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Everything posted by Bagsy

  1. Nice one mate, well done to you all.
  2. Eh? What a load of rollocks, hardly comparable. Glad the PW massive won't be the judge and jury if I get into any bother abroad. Jeez.
  3. Bagsy

    Ed Balls again

    Why the **** gets any airtime is beyond me, he really is a irritating twerp.
  4. Done - but not expecting our views to matter much. The unelected will eventually force their unwanted laws on us.
  5. They changed the sporting layout not too long ago making it more interesting. Is it still a mud bath?
  6. Catamong pointed one out at the Essex Masters this morning. Nice to see.
  7. Not a chance, far too many prepared to stand up for his ill gotten rights and defend him.
  8. Stones. Can't stand the Beatles, in fact we should deport McCartney at the earliest opportunity.
  9. Times weren't golden for everyone but they were never going to be. Change comes at a cost and she took us from being a country on our knees and helped us stand tall again. She encouraged enterprise, allowed people to buy their council homes, stood up to the unions, took on the Argentinians, helped end the Cold War, supported our armed forces, oh......and rescued our economy. Some won, some lost, but many would be far worse off now if the country had been allowed to collapse.
  10. It's simply a matter of respect. I'm not a fan of Blair and what he done to our country but I won't celebrate his death. Some of the comments I'm reading elsewhere are vile. You don't have to be a fan but I'm glad the thread's being kept 'clean'.
  11. RIP Maggie, a true leader with the guts to stand up to those trying to drag us under.
  12. Is there a right wing set I could invest in?
  13. I actually need to get some of this stuff. Anything which helps my useless fieldcraft is a bonus and it has to be better than the nettle spray I use now.
  14. When we got our springer the breeder recommended Arden Grange puppy/junior large breed. We stuck to this until swapping to adult food without any problems.
  15. Haha. Bloody ipad, where's the emoticons when you need them?
  16. Agreed, but to sue the 999 caller must be a first....?
  17. My mother slipped quite badly on a station forecourt recently, hurting her head and back in the process. Suing them didn't even enter her mind. Hopefully the shame this police woman is bringing on herself will make any compensation she gets seem worthless.
  18. In fairness this is one silly woman making a claim, it was bound to happen sooner or later, and she hasn't won yet. You can hardly tar the rest with the same brush. Be interesting to see what happens.
  19. I can't get over the size of the Galaxy, it must be like having an iPod in your pocket. Far too big.
  20. I get the bit about the opening ceremony being very left wing, I reckon most people just wouldn't have 'got it', especially people watching from abroad. Other than that I think it was far more successful than we could ever have hoped.
  21. I think they'd have got a mouthful off me, terrible behaviour.
  22. That's a good idea, I'd buy one!
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