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Everything posted by .223

  1. the first rape field have been swathed today but there has been quite afew sparayed all ready. one farmer said he will be thinking about harvesting the barley in about a week.
  2. here theres only about 2 fields were the barley is still standing. plus the oats and wheat fields all have a couple of laid patches. my biggest laid patches is about 10 acres (the whole field)
  3. .223

    DSC level one

    for more info on the cd look at : http://www.deer-uk.com/deerquest.htm i am sure it would be very helpful to anyone else thinking of doing the course
  4. chat rooms opened up early tonight if anyones interested
  5. .223

    Gun choices.

    you could try Avalon guns they have quite a few new and s/h guns in you price range http://www.gunlist.co.uk/
  6. .223

    Is my puter?

    no problems for me and my computer is nearly always playing me up.
  7. .223

    DSC level one

    it works out a £110 cheaper if i only do the test which will pay for an extra days stalking in november.
  8. .223

    DSC level one

    i am taking the exam in worcester and the examiner is Ian Bellard. i have just ordered the deer- Quest CD from the BDS website which has all the questions and answeres on it and video clips and photos.
  9. .223

    DSC level one

    im am set to take my DSC Level one in 3 weeks time and was wondering if anyone on the forum had taken it already and can offer any advice. i am not doing the 3 day course but going in for one day to take the whole test.
  10. .223


    this is about maximum i would shoot them at but my dad will quite easily shoot them at 140yrds head shots. i said 200yrds as i have heard people shooting at this range regulary after rabbits and as i said you would have to be a good shot to try at this range.
  11. .223


    with my FAC you could kill a rabbit at 55yrds headshot with a 22lr you are probably looking out to 200yrds but you would have to be a good shot
  12. dosent any one in your school no how to get past the filter every one in my old school knows whithin a couple of days of them upgrading.
  13. come on red_stag88 , Quercus get in the chat room everyone else is in
  14. they can do ever more damage tearing around looking for 20+ dead birds coming in and out jumping up and down to see were there headed
  15. same here went and shot some laid barley saturday picked 67 but there must have been about another 20 that couldent be picked.
  16. did u mean to have one jug bigger than the other just like the original
  17. heres a bobcat i did not take the pic though
  18. t6ry this 100 links to shooting sights http://www.hitsunlimited.com/cgi-bin/100to...top.cgi?ID=1205
  19. .223

    paper targets

    just found this page http://www.varmintal.net/atarg.htm
  20. loads of turkeys, deer and racoons no hogs yet.
  21. anyone know what this is? Cranfield is it a road runner?
  22. WOW that the first image i'v been able to post
  23. nice buck at hilton Cranfield would this be a white tail
  24. .223


    coming home from pigeon shooting once the car in front hit a mallard and slammed the brakes on and stopped the poor mallard had a broken wing and was in a mess so my dad pulled over and the women asked him what she should do he said kill it as it would not survive and she agreed so he did, he went to put it in the van and the woman more or less said i ran it over so i shall keep it took it off him. we found out later on she was a teacher from my mums school were she works who is very anti-hunting
  25. .223


    the advantage would be the increased range and power. it also is not as restricted with the shots you can take, like with a normal air rifle i would not shoot a rabbit in the heart /lungs yet with my fac i would feel more confident in ensuring a kill, also with pigeon it does not matter were you hit them they will drop as the pellet will easily pass through the crop or breast of a bird the rules are as far as i know the same that applies to all other rifles no i would not shoot foxes out at 100 yrds with it the first problem would be hitting it as the pellet would have dropped about 2 foot by then the second there would not be enough power left in the pellet to kill it .i would not shoot foxes past 45yrds with mine.
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