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Gordon R

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Everything posted by Gordon R

  1. Lord Geordie - sadly most people have no idea of what goes missing in the Royal Mail. We are not talking peanuts - millions and millions of pounds. If someone wishes to argue, I would have to point out that you were clearly not in possession of the knowledge.
  2. Sorry - posted e-mail address. New auction starts tomorrow - ends 23.59 hours next Wenesday. Deleted the e-mail - force of habit. If any has a copy???
  3. How many people work for the Royal Mail under their real name? Royal Mail do not know. Criminals join Royal Mail - not for the salary - just to steal. If you work in Royal mail - no offence - but you already know. Agency staff - I have to smile. Mail going astray - why are you surprised?
  4. You can obtain the details for a small fee from DVLA, because it involves an accident. Mobile numbers are not easily traced and any Police personnel parting with details from the PNC, as a favour, would not remain in the Police for very long.
  5. Won a stock last week. Man said it would be posted on 24.1.2008. Not received it, so I phoned just now. It was sat on a desk - still at Litt's. Now going out today. Previously I was impressed - I am less than impressed now. That it what I call shoddy service.
  6. If it's for clays, I would get an auto. You can get a decent O/U for that money, but if you are using it for game and it involves a lot of walking, SBS is the better option.
  7. What are barrel lengths and chokes? What area of Derbyshire are you?
  8. Gordon R

    Is balaclave

    He has an odd line in questions and seems obsessed with what is being killed or in his pants. Immature would be my guess.
  9. I would second that - about Nevilles. Visited the once and was impressed. Very good trade in price. No messing about and telling you there was no market for whatever gun you have. Excellent staff and a pleasure to deal with. Large stock of very good guns - no rubbish. Would not visit the Countryman again - poor stock and staff seemed disinterested / lacking in knowledge. I took a multichoke gun in. Bloke said there was no market for fixed chokes. I ponted out that it was a multi - he said "oh yes". At that point I put the gun back in the slip and left.
  10. Gordon R


    Just cancelled my subscription to Sporting Gun after about 15 years solid. It takes about 5 minutes to read and the shooting fixtures do no seem reliable. Only carried on for the guns for sale section. Very disappointing in recent years.
  11. As a winning bidder they said they would e-mail me. I will post the news, if and when it arrives.
  12. I got a spare Miroku 3800 Trap stock. I was going to have a further bid on the Bisley 2000, but I could only bid on one item at a time and time was running out. Litt's phoned me today - posting the stock to me - free postage. Now that was a bonus. Lad said they would be having another auction in 2-3 weeks.
  13. More surface area in a log split in half - that is why it burns faster.
  14. Adrian S Flux, Norfolk or Hastings Direct.
  15. Don't get the type that replaces the butt plate and moves in and out at the end. Moveable butt plate in effect. I had a Gracoil one and it bounced the gun out of my shoulder, I pulled the trigger again (involuntarily) and the stock hit me in the eye. Useless. I would go with an auto and 24grm loads providing they will cycle.
  16. MY friend Mark has the same problem. I saw a thread on here or another forum saying that the carrier that lifts the second shell up gets twisted and needs straightening. His gun is back in Italy, at Beretta, having the receiver replaced - corroding alloy. A common problem.
  17. They snag on your clothes, but I can't comment on the recoil, as I have never felt any from an O/U - with or without a Kickeez. Whatever you do - don't go down the recoil rducing mechanism that fit on the end of your stock.
  18. Sorry Digger - I am already the high bidder on both.
  19. Sure it's a Miroku? S/S or O/U. Never heard of an O/U with that number.
  20. St Ives Cornwall - going in March. I could easily live there.
  21. People have very short memories. Won promotion for Newcastle and Man City. Keegan was the best manager Newcastle have had in a long time. Runners up to Alex Ferguson - who hasn't been. They played the best football Newcastle has ever seen. I support Leeds, but the Geordies should think themselves lucky that he has returned. The city will be buzzing.
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