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Gordon R

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Everything posted by Gordon R

  1. Compak Sporting, large Sporting layout and Skeet. http://www.multimap.com/maps/?hloc=GB|sk13%201jb The Boar Shooting Ground & Accommodation 4.41 miles The Paper Mill Crowden › View on map Tel. 01457 866112
  2. Gordon R


    Cranfield - point taken.
  3. Bolton to Foulridge (Kelbrook) about 33 miles. A6 - Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and alternate Sundays. Decent bunch of poeple. I have been there a lot. Bolton Gun Club - alternate Sundays on same site as A6. Small, friendly club. Rishton - Sundays. Excellent food, good targets and top class family who run it. Rixton - on East Lancs Road - alternate Sundays. Shaw and Crompton- alternate Sundays. Brindle - Sundays. The Boar at Tintwistle - open every day. You need a 4 x 4. You will struggle for others open the rest of the week. If you find any, let me know.
  4. Gordon R


    Dusty - I rest my case. You just can't see what you are.
  5. Gordon R


    It would take a little more to get up my nose. You dish it out easily enough - take it - jury is out on that one. :yp:
  6. Gordon R


    Dusty - second post on this thread. you had a pop about spelling. When I point out your shortcomings you come over a bit nasty. Grow up - sooner the better.
  7. Gordon R


    Dusty Fox - spelling , grammar - please don't lecture anyone.
  8. Too right about the "pen". Saw one shooter at Quarnford miss four on one stand and put in 47/50. We had a few words. He was relegated from first to third. Should have been banned. Absolute cheat and had a reputation for it.
  9. NIce gun. I am on my second XT. 32" adjustable stock (wood comb). Teague long chokes. Love it.
  10. Digger - might well be blinkered and you should not go on holiday thinking of what could go wrong. Sadly, it is a consideration. I won't go into the McCann's saga - I have little time for awful parents who prefer booze to children's safety, but they might have a view on the Police / judicial system in Portugal.
  11. I would never go to a country where the locals were easily upset - a bit volatile - or the legal system was bent / archaic / a bit dodgy. She knew what she was walking into or she is stupid. It's their country and they can do what they want. However, I would be cutting off any aid to that country - end of story. If they wish to be so easily outraged - okay - but not with my money paying their bills.
  12. Rixton and Higher Green - 30 bird Sporting. Both rugged and cheap.
  13. Month??? - What about "once" with a lisp.
  14. I'm with Evo on this one. Absolutely right about charging the battery via the starter. Useful tip.
  15. Gordon R


    Broken Man - your intelligent comments are a wonder to behold. Honda 50 - well, you would probably know all about them.
  16. Gordon R


    LV - me saintly - no way. Just a little careful what I write.
  17. I shot Quarnford many years ago - decent shoot run by John Logan. I heard the clays side of it had closed down - airguns only.
  18. Gordon R


    No halo, but those remarks are stupid. I won't argue, because there is not debate to be had. "Set my cruise control at 75 etc." It speaks for itself. Got copped for speeding - take it on the chin - don't blame someone in a Micra.
  19. Gordon R


    "On Tuesday 2nd October I was out visiting clients in Hertfordshire. I decided to come back to the office down the A120 (dual carriageway) from the M11. The A120 is a lovely new stretch of road, straight and totally empty apart from a few old duffers in Nissan Micras. I am in the fast lane, I have got the cruise control stuck at 75 MPH and all is good in the world. Suddenly one of the old duffers in a Micra indicates and pulls out straight away (without using his rear view mirror) causing me to brake hard and let him continue with his manoevre. As soon as the road in front is clear I slam my foot down on the gas in a rage and I am doing around 100 MPH, just then I look up and there are two coppers on top of a bridge pointing a laser gun thing at me - "Oh golly" I said !! Anyways, just to share with you, I got the letter through today and I was clocked at 92 MPH - DOH !!" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I won't get holier than thou as everyone has broken the speed limit at some time. You broke the law and will pay. However phrases like " I slam my foot down on the gas in a rage and I am doing around 100 MPH" suggest you have little self control and no regard for any law and would have difficulty retaining an SGC, if your FEO was aware of your thoughts.
  20. Quite good. Seen a few around £1800 mark. On a rival gun site, there are three under £2000 - cheapest £1695
  21. McCartney was a passable singer, writer and bass player in the sixties. Since then he has become an embarassment. A recent single - Everybody Dance - or similar - was truly awful. **** music and banal lyrics. He might have made plenty of money, but talent - left the building a long, long time ago.
  22. Gordon R

    O man

    The American obsession with plastic surgery is obscene - witness Sly Stallone, his mother, Michael Jackson, the Bride of Wildestein, Joan Rivers, Ray Liotta - grotesque.
  23. £700 - Browning, Beretta or better still Miroku. Don't even consider the Medallist or Franchi. Franchi autos are okay, but O/U - do me a favour.
  24. Gordon R


    I don't believe in tipping. I don't get tipped, but few people going to prison are likely to be tipping.
  25. Supposed to be until late evening. We will return for another visit. My wife and myself enjoyed the main market. Nice atmosphere. Parking is a bind though.
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