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Everything posted by .223

  1. I know what traps you mean i thought of making one myself the only problem was you can only realy use them on well used runs. i wanted mine for some stables were i do the rabbit control but the rabbits had no set runs so it would not have worked very well so i brought my self 3 rabbit cage traps which i bait with carrot and lettuce instead place them outside the warrens and before you know it that warren is cleared i have caught approx 100 rabbits this year and it is more effective now the youger ones are about.
  2. .223

    New Guy

  3. .223


    Welcome back Big Dave your lucky my GCSE's start in 2 weeks
  4. just got back from checking my rabbit traps, gutted 3 rabbits got home tryed this tip and guess what no smell. Thanx MAJ
  5. All ready to go truck loaded guns ready in the hall just opened the door and it started raining thought we would leave it 10mins still raining, 20 mins still raining, 30 mins still raining, 2 bloody hours later still bloody raining . so sadly the field will have to wait but with the same weather forcast for the rest of the week and school starts again monday it could be a while till im out again . but still theres the gamefair on saturday to look forward to
  6. .223


    There was a joke but it looks like it has been moderated
  7. My dad went shooting yesterday with a friend to the same field of spring barley we shot last friday and had the 129. They were there for 6 hours and shot till they ran out of cartridges they ended up with 142 pigeons for 379 shots and my dad thinks there is were still enough there today for another 100+ bag tomorrow.
  8. .223

    slow computer

    i have never done a disc clearup what is one? i dont really know alot about computers. my computer is not slower it is just that the new topics and posts in off topic chit chat did not register untill today but today it seem to be working fine.
  9. .223

    slow computer

    i think it is my computer but its the first time its happened that i know of.
  10. Aron Johnson i know your going there you idiot my dads taking us.
  11. the best bag i have ever had was when me my dad and his mate were shooting on some rape stubble we had 278 pigeons for about 500 shots that day was just constant shooting as soon as you reloaded the gun there were some more in the pattern ready to be shot we also had a couple of times when we would get 6 birds from a group between the 3 of us.
  12. .223

    slow computer

    is it my computer or has anyone else only just recived all the new topics and posts that were made yesterday. in off topic chit chat
  13. Thought i reconised the pic
  14. Any one going to the Shooting 2003 at stoneleigh on the 26th and 27th April ? I shall also be at weston park but sadly only for one day.
  15. .223

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday A.R.P have a good'n .223
  16. Went out today and found a freshly drilled field of spring barley there were about 30 birds on it but had a well used flight line going straight over it with pigeons heading off to some pea drilling were i dont have permission. so i set up about 100yrds down the hedge of the flight line as there was a footpath under it. pigeons came in packs of 15 and 20s all day following the flight line with the ocassional 2 or 3 braking off and coming to our deeks. we shot from 11:30 untill 5:30 and had a totall of 129 pigeons for 237 shots. but there must have been well over 700 birds visit the pea field through out the day. After we had set up for about 30min we saw a shape come into the deeks at a great speed and knock a bird of cradle then it flew straight into the air and cirled the deeks about 100ft above them it was a peregerine then out of now were a second one came in zig zaging through the deeks knoking some of the cradles as though it was trying to flush them into the air for its mate circling above this went on for about 10mins untill we cleared them off as they were putting off the pigeons. .223
  17. i have shot tungsten matrix and bismuth at duck and goose and out of the two i would recommend the tungsten as if i hit the birds they were dead we had only the odd runner with them but i have found that with the bismuth it does not kill as clenly i have put this down to the pellets not penatrating the flesh of the birds aswell i have plucked birds and found the bismuth shot lying just in the birds still visable.
  18. .223

    Happy birhday

    Happy Birthday have a good'n .223
  19. Why not try www.cabelas.com they are in america but sell a wide range of clothing for very reasonable prices i know a couple of people who have ordered ther products and are very happy with what they recived you can order a free cataloge from the website with all the gear in expect about 15 days wait for the cataloge once you have asked for one. most of the stuff in there still works out cheaper once you add on the p&p than if you went out and bought one from you local gun shop.
  20. You could try using a plastic little owl with a dead magpie tied to its feet along with a couple of plastic deeks in the trees around and use a magpie distress call then just sit back in a well cocealed hide with an acurrate air rifle and wait for the fun to start. i have used this tactic twice before with great sucsess one trip i had 11 the other i had 5 the 11 were taken next to a muck heap were there were loads of magpies all the time. i used a plastic little owl with flapping wings. my hide was made so that i was lying on the floor with the net more or less lying straight on top of me. i picked up all the birds i shot straight away so not to put any others of.
  21. I have a Primos call that is very good that has worked for me for years
  22. drove round all morning and afternoon saw nothing then at 3.00 we found a drilled pea field with 200+ birds on it got hold of the farmer got pemission and got to the field we walked all the birds off and set up at 3.45 packed up at 5.45 in that time had 17 shots and 13 pigeons all the birds we walked off had went and landed 2 fields away and there they stayed for the rest of the day.
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