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Everything posted by TbirdX

  1. 62.5% of all statistics are made up on the spot....apparently
  2. I should say, like Salop above I had settled on buying an SX3 until I handled one. It felt too slim around the handgrip and I really wanted wood. I then picked up the Maxus and it felt instantly at home in the shoulder, came up and swung right. I was sold. Maxus for me.
  3. Both are generally very well thought of. Like shot shot above I have a Maxus and think it's lovely. The speed loading feature is something I'm not sure I could live without on a semi now.
  4. No, thats out of order and downright dangerous. I'd have asked him to unload it and then reported him to the shoot organisers tbh. No need for a gun to be loaded unless your in the stand about to shoot.
  5. Mine gets done every 50-100 carts, but only because I shoot twice a month, which leaves me plenty of time between for cleaning.
  6. Got another team intrested as well subject to the usual.
  7. OK, well stick me down for a team of 2 subject to dates times etc Cheers.
  8. MIght be up for a bash at this, what venue?
  9. I'm guessing you are right handed and close your left eye when shooting. Is that correct?
  10. Hello Scuta, it's where I'm still cutting my teeth Next time you pop in give me a shout and I'll stand you a cup of Hayleys finest. Happy new year to you sir.
  11. My firm got charged a £4000 finders fee for an IT guy I believe
  12. Well theres nothing wrong with a change if you fancy it. You do run the risk of not getting on with whatever you buy and missing your old gun though. Any chance you can try a few of the usual suspects before purchase to see how they feel to you? Any new Semi in the price range you are talking about 'should' be a decent gun but you will always find those that had a good experience and those that didn't. When I was looking, I narrowed my choice to a 2nd hand 391 but couldn't find one close enough so then looked at a Franchi, an Xplor and various others but settled on a Maxus. It fit me and I'm more than happy with it.
  13. I shoot clays with a Maxus Hunter and it works just fine for me and is a great gun. The Carbon 'sporting' version is also very highly regarded by those that have them.
  14. Micheal Bentines Potty Time Khyber Pass
  15. 22 years and counting. Not bad for a couple married at 22 and 21, everyone else we know is on partner 2 or 3
  16. Ebay perhaps.... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/5-GUN-CABINET-EXTRA-LENGTH-WIDTH-SCOPED-RIFLES-LONG-SHOTGUNS-GUN-SAFE-/160706106560?pt=UK_SportingGoods_Hunting_ShootingSports_ET&hash=item256ad494c0
  17. They use an hybrid off road bike in an exclusively on road enviroment? Really. My flabber would never have been so ghasted if you can tell me who uses one in the Tour De France.
  18. You have to list it on Gunwatch and it automatically comes through to the sales section here. Theres a sticky at the top of the Private Sales forum that tells you what you have to do HTH
  19. Hi all, what are folks using for degreasing the trigger groups. I have a Maxus and it's cleaning time and I'm wondering what I should do with the trigger group regards degreasing and lubing. Cheers
  20. £100 :blink: That is an absolute steal, in fact, it's almost criminal. As far as I've read the SX3 is highly rated and I don't recall reading anything bad of any significance about them thus far. I almost bought one myself but on handling it, it just didn't fit me as well as the Maxus I eventually bought. Check one out, if it feels right you wont go far wrong.
  21. Sounds like the gun for me, my shot never goes where the clay is so maybe if I don't actually shoot where I'm aiming I'd stand a better chance
  22. I took my Maxus from shop to clay ground and fed it 28g loads with no problems. It gets cleaned every outing but will cycle 21g loads with no problems at all.
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