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Everything posted by 0145wirbelwind

  1. I was gutted when i handed in my pistols. Has anything changed NO. When guns are out lawed only outlaws will have them
  2. I thimk you are being a bit hard but bikes dont fly well. They are not made for that kind of impacked
  3. No crisis you want it buy it. You cant spend money in the coffin
  4. I am running a 406 as a taxi. I think it is just run in with 283500 miles on board. Great car but it is as dull as dishwater
  5. Dave Brown what a top man and a great little shop.. top marks all the way round
  6. Evil Elvis how the hell did you get my wife to pose for all them pictures..I have a job to get just one Still to the point tried the ss and the browning then got a beretta
  7. As people say again and again just buy the gun that fit you best and not the one that looks the best.. All a gun is , is a tool. You really dont need the nices peace of wood to break clays or drag across the fields. As long as you like the way it shoots and you are happy with the way it fits and feels then you are half way there
  8. Trap shooter ALWAYS kick off about some thing, if its not the light it will be hard clays and so on...If you want an auto just buy what fits and shoot it. More people are shooting autos now on trap, so give it more time and it will be the norm
  9. Yep you really cant go wrong with an remington 1100 . Top gun for the money
  10. dont even think about deer slugs in Avon and Somerset. They will tell you to do a deer corse and get a rifle. As for a the semi you might get one for pigeons
  11. Its not gun gun that breaks the clay . Its the shot. Its down to you to put it were it matters. You have fun with your little cheap spanish gun and smile ever time you beat some one who looks down their nose at you. Its the best feeling ever.......You have fun and happy shooting
  12. I hate selling guns. If you can keep it and you are not short of money. Then best leave sleeping dogs lie mate
  13. I have two old 1100 and they shoot great. I would buy a new remington if they are as good as the old ones.
  14. Chard Is right who really give a ****. If you want to buy an escort, then buy an escort, People seem to love them or hate them. This just keeps coming up again and again . Is it that you have gone into a shop and paid good money for one and need a bit of reassurance on you buy ?
  15. No just a top shooting gun love mine. I have not tried 65mm shells in it yet but 67mm+ shot fine
  16. I second that , i will not buy a gun with out one
  17. their seems to be a lot of love here on this thred
  18. I have never own an escort. I have shot load of them, some with problems and some shot fine. What it seems to come down to is SNOBBERY you seem to have to be seen with the big name kit and gun . I have seen people shoot far better and have as much fun with a cheap gun and kit than the person how has all the gear and on idear. Now the big question is would i buy one ,NO they just dont fit me as well as other guns. A gun has to feel right in your hands and they dont for me If it fits you cant go wrong for the money really
  19. I am running grabber on my jeep, they are 17" and not that bad off road. I would buy them again no problem
  20. I use 1/4 and 1/2 in my o/u for most things, but i really like the berreta 1/2 choke in my 391 i just feel i can hit anything with it( sometimes i do and sometimes i dont). It just paturns really well
  21. I have a Remmy 1100 that i have had for over 12 years now . Its a really solid gun for its age. Back then guns were made to last . It will shoot most shell but the bigger the better. I have herd that you need to buy a 15 year old Remmington or older to make sure you get a good one ?
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