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    Lancs, Merseyside and N Wales
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    Vermin Control.
    Just had a 223 added to my ticket, looking forward to getting to grips with it.

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  1. Actually we don’t use many nuts at all. Most of our feeders only have a jam jar full of nuts inside. We work in teams, so we can keep on top of the greys.
  2. Out this morning into a wood which had been grey squirrel free for two months with a feeder untouched. I called in last Monday to check the feed and see if it had any attention. It was empty part from a few kibbled peanuts at the bottom. I topped up the feeder with a mixture of peanuts, black sunflower seeds and kibbled peanuts. On Tuesday morning one of the team went out and took three greys from the feeder and we thought that would be about it. I called in again yesterday to check the feeder and was surprised to find it virtually empty, just husks in the bottom. So there were obviously more than just the three from Tuesday. In this morning, before daybreak, the feeder was down an inch since yesterday morning. Bang on 8.00am I saw a squirrel coming through the canopy from the right hand side. straight down onto the feeder, for its last nut. A 650 grams male. Shot straight through the forehead and it dropped of straight onto its back beneath the feeder. At 8.20am another climbs the tree tree to the right and nibbles a bud from the sycamore tree. Then comes down and appears at the base of the feeder tree. Forages for a moment, looks at its mate lying flat out on his back and pauses long enough for me to thread a 22 pellet through its left ear and out through the right ear. Brings a new meaning to giving it a bit of earache. 9.00am and no more squirrels appear, but a dog walker. That’s the problem with weekends, too many dog walkers. So it’s time to pack up. One of the team will check it again next week.
  3. A 650 gram male and a 580 grams female, from a feeder. 61
  4. We had the trapping session over the Christmas and New Year period, removing 43 squirrels. in an adjacent wood there were plenty of others visible with the thermal. So we decided to put a feeder up, nearer the boundary and a new hide, so that we could draw the squirrels out to where our permission exists. Doesn’t look pretty but it gives cover. the feeder is full of nuts, with some Cobnuts off the top. The area is seeded with nuts and corn. Let’s see what appears in a couple of days time.
  5. One more this morning, female 650 grams, shot from a feeder. Weight added just for JKD😂 49
  6. The updated figure is correct as far as I am concerned. 44
  7. Another 6 shot by me and two friends this morning. 44
  8. Not a particularly good photo, because of very poor light. I was sat watching this Red enjoying its free meal for at least 20 minutes. Last Friday the woodland owner sent me a message to say she had seen a grey in this wood. After watching the Red for a while it moved off and a few minutes later I was scanning the canopy with the thermal and I spotted a grey squirrel about 35-40 metres away eating larch cones off the canopy behind the Hemlock which has the feeder fixed to it. I watched it for a while until it presented itself with a safe clear shot. I released a single pellet and it dropped into the undergrowth. Moving forward from the hide I found it stone dead having dropped through a rhododendronbush. I don’t think I would have ever located it withoutthe thermal. A 560 grams female won’t be breeding.
  9. One for me from above a feeder and two for a friend in a nearby wood this morning. 39
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