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Everything posted by .223

  1. neil i get about 30 shots out of mine but it is a really old gun
  2. This is very true i spent ages looking for a pellet that did not deform as it travells down the barrel i tried about 15 different sorts untill i tried bisley mags and they work a treat. i shoot a .22 Manatu and it does 29.8ft/lbs with bisley mags but does 33ft/lb with accupells but it literally blows them up.
  3. .223

    Skeet comp

    it all really depends on the layout of the shoot and the distance the clays are from the guns one sporting layout i go to all the birds are really close and no further than 25yrs so i use 1/4 choke maximum another place i go everything is between 40-45 yrds and i use 3/4 and full for most.so it all really depends on were you are shooting and the distance and angle the clay is being thrown.
  4. i may try using that orange netting this weekend if the boss will let me borrow some but i dont think he will like the reason why i want it.
  5. never tried this on pigeons but did on crows last year lying down in the stubbles and covered ourself with desert camo nets shot quite a few but some wern't sure and did not decoy to well.
  6. theres plenty of birds appearing all of a sudden round my area they are feeding on laid barley, spring rape sparse winter rape, clover, grass seed and peas . i dont know were they are all coming from, this time last month there was hardly any now theres 1000's .not managed to get out thats the only problem now i have started work and last 2 weekends have been spent at family get to gethers and BBQ's :( but have got thursday off and nothing booked for this weekend.
  7. i take it that its is legal then.
  8. i thought so i was just making sure what about shooting them by moonlight.
  9. it may work but you will have to stay as still as the scarecrow because if you are going to be wearing really bright colours the crows will pick up on the slightest movement espessialy if the scarecrow has been dead still in the same position for a couple of days. if you do try it please post and let us know how it got on.
  10. .223


    yes i have shot a rats on a number of occasions lamping in barns only to rerturn half an hour later to find one of their mates eating them.i ended up with quite a pile of them one night were they were all stopping at the same spot to eat one another about 5 i think.
  11. are you alowed to shoot pigeons on the lamp with a shotgun say if you are walking around a wood and distuerb them roosting and they fly out.
  12. .223


    you could try peanuts my grandpa puts loads out everyday to feed the birds and it attracts alot of rats. which is great because when ever i visit i always bag at least 6 and a couple of woodies which he hates as they eat everything in sight. or what about corn as rats seem to be attracted to it when its in pheasant feeders and my dads friends has some racing pigions and he gets rats in the loft eating the grains he feeds the birds
  13. Our beer, Which art in barrels, Hallowed be thy drink, Thy will be drunk, I will be drunk, At home as it is in the local, Forgive us this day our daily spillage, As we forgive those who spillage against us, And lead us not into the poncey practise of wine-tasting, And deliver us from alco-pops, For mine is the bitter, The ale and the larger, For ever and ever, Barman. Read this and thought of some members of this site for some reason.
  14. I can't make the CLA this year after all as i am off to scotland stalking. But i am going Western park do any of you know if you can make it there yet?
  15. i get alll my tackle from gamefairs and tackle auctions theres some great deals last auction i bought 100 floats for £2.50 and a decent 11 meter pole for £15. its best when no one knows there on and theres only about 10 of you actually biding.
  16. its a .22 Manatu i think they have been taken over by falcon now.
  17. .223


    All my shooting lately has been on spring rape and sparse winter rape with the bags averaging 40 but best being 102 my dads friend had 187 the other day off some sparse winter rape. there is acres and acres of peas around but the pigeons wont touch them.
  18. I always thought you could use them under an open licence as long as you had a good reason e.g protecting songbirds and there nests. im not really bothered about paying to much for the chicks 100 will last me 2/3 month as i only use them when i run out of rabbit and magpies to feed them and its better than paying 25p each which is my only other option with out traveling to far for them.
  19. you can buy them frozen from most good pet stores or most falconery centers, petworld sell them for 25p each but i buy 100 frozen for £6.
  20. bigdave i do the same i never concentrate on the barrels or on how much lead to give things i just concentrate on the target and my swing. if people ask me when i am clay shooting how much lead i am giving them i can't tell them because i dont know which is not good as people think i am winding them up.
  21. once the young rooks can fly most of the rooks will leave the rookeries untill next breeding season
  22. .223


    yes they have a website iv just been on it look like its the same as basc more or less but with these you have the chance to shoot for your county and stuff and they can offer expert coaching.
  23. I always use day old chicks to catch my first call bird but i do somtimes but eggs in with them as well and make a sort of fake nest. for crows i always use a rabbit with its belly slit open.
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