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Everything posted by marmitemania

  1. My wife worked for Hermes and 80% or more of her parcels to deliver were Next, so how do you work that out?
  2. Did anyone read the artical in the news about crime commited by foreigners is up by 75%, it comes across to me that they are the minority commiting the majority of crime, any story you read about criminal activity nearly always has a foreign name in it. As said in one of the earlier comments a multicultral society does not work, its to late now.
  3. I only had a quick look at it so I possibly missed something, there will always be another time. I still cant find out if I can get any bits for my Sarasqueta which I purchased, if I could find an exploded view of the action Im quite confident I could make the parts I need.
  4. Adding Duncans and my 2 today on Rape, I would have hit more if I had thrown the cartridges at them. TOTAL 4511.
  5. I went too a gun auction recently where I purchased a Sarasqueta which I have talked about in another topic, but what Im asking is there only one Isley shotgun maker because I let a beaut of an Isley SXS slip through my fingers at the auction for £50, now the ones I have seen on the internet seem to be around the £800 pounds upwards mark I dont know if its the same model or maker or did the others at the auction know something I didn't? Have I missed a genuine bargin?
  6. Think thats what it will be HDAV, do you think it would be worth repairing?
  7. Just brought a 1967 felix Sarasqueta sxs 12 from an auction, to cut a very long story short the safety switch and mechanism is missing, but the rest of the gun is very nice the blueing is very good and the barrels are dent and rust free, can anyone help point me in the right direction to obtain the parts I need? or is the gun a right off?.
  8. Its my pride and joy though despite being a 1985 Rizzini its very clean and I suppose I am just paniking, incidentally the wood was totally unaffected. I did oil the action so I will hede you and stop worrying.
  9. Has anyone ever dropped their shotgun in water? Shooting a few Woodies at the weekend and I happened to have a very poor shot and hit one just on the wing, in my keeness to get out of the hide which is partially in a ditch I knocked the gun, cartridge bag and slip on too a pallet I stand on just below the surface of the water, after my long winded explenation what I want to know is will any harm be caused, I picked it up straight away and the opening lever and top of the action inc saftey were wet I dried it of quickly and after an hour or so I went home, the saftey was stiff for a while afterwards but otherthan general damp about the action the gun still woeked as should, luckily I have accsess to a high pressure air line and blower so i blew out all the action and squirted WD40 around the saftey and trigger hole and blew this through until completly dry, I then gave the gun a very good clean and oil and everything is back too its usual slick self, will it be OK or should I be worried?
  10. Five over rape today 4 in the first 1/4 hour then very quite but only out for two hours 2467
  11. They make it seem all so natrual that a fox should be wandering the streets in a big city, what the hell is wrong with everybody, Bunny huging liberals, as for calling him Romeo I think a bit of sick has just come up in my mouth, I bet they dont think ofn foxes when they step in what they think is dogs**t or blame cats for tiping the bins out. IDIOTS.
  12. I shoot for many of the same reasons as theother posters, it is also as said by others in my blood, my dad (although not anymore) was always a keen shot, 2 of his brothers are gamekeepers and my dads side of the family is or was always connected to farming in some way. I started of like most as a youngster with an air rifle, but have progressed on to a shotgun, I also love beating and count the days until the game season starts again. I do like the solitude and peace of the pigeon hide, and again echoing the other posts you see a lot when you sit quietly in a field, we have a lot of kites around our way + buzzards and I always see hares muntjacks and fallow deer + lots of songbirds that will virtually land on you in the hedge wrens, robins, blackbirds. Taking a few pigeons and the odd rabbit or two for the table is what its all about though and unfortunatly my wife will not eat any of it, kids on the other hand love pigeon and always say Daddy you will have to shoot more, they have more of an understanding of where food comes from than most drones in todays world and they are 3 and 5. Talking about peoples ideas about shooting I have never met any hostility from anyone when I mention than I shoot, I think it makes people respect you if anything when they understand whats involved. Anyway enough of my ramblings welcome and I hope the bug bites as I sure it will, although I must say I have only ever shot clays a couple of times.
  13. I use Brasso wadding to clean up the sideplates on my Rizzini does a beautiful job and does not leave any residue in the engraving.
  14. This is just typical of the mindless CHAV moron's we have as a society today, in my opnion 90% of the population are just clueless drones I really fear what is to become of this country.
  15. I think there has been a typing error one to many zero's £250 :look:
  16. I never swerve too avoid animals in the road, as they will just walk or fly off when your upside down in the ditch or having a head on with someone else coming the other way, they can do a lot of damage to cars though, I have seen a Transit that hit a swan and it was written off. Dispatching the bird though is easy as said before grasp the head and just give a quick 1/2 spin/jerk and its done or alternatly if there is a fence post or the like near by a sharp crack on the head works.
  17. If the battery has been dead for the last 5 months it will be had it, they brakedown inside and you can charge it and it will probably hold a charge for a day or a week but IT will let you down new battery £60/70, power steering could be a fractured pipe as this tends to happen in cold weather, no more than around £100/150 fitted in a garage, but it could be the rack which will be considerably more, the gear change is **** on a golf at the best of times but it sounds as if the cables might be seized and I have never had much luck freeing of gear change cables it usually means new cables you might be looking around a couple of hundred quid for these fitted as the cables can be very expensive, handbrake if its disks on the back could be seized caliper/s or handbrake cable or just the pads stuck to the disc budget again £200 if the caliper is seized and needs replacing, if its drums a lot cheaper, just bang the wheel as said before, the front brakesstuck on might clean up with use but if left for some time the pads can burn into the disk necesitating the replacement of disks and pads. Also if the tyres have been flat for a long time check that the sidewall is not damaged when you pump them up as the weight of the car on a flat tyre can damage the sidewall and give you a carbunkle which is dangerous, cars worth about £2000 with a full mot and in good condition so you have to weigh up if its worth repairing or shove it on fleabay as spares or repairs and you could get £1000 or more possibly without laying out any cash or risking finding any more problems. My experience is cars dedterioate quickly when parked up espcially over winter.
  18. One of the reasons things are priced like that is so in a shop the assistant has to open the till to give you change therefore the sale is registered, it sort of helps people just bunging a sly £10 in there pocket.
  19. 3 Today over rape at shelton Beds and 2 at the same place last week Total 1528
  20. I would put the kettle on for James Mason, Howard Hughes, Sir Frank whittle, James Alfred Wright(James Herriot), Sir Donald Campbell, Sir Sterling Moss, and many others in the same vane. I tend to be rather traditional in my choice of people who I admire, although a few are not your traditional hero types I am always inspired by people who actually achive something in life and not just your hopeless overpaid footballers and idiot pop stars who cant even sing without the aid of a computer, I feel this is where kids are going wrong nowadays, my middle name Scott is after Robert Falcon Scott.
  21. marmitemania


    I tend to find that the stainless steel flasks always make the tea taste funny, to me it gives the drink a metal taste i always buy a good quality glass lined one and Im just careful with it.
  22. I use Duraglit wadding on my Rizzini sideplate, brings it up nice and gets in all the scrollwork, just be carefull that you do not let any of the fluid that comes out of it get on the wood, if it does wipe of straight away, my gun has very light wood and even though ive cleaned many times the woodwork has not suffered.
  23. We must not be to horrible to these people if they are apprehended, after all they do have HUMAN RIGHTS. (The right to be slowly turned inside out over a roaring fire.)
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