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Everything posted by Bagsy

  1. One hell of a game, thoroughly enjoyed that (having missed the first set). Well done Murray.
  2. Gutted Vettel won......fed up hearing the German anthem.
  3. A good day for Michelin.
  4. Oh, and good to meet Churchill, no idea where he gets his name from though
  5. Smashing day, made all the better by Alan who put on a shoot worthy of the Essex/Midlands contingent Great to meet up with you all as always.
  6. I've been to quite a few over the years but only go occasionally now. I may go when it returns to Belvoir again. Funny thing is the family have no interest in shooting but enjoy going to the CLA.
  7. An ex neighbour of mine was investigated for a relationship he was having with a friends sister in the village. He was in his mid-thirties and she was 14 when they started dating. They had a child when she was 15 and moved in together. The bloke was a complete **** and the relationship tore the rest of the family apart. Alas, he was never charged, despite the kid being the obvious evidence. Nout as strange as the law. Or village life for that matter. If my 15 year old daughter ran off with a teacher he'd better not let me catch him.
  8. Had a good laugh at that!
  9. Bagsy

    Stuart Hall

    Definitely, please start with my neighbours :-)
  10. Bagsy

    Stuart Hall

    The sentence is truely shocking for what he's done and it's another example of why the public have little faith in the system.
  11. Bagsy

    Virus Alert

    All's well on the dark side (iPad and iMac).
  12. I take my advice from a pretty good legal team - that's why they get big bucks. In my experience the bailiffs were looking for shortcuts. A few phone calls later and things are normally resolved and done properly. I'm sure they're not all the same, but doing things properly only saves time in the long run.
  13. Five or six. Various examples from being incorrectly served papers to being refused sight of the court order when the bailiff wanted me to give him access. On one occasion I advised a guy I had nothing to do with the company in question and he threw the papers at me and said they had been served. I put them back through his car window only for him to throw them out. They blew down the road as he said he'd see me in court. And yes, a couple have got themselves a spot of bother. Ironically I've been there to assist them, not obstruct them. But that also meant doing things properly which isn't always appreciated.
  14. I've had third party involvement with bailiffs on a number of occasions and each time they've been anything but professional, not thuggish just overstepping the mark and acting like they're above the law.
  15. Women from Essex have larger breasts. The top bra companies sell 25% more D to G cup bras in Essex than anywhere else in the UK.
  16. Bagsy

    Latest visitors

    A certain person from Burnley visited my profile on the 2nd June. Best I get some spare doors ready in case of a visit.
  17. Bagsy

    Latest visitors

    Exactly, I'm sure loads wonder why I've randomly visited their profile page for the same reason.
  18. The Queen mum is probably the most famous I've met. Plenty of others but none come close.
  19. People living in Essex are 38% more lightly to be hit by falling aeroplane parts than anywhere else in Britain.
  20. You can download previous issues - use the menu button then go to the archive and download to your hearts content. Perfect for boring train journeys to work.
  21. I read about a bloke who got fined, a grand or two I think, for not having a collar on his dog. It was not gundog related and I seem to recall it was the third time the dog was collected having been found wandering. Can't find the article though. I think you'd have to be pretty bloody unlucky to find a bobby bored enough, more likely to be an over zealous council official with a chip on his shoulder and a point to prove.
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