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Everything posted by .223

  1. GOOD LUCK Red stagg shoot straight
  2. I think he means he has been shooting the rabbits which have got mixy. not he has been using mixy to kill them.
  3. i use a berreta 687 multichoke over and under for my pigeon shooting with 1/2 and 3/4 chokes and 32grm cart's i also use a felix sarri.....something, can't remember the second bit, over and under fixed chokes 1/2 and 3/4 for my game and rough shooting as it is a hell of alot lighter than the beretta so easyer to carrt around.
  4. Sounds just like my lab only he dosent point. but he will also pull down wounded deer including big reds
  5. We finished with 72 rooks and 4 squirrels for 107 shots between 9 guns. 5 of us went down to the park were we waited for the rooks to return to the great lime's they came in high the dropped straight into the tops of the trees very testing shots we finished with 22 for 92 shots ( i said they were testing shots).
  6. Were going out tomorrow should be a good do, on the jackdaws in the park afterwords that always testing shooting.
  7. .223

    Highdowns Hunter

    Happy Birthday HH Have A Good'n
  8. on the shoot were i beat nearly every drive involves a gun on th road. one stand is in the church yard. The first drive involves driving the birds over a row of cottages to the guns lined out on the road the other side. it is quite common to go round knocking on the cottage doors asking for birds which have fell into the gardens. On beaters day last year i had a peg which was on a road and half way through a police car pulled up next to me (i nearly died) the officer inside just asked how i was doing and if i had, had any luck then drove off.
  9. are shoot has been delayed till futher notice due to lack of branchers
  10. The eggs have hatched
  11. Me, My dad and a couple of mates are 99% likely to be going. Does any one Know how much it is to pitch a tent there? as we are on about staying for 2 days as we have been for the last 3 years and neveer seen the whole show.
  12. Good luck and happy hunting Cranfield, Have a great time .223
  13. .223

    selling pigeons

    Didn’t think of that there’s something for my dad to do tomorrow when he is supposedly working
  14. .223

    selling pigeons

    Our town is having a farmers/local produce market in a couple of weeks and me and my dad were thinking of having a stall selling pigeons, Rabbit, venison, pheasant (The pheasants left over from last season). Should make a bit more than 30p a bird. Do you know of any thing that can stop us doing this such as licence's we now we will need a licence to sell game but is there anything else we need to know.
  15. I tryed this quite a few times last year setting up on a grass field which was next to a large rape field (not my land)I just set up a normal pattern next to a sitty tree i think my best bag was 41 in a day. it sounds like you could a few good luck.
  16. Thats good new's because the local shoot are holding the rook shoot on the 12th
  17. .223

    Firearms Lisence's

    This is not for definite but the firearms officer said he thinks they are definitely going to tighten up on air rifles as we all no and he thinks they may be bringing in test that need to be taken before you get your licence’s just like in Europe. Also changing the age limits around for shotguns and firearms.
  18. .223

    flight pond

    I have no idead how he got them but he had all 4 in the space of a week we found the remains in the field next to the pond .
  19. .223

    flight pond

    we do not have an island as of such but in the middle is a big patch of bull rushes as it started ou6t as a little damp pit full of them so we dug out a 5 metre moat around them the water is about 1 foot deep were they are with about 3 - 4ft all the waty round shallowing up as you get to the bank. we do have some nest boxs on it though as we reasised 4 call ducks on it last year so put the boxs in as extra shelter the poor things lasted about 6 months till the fox had cleared them up.
  20. .223

    Firearms Lisence's

    They don't need to know about guns/firearms to write a reference just they need Know that you are sensible and won't misuse them but it does help if they have been out shooting with you
  21. .223

    flight pond

    i have never heard of it being used or grown over here but if any other members have i would be interested to here what they think of it
  22. .223

    Firearms Lisence's

    i got 2 of my dads mates to do mine
  23. .223

    flight pond

    i'v got about 3 days between each exam so i should be ok then after my last exam i have 12 weeks off till i start college i should fit it all in.
  24. .223

    flight pond

    Hi I have got quite allot of time off school coming up due to exam leave and am hoping to start improving my flight ponds. So was wondering if there were any plants/trees/bushes that I could plant to improve the look of the pond to attract more duck but I don’t want anything that will cost to much or grow to big say 8ft tall at the most as the ponds aren’t that big. I went down to them today to repair the duck blinds so I know there is nothing nesting on them at the moment so I wont be disturbing anything. There was just an old nest that looks as though it was abandoned about a month ago. Also I have heard off a number of people that if you put barley bales into the ponds it will help keep down the algae growth so before I roll a massive bale into them dose this really work. If there is anything else you can suggest that will improve them please say.
  25. Here’s a little advice for any young shots on this form that are looking at applying for a firearm certificate in the next few years DO IT NOW! The local firearms officer came round to check are guns and safety today and was on about how it was a good job I have already got mine as he thinks after all the business of war has calmed down the government is going to be making gun licensing even stricter than now to make it harder for new comers and youngsters to start.
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