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Everything posted by bigbird

  1. Ahhhhh, dead common when first going out, loads seems to get them - (they look like particulularly squeezable zits?) All mine have had them as newbies, some Hibiscrub and they're right as rain!
  2. From what I've heard this should be the case. Keep us posted !
  3. Photos to follow. Roller Cargo tray, just been taken out of my '57 Isuzu Rodeo. Open to offers. North Wales, 25 mins from Chester
  4. LOL wouldn't like to say you lot are predictable but......
  5. I've found in my limited experience that with puppies at least, raw feeding ends up with a leggy dog with less bone. I can substantiate this as I bought a pup at 8 weeks from a litter and fed her on puppy food. We subsequently bought her sister and brother who had been fed a raw diet and they had nowhere near the same 'substance' as her. Of course dogs differ but to me at least, the difference was obvious
  6. There's a topic on this somewhere I'm sure, Ringo... http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/topic/293276-training-advice/ Here you go, very similar scenario
  7. (Advert ok'd by Admin - Teal) Do you fancy having a photographer to follow your shoot for a day taking candid shots of guns, dogs, beaters - you name it?! Why not drop me a line? I'm just starting out so more than reasonable prices which include a set amount of photos in whatever form you'd like them - no cost to turn up if within a 20 mile radius of Mold . Feel free to visit my website www.mrsfphotography.co.uk to have a nosey at my photos Thanks for reading
  8. That's because Facebook has nobbled us all with gundog pages we've all had to set up again
  9. She's not coming home now, his mother is apparently having her :(
  10. ^^ How old's the Cocker, Cookie69? Skinner's Duck and Rice is good stuff but I found my lot also had flakey skin on it - switched to the 23% (they do a lot of work/training) and they're all now like glossy seals
  11. Beautiful, you lucky thing! Would love a pointer but we're all springers and cockers
  12. Ok, I'm no expert but I've had a look back at Beau's previous exploits. "i will do as you suggested with the long lead, i have just come back from a walk around the streets near my home, with beau on a retractable lead. she just started jumping about at first then soon settled down. every junction and every 100 or so yards , tugged the lead , blew the stop whistle , and she sat and stayed untill i told her " to get on " i will continue for as long as it takes , will keep everybody posted." Do you use 'get on' for a hunt command? Just asking as we do and many others. If so it's no wonder she's pulling like mad on the lead for starters. As for retractable leads, ditch 'em Anyway, I'm no keyboard (or even real life lol) trainer but that's what jumped out at me initially. You need to find somebody to train you Hope you get sorted soon
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