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Everything posted by DaveK

  1. So Britain ain't broken then? Come on, we're ****** as a nation.
  2. Here we go again There are many equally viable alternatives. Some of which are better motivated to help an individual at their point of need. BASC is not necessarily the best option for everyone. maybe just the best known.
  3. Try reversing that and I might just agree. The firearm is the result of having the good reason.
  4. I bet someone comes along and disagrees
  5. ................ unless the soup dragon has different ideas
  6. I took the bottom metal off mine, put the conversion straight in and tightened the action screws. THAT HARD.
  7. So are you saying that BASC who are so adored on this site are stabbing it's members in the back? Neverrrrrr. Shock Horror
  8. Auction site who shall remain nameless Magazine 180911496219 Conversion kit 180912246156
  9. Born in Aberdeen, lived in Cyprus for 3 years as a kid, been to a variety of places in my life, settled in Yorkshire so No, Wakefield isn't the centre of my universe. But it seems to me from your earlier post that you think the good 'ole US of A actually is yours. Stop taking life so seriously mate, you only have one, live it and grow old disgracefully. Now I doubt this is what the OP intended the topic to be about and others have responded tongue in cheek(ish) to my comments so lets let this drop and let the topic get back on track.
  10. Jeebus Harnser, methinks some people are either a wee bit too touchy or just look for someone to poke at when it comes to a bit of P taking. Get over it or if it's so good, ruddy well move there. No problems with Septics at all, I even know some and like them. Mega problems with all the Americanisms being imported here though. This is Britain allegedly. Now I'll let you get back to your Bubba hugging. Have a nice day, missing you already, good Joooob, I'm good, you do the math, I could care less...............
  11. Welcome to the 51st state. But they'll never suppress the Indians over here. They have too many rights.
  12. Pack them some snap and a flask and send them North. Remember they'll need their passport though.
  13. Allegedly, Tony, there have been sightings in N. Lincs and East Yorkshire and up as far as York but I can't remember where I read it. I've certainly never seen any. In fact, quick trawl later: http://www.thestalkingdirectory.co.uk/showthread.php/18205-Muntjac-how-far-have-they-spread-into-yorkshire
  14. Oooooo someone as old as me, thank christ for that I thought they were all deed.
  15. How does a Monkeyhanger drink Mike?
  16. DaveK

    who else ???

    Whatever will the sheep say, Paul?
  17. Bait it where it's a bit shorter and try to get the fox out of cover.
  18. DaveK


    This is a job for Cowboy Builders. Melinda and Dominic and crew will sort it.
  19. Which doubler have you got on the end? At least I think I can see one. If I'm right have you tried to zero with it on and off? And if you have was there any change in POI?
  20. The vid is a good example of how the rabbits show up in the scope Chris. Maybe a little less gain on the brightness would have shown them better.
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