact energy, shooting a man in the face neck and head 7 times, takes time, as the target gets blasted from position to the next position before aim and fire, he only missed with one round out of 8 shots , a body has no resistance once unconscious. it would be a fair assumption the shots were at measured timings on each re-aim, and in assessing each aim he would also of clearly seen the guys head in bits even tho it all happened in seconds he still would of seen the chunks of brain blown out, yet he keeps on pulling the trigger. Letting the firearms team have an hour in the police canteen together before giving their statements was criminal and a clear breach of protocol. And the subsequent cover-up and suppression of the story clearly shows to me that the officer/s acted unlawfully at some point, its the no-ones responsible attitude of todays authorities that scare me, and the instant smear campaign the minute they kill by mistake. Another example is the drunk guy at the demo in london, who had his insides ruptured thru clear police brutality, did anyone take responsibility for that, instead they initiate an immediate cover-up and smear campaign. And the scary thing is it could be anyone of you, or your kids it happens to when the police can close ranks and get away with murder, no matter whether the original intent was honourable, the failure to admit mistakes and do a nu labour smear and whitewash has to cease for public confidence in authority. All in my opinion ofcourse. ps As you say Dr Kelly is for another day, and another in a long line of tonys skeletons in cupboards that will eventually be uncovered, just hope i am still alive to see it. pps Would any one care to view what is without doubt the best analyzation of the court transcripts and evidence i have ever seen on the net, they are picked apart in minute detail. I will add links if so, and you can comment there directly if you wish.. Its by a pathologist and others into lockerbie.
  17. sh-it in the carb. Ive said that sentence before, got a reply once which was, {! how often do i have to do that !.}
  18. If the shooting was that hood it hurts to lose it, offer him your missus for an hour. Im kidding, ofcourse, offer him your shooting partners missus.. everybodys happy and she gets to join in has days out.
  19. Eley impax, i loved em, 7s down an improved cylinder or quarter choke, 6s in the back trigger so to speak.
  20. You would get a nice browning for that gordon i would think. Anyway for that kind of money you will get to play before you pay, the guy i bought my guns from once let me take a nikko 5000 decoying with me, either bring it back or a cheque he said. Its only money gordon enjoy it, and hopefully more guns means more shooting. Be lucky.
  21. Whats your budget gordon.
  22. yes poontang simples. There has never been an inquest, and its taken ken clarke to initiate an inquiry. This link shows the coroners frustration with the suppression of evidence, and tere is no excuse for the coroner being denied access other than suppression. Pre inquest and reason for suspension of any inquest. number 19. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/bsp/hi/pdfs...zellerodney.pdf As i say my interest is purely political. I dont beat drums for strangers, i do like political shenanigans tho, ken clarke owes nU labour nowt. SwIng tony Swing..
  23. I used to just stand behind a hedge under a flightline in a different place than i intended to decoy, to shoot some fresh deeks.
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