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Everything posted by Seamus

  1. Thanks for the info; the guy at the dealer was fairly insistent that it needed to be done in a Land Rover workshop. I was quoted well over £100 to get this done and I just can't see how they can justify that. I'll have a look into the Faultmate option and see if I can find anyone locally with the right kit.
  2. Might be a long shot but worth a try! I have a 2010 Disco 4, and have just had to buy a replacement key fob for one that was lost. The key now needs synchronising with the car; I have found some bizarre methods of doing this with Range Rovers on Google, but can't find anything specifically for Disco 4s (or 3s). Anyone in the know have any ideas? Land Rover have quoted me stupid money to do this and I can't believe it's that difficult once you know how! I'll try the Range Rover methods when I get home later, just in case...
  3. Northants are currently quoting a 10 week turnaround and send a reminder out 3 months before expiry (my renewal should be here by Friday).
  4. I have a large pea field next to my house (with Barley stubble nearby) which was harvested about two weeks ago; even after being disked there are still peas on the surface and plenty of pigeons about.
  5. Mick has done a few RFD transfers for me over the last couple of years. For the last one, a couple of weeks ago, he took a semi auto on holiday to Norfolk with him and met the guy I sold it to, handing it over personally! Service doesn't get a lot better than that!
  6. Happy Birthday Pete! How is your new venture coming along? Waiting to test some of the output
  7. Might be worth calling Sywell and asking them if they have any current/future plans, just a thought. A lot of the earth works they did a few years ago were apparently in preparation. Edited to add: Good luck and I for one have my fingers crossed for you!
  8. I know that feeling all to well! You can add me to the potential customer list though for sure, nothing like this close to us.
  9. Is this to do with Sywell Range? I spoke to them a couple of years ago and they were talking of building a rifle range then; but I didn't think anything ever came of it...
  10. Have a look at this link EMA aircraft movements It *may* help to what out what it was. Although not all aircraft are listed with a type.
  11. I'm between Northampton and Towcester
  12. I was 40 in March and it came and went with no fuss whatsoever. I've got 3 kids between 2 and 9 which allow me (in fact it's the law in my head) to behave like a 12 year old on a regular basis, an understanding wife (she has to be, she's 40 next year ) and a lifestyle that I love. I know what I'm doing, what I want to be doing and how I'm going to go about doing it. At the end of the day it's just a number and you won't feel any different!
  13. SOLD! Thanks for the interest (and to Olympic Trap Shooting!)
  14. It's bad enough sat here ! Just got a canoeing gold!
  15. 48, damn that first round 39!
  16. Ive got this link up in the background, it refreshes quite quickly.
  17. My son is 9 and had his first clay lessons this year (with a .410). As has been said, the lesson concentrated on simple incomers to build some confidence. We went to Nick Honesberie's place just outside Priors Marston which isn't that far from you.
  18. It was Haro and PK Rippers in my day; currently my son uses my (yes my, I am 40 but in my head it's perfectly acceptable) Hoffman which is a great bit of kit which I wouldn't hesitate to recommend..
  19. I've got the flat (i.e. doesn't cover the sides) rubber mat, Land Rover original part. I've given up trying to keep the sides clean!
  20. Totally agree with Dr_evil. I bought one of these for my D4 and it wasn't that great at all. The dogs pulled it away from the velcro fastenings almost immediately! I now use the rubber one from my old D3 and it's just a lot less hassle.
  21. I've been waiting for just under 3 months for my FAC to come back from Northants police, it should finally be here within a week or two. I know the two officers covering our area reasonably well, one through a family connection and the other shoots the same ground as me. Ineptitude has absolutely nothing to do with it. They have a massive backlog, have recently been the subject of resource cutbacks and are currently having to cover each others areas (which are not insignificant in size) for land/home visits etc. Just be patient, it's frustrating but that's life.
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