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About smokinggun

  • Birthday 14/10/1984

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    Shooting, Coarse Fishing

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  1. Hello mate, nice lanber my brother in law has the same one haha
  2. I play a little and also work at a school that uses them in music lessons and would say the octopus ukulele they use here are a good beginner ukulele for sound and playability and price as they bought 30 in brown and all were set up correctly and came fitted with aquila strings as standard and after tuning with a cheap clip on tuner produced a great sound but they may have payed for the set up im not sure so don't count on getting one set up. They also had a couple of dolphin ukuleles and they were set up horribly sounded and looked terrible and had cheap strings the same as the tanglewood ukulele I first bought. I use a lanikai lu21 I bought locally second-hand as the previous owner had it set up correctly at the music shop they bought it from. My best advice would be to go to a music shop that sells a lot of ukuleles and get them to set it up for your daughter to make sure the strings are set at the correct height and decent quality and it sounds good. Otherwise if you have to buy online but from a uke shop that will set it up at extra cost before sending. It is worth it as otherwise it'll just put your daughter off as it'll never sound nice and will be hard to play.
  3. Sorry for your loss Mel, condolences to you and your family.
  4. What a good idea about marking all of their cars and singling disabled people out, While we are at it why don't we mark all of the Jews as well, oh that's right someone tried that before that's why we went to war.
  5. Yes so the op seeing people walking the short distance to their cars without discomfort fulfills the criteria then so he was wrong as I stated. The point is the peoples conditions only needs justifying to the person deciding if they qualify not the op watching from behind his curtains and then running back to his computer to make a smart remark about the so called gravy train.
  6. I don't want to debate the issue I was just letting the op know how small minded and ignorant he is as clearly he knows nothing about disabilities or he wouldn't have such a stupid opinion. Seems all to common for the keyboard warriors on here though and you have to remember the battles these people face every day and a new car every 3 years doesn't change that it just makes things a little easier for them to get around.
  7. No I'm afraid you are wrong as my wife can walk slowly short distances and to a untrained eye would look fine but is in severe pain and discomfort and although she may well enjoy a day out will then pay for it for days afterwards. She also has a motability car and has done for 6 years.
  8. Yes some people do abuse the system and they should be rooted out such as your example but the op stated people walk to their cars and go to bingo etc which is very ignorant as you don't have to be crippled and unable to walk to be disabled. People can be disabled with a condition which cannot be seen on the outside. And yes they can go to bingo and go out to enjoy themselves as they still have the right to have a quality of life and by the op commenting on something he clearly knows nothing about he is just showing how stupid he really is.
  9. A lot of ignorance from fools on here thinking that you have to be crippled to be disabled. Some disabilities don't show on the outside such as heart and lung conditions etc and as I've said before they would all trade the car for the chance to be a normal healthy condescending idiot like you lot seem to be.
  10. I use the large one of these and its a really good bag, wipes clean inside as well easily. I got mine from mole valley farmers but they dont seem to sell it any more. https://www.ardmoor.co.uk/david-nickerson-canvas-game-bag-jr-dav-dngbe
  11. I just done my sgc renewal with Cambridgeshire, it took one week from sending forms off to have telephone interview and one week later new cert arrived. Cant fault the service received two weeks and done.
  12. After each outing I use a rod cleaning kit and 3 in one oil as both a cleaner and to lubricate as it does both, squirt some down each barrel after removing from action then rod with tornado brush, then quick brush through followed by pieces of kitchen towel ripped off for patches and push patches through until comes out clean, cotton sticks to get into ejectors, quick wipe over with oil on outside of metal and action and a dry cloth over woodwork then away in cabinet. Any light oil will do you. Everyone does it how they prefer but for me I like things to look as good as possible and mine still look the same as when I bought them so whether I shoot one cart or one hundred they get the same treatment, I just do it over a bin liner to protect the floor while watching tv so it's no hardship.
  13. Exactly you don't need good reason for under 3 inch non locking folding knife, I always have one either in my pocket or in a pouch on my belt as its very useful.When I'm at work or travelling to and from I carry a larger locking knife as I don't wish to lose my fingers when heavy cutting if a non locker snapped shut and that is my good reason for work but all other times out of work I have my edc knives.
  14. When I had my first application in five years ago I asked my doctor during a appointment if the police had contacted him, he showed me the letter asking him if I had any medical condition that would affect me with firearms, he told me that as I didn't have any such conditions he just didn't respond as there was no need, then he just saved the letter on the computer on my records. Im hoping will be the same again on my renewal this year.
  15. I shoot best with my 1965 single baikal it just feels right, I was invited roost shooting last year and was told not to bring my single as I would need at least two carts for quick shots as they come in, I took a sxs which i also shoot well with but all evening i never needed that second shot as quick as i was told and i reloaded another cart after each shot so could've easily managed with the single. I have a leather sling on mine and find it very handy as I can leave the slip in the car and just hang it off my shoulder, its always my go to gun out of all of them. If you like it and shoot well with it then forget what your friends say, lifes to short to care what others think just do what you want to do, at the end of the day shootings only a bit of fun so don't get caught up in the snobbery of others. Just to add I would feel very proud to be using my dads gun, treasure it.
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