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Everything posted by TbirdX

  1. Time for a viz style top tip methinks.... Make your shotgun shoot a bit lower by aiming the barrel a bit below where you normally would. :-)
  2. Freelander but it's not obvious when you view the post through 'view new content'. Putting it in the title might have garnered more responses.
  3. I'm only interested in the effect of recoil on the brain, specifically the OPs assertion that it 'will' lead to brain damage, which is apocryphal at best I fear.
  4. I wouldn't argue that you probably lose a few cells every shot, but then you would lose some walking down the stairs. I'd venture joggers rattle thier brains more than an average shooter. So we're talking about a non issue then.
  5. Specifically that recoil effect damages the brain.
  6. Can you back this up with any scientific data at all. What sources are you referencing?
  7. Sorry, but the recoil effect on the brain is a new one to me. Are you seriously suggesting that recoil from shotguns damages the brain?
  8. As far as I can tell, it switches the editing mode from Source Mode to WYSIWYG. Or something like that
  9. Had an upgrade to ie10 lately have we? I had this the other day, only way I can find to fix it so far is... a) Switch to Chrome which has no issues b.) in the 'reply' panel, in the top left corner is a little icon that looks like a light switch, click that and your enter button will work although it greys out all the other icons. I guess you just toggle it to suit.
  10. I think you'd have more trouble finding a FAC one to be honest.
  11. Mines always worked fine. It does take some getting used to, the loading fork is a vicious beast on the maxus. Remove thumb at 90 degrees.
  12. He won't stay that way... Our Dipstick as a pup... and more recent...
  13. Or here, my Mrs has spent more on guns than I have!
  14. The Mrs and myself share a cabinet, we both own our own guns and they are not listed on both certs. I've spoken to my feo and double checked by phoning the local firearms office and both said there was no need to put guns on both certs. Just shows once again the variability in legislation interpretation.
  15. Eastern Sporting over in Chelmsford is my regular haunt
  16. TbirdX

    Pump Action

    Essex based so Liverpool a bit far and don't fancy the Revo. Ketterings doable, whats you got Bosher? Would love the Benelli but just cant justify that much I'm afraid.
  17. TbirdX

    Pump Action

    Whats out there...tempt me
  18. TbirdX


    I've been on 10mg for a while now. I read all those horror stories too when I was first prescribed but ignored them basically. The internet is full of doom and gloom with things like that and of the gazillion people on them a number so small as to be worth taking no notice of post on the net about how bad they found them. Worry not, live your life.
  19. Did you check Stevenage using the same criteria? Couldn't find any under offer there either but maybe I wasn't searching right. I think it says more about the housing/mortgage market than it does the areas tbh.
  20. Anyway, to try and bring it back to being a useful thread, have a look here... http://www.haart.co.uk/Buying/AdvancedPropertySearch/PropertySearchResults/tabid/3730/Default.aspx and here... http://www.geoffreymatthew.co.uk/search.aspx?ListingType=5&areainformation=0%7c0%7c0%7c%7c23&areainformationname=Harlow&radius=0&maxprice=200000&igid=&imgid=9&egid=&emgid=&category=1&defaultlistingtype=5&markettype=0&cur=GBP
  21. Complete drivel. Come back when you have half a clue perhaps.
  22. I dont mind you having a downer on the place but base it on something better than that. If you can't give an opinion thats actually worth something, and back it up with some substance then it's not really worth much and I hope the OP will treat it as such.
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