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Everything posted by JDog

  1. That I do not know. Although I use guns several times per week I actually don't know how they work. Do you know of spares for the MK60 series?
  2. This represents a bargain. I bought mine new two months ago and I cannot fault it.
  3. The ejectors are worn on this gun and cartridges occasionally jump them on the bottom barrel. I noted the other thread about ejectors for a different model Miroku and followed the link but John Knibbs doesn’t have any. Does anyone working in the gun trade have a lead on ejectors whether new or used?
  4. Bracken in woodland generally smothers natural regeneration. If you are looking at providing ground level cover in an existing wood then consider Lonicera nitida.
  5. We had one Snipe each and shared a Teal and Woodcock. Very good they were too.
  6. Thanks for posting. Recovering well from Covid I would say.
  7. A White tailed Sea Eagle in Lincolnshire for two days.
  8. There is a very recent Court case which decided that security cameras with microphones which intrude on a neighbour's privacy are unlawful. Look up Woodard v Dr Fairhurst.
  9. Tightchoke must live in a more affluent are than I do. This pulled up whilst I was waiting outside the dentist yesterday. It may be my next vehicle especially as it has my name on it.
  10. I would give anything to see just one Hawfinch.
  11. There will be plenty of guns to suit your needs for much less than your stated budget. Before you go looking eliminate the variables such as length of stock, length of barrels, cast, choke etc. Go to the gun shop with most choice in your area, put on your normal shooting jacket, and ask the gun shop to take off the racks all of the guns which fit your criteria, then spend time mounting and comparing. I note above the comments about Mr. Average. That must be me. The last three times I have bought a new gun the first one I looked at was entirely suitable with no alterations necessary.
  12. That is usually Snipe. The pellets were in the heads which I cut off.
  13. These will be delicious.
  14. On Friday along with two companions (our ages aggregated over two hundred years) I walked some of the hills and deans of Berwickshire in the company of three hard working spaniels. We walked miles in boggy ground, through gorse bushes and through bracken walking up game. What a time we had with pheasants, woodcock, teal, snipe and pigeons in the bag. On Saturday morning round the breakfast table sat three old men either too proud or conceited to admit that they were very stiff. However the thought of another day out soon banished negative thoughts. Saturday was a driven day. However the shoot has virtually been ruined by the storm three weeks ago and many plantations are just flattened. That tempered my enjoyment somewhat. After a dank start the weather improved and we had good sport shooting those woods less severely damaged. A decent bag of pheasants and woodcock was achieved.
  15. I have put about 500 cartridges through the semi auto and shot a fair few pigeons with it. Some of those today were belters. As for being a ‘top class shot’, I don’t think so. You should have seen my performance on those windy pigeons with Jacko the other day. It was right out of the Stevie Wonder school of shooting.
  16. How kind. However I have always felt that my wit falls on stoney ground judging by the boos and hisses I hear emanating from the more lugubrious members of this forum.
  17. Starting new threads on this subject should be banned.
  18. Scully, Life is precious as the last two years have shown, and if I can get out shooting or participating in any of my other hobbies I will do so. This year I enter my eighth decade and I intend to make the most of what time I have left.
  19. This morning's wind was 15mph with more westerly in it than I would have liked. Undaunted I headed out to shoot a flight line. I arrived at 8.30 to see birds already on it and I thought I had missed my chance. I needn't have worried and I had a great thirty minutes of sport shooting some beauties in the bag of seventeen pigeons. I didn't take the dogs as I was shooting close to a busy road. I picked ten by hand, returned home to warm up and collect the dogs and I am now going out again with them to find the remaining seven pigeons which fell in the longer rape. Postscript. The dogs picked six pigeons in the longer rape and I found the remaining one deeply embedded in a thorn bush stone dead so that is where it stayed.
  20. JDog


    It's odd. I have had cold hands and feet for all of my adult life but in the past few years the cold doesn't affect me. This is nothing to do with residual alcohol in my body as I have given up drinking.
  21. Bravo to our Northumberland correspondent. Will I see a pigeon up there next weekend?
  22. Good effort. The semi auto, or even better one with a kick off system may be a long tern solution for you.
  23. Nature Boy I agree about Twitchers. Nothing but disturbers of birds for their own selfish ends. I am not too enamoured with ringers either.
  24. A Brown Booby was found on beach in Sussex yesterday. I have noted some distinctly red faces and legs on those mad enough to go for a Christmas or New Year dip.
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