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Everything posted by JDog

  1. The man is a Buffoon and he will be banking on an American jury daring to convict him however convincing the prosecution argument.
  2. I can only comment on no.1 on your list. If the dog is in season leave it at home. It is not fair on others dogs on the shoot.
  3. Those birds will not be Goshawks, Buzzards more likely. What do you mean by effect? On the pigeon population or on song birds?
  4. Good stuff. On another thread someone posted a video of a lofting pole with a rotary on it. It must have been at least 30' up. Rather them than me.
  5. Send a PM to Gingercat on this forum. He is quite an expert in these matters.
  6. Very good. Those pigeons really wanted that field.
  7. We are all eagerly awaiting your report but there is no sign of it yet.
  8. Good report Scully. It was good that you were fit enough to enjoy the day. I have come to realise that it is the company which makes the day. In the past I used to be invited as a ‘hired gun’ but usually I knew no more than a couple of the others and the shooting was an exercise in filling the bag. I gave that up some time ago.
  9. I would very much have enjoyed seeing you and your brother shoot those pigeons.
  10. TVPC It looks as if you are doing most things right. I suspect you have just been unlucky. Keep handing the cards out. I have been trying to get on a certain Landowner’s farms for five years now and he has always refused me permission. He must have a pile of my cards by now. Last Wednesday I watched a huge number of pigeons going across to one of his rape fields and by luck he was at some buildings watching his man fill a lorry with grain. We shook hands and he said... ‘Yes you can go’, and that was that.
  11. JDog

    ATV Accident

    It is easy to be wise after the event but if I had ever been near that bridge I would have insisted that it would be one person at a time.
  12. Marvellous. How is your neck after that session?
  13. Me neither. I would love to see one.
  14. What crops would you expect a Jay to eat?
  15. I emailed Lincolnshire Firearms Dept. today asking about possible delays (mine is due for renewal in six months time). They told me to submit an application in two months time and indicated that any delay after the due date would almost certainly be due to the GP practice being tardy with their response.
  16. That would be only one of a number of poor decisions the man has made.
  17. In 20 mph winds I set up to shoot a few pigeons this morning on rape fields which have proved difficult to shoot of late. In the first hour I shot 18 pigeons then I never saw another pigeon for the next half an hour so I packed up. What I did see was a Carrion crow heading towards me and that was shot. Then I heard the machine gun rattle of Magpies and I saw them 100m away playing on the wind. There were three of them. They came closer then drifted on the wind, came closer and drifted again before coming close enough for a shot. I shot the furthest one away and missed the other two. That would have been some treble.
  18. Great shot. Thanks for posting.
  19. I am sorry I misread your original post.
  20. I just don't get shooting a 36g load through a 20 bore.
  21. JDog

    Rope Bangers.

    Get farmers to buy them for you. I would rather not pay the £79 per box that richg is asking.
  22. It will not be Covid that gets you (or me for that matter) but Columba.
  23. Mightymariner asked me to shoot today. He was looking to meet at 07.30 hrs. I am sorry but my body clock does not have such a low number on it in the mornings so I declined. Several texts have been received from one particular farmer about pigeons on his rape so having arisen at 10.00 I made my way there, a four minute drive. There were a lot of pigeons in the trees nearby so I thought that I would have a decent day. The walk up the hill with my kit almost killed me and I began to wheeze like a miner with a double dose of emphysema and psittacosis. For the first time ever I dropped some stuff off and had to go back for it. After thirty minutes I had shot seventeen pigeons but I had to pack up as I was in considerable discomfort having had an acute abscess on a tooth root in the week and the molar removed on my gun mounting side.
  24. Thank you for a fine report of your day.
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