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Everything posted by .223

  1. Express Super game 32grm no6s for me.
  2. Hi Aaron you could check this website www.justcartridges.com to get an idea of whats on offer. some cartridges are as cheap as £82 per 1000.
  3. .223

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday Deako have a good'n B)
  4. Happy Bithday have a good'n
  5. We use bisely magnums as it tends to disintergrate any other pellets we fire as it goes down the barrel we use. Shouldent this topic be in Airgunners
  6. You can also order them from www.solwayfeeders.com they sell two types one for £5.85 and one for £4.40 i have used both to great effect.
  7. Moles are small mammals that live underground and surface only occasionally. They have very poor sight and feed mainly on worms and insect larvae that they find by the sense of touch. They are black in colour and grow between 11cm and 16cm in length.
  8. With the weather we have been having recently it does not suprise me you have been seeing quite a few foxes in the daytime. i have found there are 2 situations when you get a lot of foxes above ground These are after a very cold night when the foxes have not left the earths due to how cold it is so you see alot about from first light all the way through till dinner searching for a much needed snack you can account for alot of foxes if you go out with the rifle early morning after a very cold night due to this. The other is when it is really hot i tend to see alot of foxes kind of sunbathing making the most of the weather you can also shoot alot of foxes when the weathers like this if you go out with the shotgun and walk around the edge of a wood in the middle of the day especially if there is long grass ot crop around it about knee height.Sometimes you can walk quietly right up to within 10yrds of the fox before it realises you are there.
  9. .223

    Happy Birthday

    :unsure: Happy Birthday BTMS,have a good'n .223
  10. .223

    Larsen traps

    or you could try www.police999.com/wildlife/snares1.html These have info on most traps.
  11. .223

    Larsen traps

    I dont think the weather is to bad now for the call birds.I know people near me who keep there call birds all year round.
  12. .223

    Larsen traps

    yp If you need a call bird though the best thing to do is bait a larsen trap with day old chicks you can get from most pet shops,thats how i get mine every year works a treat.
  13. Just wondering how many of you trap the magpie's? If so how's it going i've had 11 since the begining of the month and they have all been took of my grandpa's lawn, have not had chance to take the traps down the farms yet probably get round to it next weekend. Also what traps do you think work best i have 2 top entry traps and 2 side entry traps, i get best results from the side entry but every one says top entry traps only work on magpies the side entrys are for crows. Interested to see how everyone else is getting on so look forward to your posts. .223
  14. Any one done any good? Just got back from shooting a drilled field had 42 crows and 6 pigeons. started at 6:00. could not see my furthest decoy due to thick fog which disapeared at around 9:00 to reveal a large flock of crows in the opposite field let of a couple of shots every thing flew off to the wood and then slowly drifted back in two's and three's and i had continuose shooting since then. :unsure:
  15. .223


    Thanx for the advice guys i shall take into acount everything you have said when i place my order. :unsure:
  16. Just got back after spending 3 hours looking for a field for tomorrow must have scanned 10 drilled fields of which only about 2 had pigeons on them the most on one field was 11.only saw about 25 pigeons all afternoon. One field had about 150 crows on though so looks like i'v got an early start tomorrow morning.
  17. .223


    i found Cabelas outfitters (America) on the internet last month and ordered a catalog of there stuff it arrived 5 days ago full of good equipment and cheap clothing i am thinking of ordering some jackets and trousers from them. so i was wondering if any one else has orded anything from them and if they are really as good as it describes because its along way to send stuff back. you can order a free catalog at www.cabelas.com
  18. i also have found very few pigeons on the drillings, come to think of it i have found very few pigeons any were else in my area. all winter the rape fields have been hammered around here with more than a 100 on most fields. Then again they were slow to pick up on the rape so maybe it will be the same with the drillings.But for now there are non about around here.
  19. .223


    You can get a cammo tape to stick over your barrels but i do not like the idea of this as you will have to take it off after each trip incase water has goten in between the tape and barrel to prevent rust. I prefere just to keep the barrels inside the hide untill the very last moment also if you wear glass's these shine just as bad so it is a good idea to get some contacts.
  20. We have only been broken into once while pigeon shooting we even saw them do it through the bino's they were to far to give chase. But we should have expected it with a travellers site just down the road. We always display our BASC sticker in the back of our motors.
  21. .223


    I agree go get him
  22. I agree with ernyha and take the mid-morning approach, I used to always get there before fist light but since starting getting there mid-morning the bags have not changed if any thing they have grew. I do however get there before first light if i am crow shooting.
  23. Shooting/Fishing 2003 26 & 27 April
  24. i had never seen a white pigeon up intill last year when i saw 3 my dad's friend shot one and about a month later my dad had one come into his deeks.also i spotted one on a field of rape last winter which stayed on the same field for about 3 weeks iv got some film of it some where. we have a couple of white crows around our school and theres a few more but with just white wings. also on a farm where i shoot there is a white rabbit which has been ther for about 2 years last year there was about 5 younger ones about but theyve all disappeared. also one of the farms where i shoot has loads of pure black rabbits. dose any one know a taxidermist in the Midlands who will stuff my dads mates pigeon as he wants it mounting but the 3 taxidermists he has contacted have refused as the feathers tend to drop out of them easily.
  25. .223

    Happy birthday

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :( :( :(
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