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Everything posted by TbirdX

  1. Yup, echo all the above. Thanks to Alan and the team we had a great days shooting and will definately be back for more.
  2. I have my voting slip and absolutely no idea who is standing...or indeed, if anybody is standing as I haven't seen one iota of campaigning around my manor. Kind of makes it tricky to know who to vote for.
  3. Our cocker, who is a pet and has no working experience whatsoever has never been bothered by fireworks night. We go for our usual walk in the evenings with the bangs and flashes going off all over and he doesn't even look up. Nose to the ground on the trail, has a **** and ****** up every lampost same as always It's just november the 5th to him.
  4. The wife and myself both shoot semi autos, in the wifes case, it's her first and only gun. I wouldn't get too hung up on the type. Get what suits you...although, how you will know that as a newbie is somewhat guess work. Give me a shout via pm and maybe we can arrange for you to come up the M11 one sunday and have a bash with a 12g and 20g semi and an O/U on the practice stand at our local ground. Might give you an idea as to the idosyncracies of each type.
  5. TbirdX


    Should be called 'Alien...Again' Change a few names, give it a plot tweak here and there and it's the same film. Bit like 'The Thing' the other year.
  6. Just to help you cyclists out a bit, this... actually means 'Stop'.
  7. Coming down the M1 yesterday we saw, and smelled lots of smoke and the carriageway was partially covered in smoke. Same fire perhaps? It sure looked nasty from the motorway whatever it was.
  8. OK, count me + 3 in Looking forward to this I assume plaswad and semi autos are ok?
  9. My albino catfish was called Artie Gruber...anyone remember him? 2000AD was the best comic ever.
  10. Yes, but it stops the criminal element obtaining them doesn't it, which is, after all the whole point. (yes I know thats dangly bits, sarcasm doesn't work well on a forum huh )
  11. No, it's just you. You are the anti-christ
  12. I asked this same question to a very good shot I had a few rounds with. His opinion was that after the first round, when you've shot a reasonable score, you cease to shoot 'what you see' and instead try to replicate the round you shot before, falling into a kind of, 'I shot 9 here last round its so easy I don't have to try' mentality. Loosely, shoot what you see, not shoot what you expect to see I guess. I've only ever done 2 rounds once, the 2nd round was so poor it knocked my confidence and I vowed never to do 2 again My scores have improved a bit since then.
  13. Celtic..anyone want to bet against me?
  14. Had firsts through my Maxus no problems at all. Prefer Olympics myself though.
  15. They're all good, I have a grade 2 hunter, suits me, but you won't go wrong with any of them. Buy the one you like the look and feel of
  16. For me it was when Pendleton arrived at my house, naked and invited me to 'take a shot at the gold big boy...' Or did I dream that?
  17. "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ***, and I'm all out of bubblegum" - Roddy Piper in They Live "Cobra assault cannon, state of the art, Bang Bang" Clarence Boddicker - Robocop ""I ran outta gas. I had a flat tire. I didn't have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn't come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from outta town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake, a terrible flood, locust's. It wasn't my fault!! I swear to God!!" Jonh Belushi - The Blues Brothers
  18. I noticed that too, wonder what advantage it gives, or is it just fashion?
  19. TbirdX


    I wish I were a glow worm For they are never glum How can you be grumpy When the sun shines out your bum
  20. I had a similar situation some years back.I was delivered 2 TVs by mistake. I phoned the company and explained their mistake, they said they'd arrange to collect one. 6 months later, after hearing nothing from the company, I unpacked the 2nd one and have it to this day. Well, I tried at least.
  21. TbirdX

    Olympic Shooting

    Seating is a free for all. There are results screens on the shooting fields themselves, I don't know about elsewhere on the grounds. I did hear talk of screens in the 'tents' but I didn't visit them or see them myself. These shots are all from the main or centre seating area. There are 3 in total, the main as shown and 2 smaller ones, one either side of the main. You can see all three shooting fields from the centre stand, it really is the place to be.
  22. TbirdX

    Olympic Shooting

    Ah, don't be fooled, we were there very, very early and the seats were all full for the competition. Heres the same stand just a little while later... Filling up nicely.
  23. TbirdX

    Olympic Shooting

    The layout for the skeet... Busting a clay from the middle stand... and the centre seating area...
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