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Everything posted by .223

  1. .223


    i agree with HH a larsen trap would be your best option i have trapped 67 magpies and 52 crows copmared to the 12 magpies i have shot in the same time. caught 2 this morning on my grandads lawn probabley have another tonight. i have 3 Traps i brought about £65 each 4 trap compartments side entry. and 3 i made myself 1 trap compartment top entry. they came to around £15 each
  2. .223


    I know we have a few clay shooters on here and so was wondering if we had any members of this club if you are could you please tell me the benifits i would have if i joined them. i have been shooting clays for 4 years and regulary beat my dad and other adults in local comps and have been told by a few really good clay shooters who i know i should join the Cpsa and i would get expert training to help me improve even more as i have no technique and have only been to 3 lessons. Any advice would be great Thanx .223
  3. i used to shoot with one eye closed when i first started shooting this was because i was left eye dominent the instructer said that i can learn to shoot left handed or close one eye and hope that because i was still young my eye dominece would change to my right which it did and with out realising i started to shoot with both eyes open.
  4. i had abou 35 on some spring rape on saturday and my friend shot 167 on some other spring rape on another farm. thats the only thing there feeding on in this area but we have more peas this year than any other year i can remember i have only had one day on peas this year that resulted in only 26.
  5. Crow killer you could try not using any static deeks just your magnet or a couple of floaters so the birds come in to have a look but cant see any birds feeding so hopefully they should just fly by but in range. or if there is a tree close by put some lofters up and shoot them coming to land in that. .223
  6. Happy Birthday Billm Have a good'n .223
  7. .223


    Happy birthday dead eye **** have a good'n
  8. hi simon i think it would be more than worth it to go out in the evenings now the days are longer its one of the best times of the day espesially in really hot weather as they all will be feeding in the cooler evenings. .223
  9. i shoot them with bisley magnums and chest shoot them but my air rifle is doing 30ftlb. most pellets will kill a crow i would have thought as long as you hit them in the neck head region.
  10. BigDave14 if you look on the list of contents on the left of the page click on the title Quarry then click on crows. it is near the bottom of the page.
  11. was he a vicar by any chance :blink:
  12. the vicor used an old cock pheasant. but i guess you could use anything rabbits and pigeons might be the easiest to get hold off unless the keeper has any pheasants die he may give you.
  13. 10p frozen but he collects
  14. i know an old vicor who used a similar meathod he had a dead pheasant tied to some string the string ran round his fence through a window and into his bedroom and was atached to a bell. he kept his shotgun by the window and new exactly were the pheasant was tied down. all he had to do was go to bed when he heard the bell he woke walked into the landing opened the window and bang!! went back to bed woke up the following morning and disposed of the fox. the vicor also has been known to marry 2 people in the morning with his cape thing over his shooting clothes then race down the local shoot for the afternoon.
  15. .223


    :blink: Happy Birthday Rob G
  16. unlucky we have just sold our 4 gun cabinet for £50 as it had 6 guns in it and with me buying my new one we have decided to go to a 10 gun. just a week late sorry :blink:
  17. around my area at least one farm i shoot the rabbit have mxy then it will die away and another farm will show rabbits with signs of mxy it is a year long battle for rabbits here but the main time is around july.
  18. .223


    Thanx guys and happy birthday to Columbus Polumbus for last week :blink:
  19. .223


    Hi ya'all had a great time just got back fishing was a lot better this year we had 2 wrasse on the ledger and 3 garfish 2 coalfish and 25+ mackrel on the feathers . off the rocks was that good we only went on one boat trip and we had 4/5 dogfish each and a couple of pouting. the town was a bit disepointing at night from tues to thurs consideing it was wit week. had a great time any way and had about 10 hours sleep for the whole week . so off to bed soom and will wake up monday morning. Also stopped of at Avalon guns on the way back and got a 12 bore berreta Al 391 urika m/c semi-auto. might just wake up for a couple of hours claying tomorrow aswell. and a bit of revision as exams monday :blink:
  20. .223


    would my carp rod be ok for off the rocks? we went last year and caught nothing offf the rocks only saw 3 fish caught all week. but then we went out on the boats wreck fishing and bagged up every time so i shall probably mainly be doing that this time but it is still nice to spend a couple of mornings off the rocks. i still have all the tackle from last year ie. spinners, flys, floats and weights. willl 15lb line be ok or shall i get some 20lb? ( tell me about every building is ither a pub,club or arcade i think there is a internet cafe there as well so if i have time i shall probly call in and post my results. yp you sound just like my dad
  21. .223


    After the exams i start a 3 year course in brickwork but it is only 2 days a week so looks like i shall be working soon but i have 12 weeks to fill in between my last exam and when my course starts so i will probably work for my dad for 3 days shoot for 4 not that bad of a holiday really.
  22. .223


    what do you mean i am dyslexic and im predicted straight C's apart from in french as i dropped it. I did my english lit yesterday and still have : 2 Geography 2 Enghlish lang 1 Design 1 Re 3 Maths 2 Business studys To do but the best bit is i only have to go to school to do them then i can come home, and i compltely finish school on the 12th of june
  23. .223


    yea talk about it are school worse than everyone else because we have been put into special measures by her magestys inspectors. but i think aslong as your coursework you do this year is good you should have hardly any problems in the exams. because of my coursework i just have to turn up to get a C in my design GCSE
  24. .223


    Yes i had my first yesterday i think i have passed that then the main lot start 2 days after i get back so i will have to do some serious revision on the sunday when i get back.
  25. .223


    C'ya im off to Newquay tomorrow night for a week with some off my mates for my 16th birthday. should be a laugh hoping to do alot of sea fishing in the day(Clubbin at night) so was wondering how its fishing down there if any off you have been out and what set up would be best for off the rocks.
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