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Everything posted by oowee

  1. 😁 Have to point out a Brexit bonus when I see one. 😇
  2. Don't need to be a socialist to think of it. All govt's have been doing it. If we find an oil field the fuel would be traded on the wholesale market the same as the cheap wind and solar energy we create. We cannot subsidise trade it's one of the basic tacit of free trade even a socialist would know that.
  3. I put 200 litres of red in a tank in July and 20l into a new container. I added diesel bug treatment to both. This week I poured the 20l into the main tank through a sieve and the bottom of the funnel was lined with jelly diesel bug.
  4. Fuel is currently (relatively cheap) increasing fuel tax would barely be noticed given the previously higher price of fuel. If fuel increases in price as a result of the war there is less room for the govt to increase tax.
  5. And what I am saying is there are freeloaders (scroungers) in all countries.
  6. There is simply no need to fund the BBC anymore as anyone with the right firestick knows. Viewing the BBC without paying for a licence?
  7. 🤣 please 🤣 Which is likely to be better for integration? A large extended family from the third world or a family from Poland?
  8. Very nice indeed.
  9. No need for asylum. Five years and those 100's of thousands of third world workers and their enlarged families can stay, courtesy of the Brexit dividend.
  10. No we are importing 10's of thousands of workers from the 3rd world that we are short of in the UK under the workers visa scheme, together with their large extended families because the country voted to leave the EU. Unfortunately unlike EU workers the poverty in their home countries is such that very few are likely to return. The few thousand asylum seekers are a mere drop in the ocean (no pun intended) by comparison. Once we removed barriers to trade we further open the UK to price based competition further reducing our standard of living.
  11. There are free loaders in all countries.
  12. I honestly think it was probably much worse before. It's now that we know so much more of what is happening around us. Even if it is a distorted truth. I think (for the UK) living standards, education and life expectancy have all fallen. The first time in 50+ years under the tory government. The UK was a large producer of oil and gas so living off those profits, we were in the EU and had access to easier trade and 3m additional workers. Now we have far less workers and a far older population greater global competition and less barriers to exploitation. When times are hard its easy to bitch about the minor things that we can blame on everyone and everything else. The reality of being past our prime is beginning to bite.
  13. What does any of that have to do with the price of fish? Even the WEF can count.
  14. Read again the quote from WEF. 'More' is the operative word.
  15. It was always so. Unfortunately the rose tint gets darker with age.
  16. On what basis? 50% more renewable world wide in 23 than 22. By 2025 1/3 of worlds electricity from renewables. Accepting that the figures are distorted by the huge program and spend in China. *Wef
  17. It's coming for most of the world despite some of the headlines. Hopefully we can use our lead to advantage in the growing renewable industry.
  18. They can put 20p on a litre of fuel and it will barely be where it was. Get that vat in on private schools. Switching around vat to benefit health would be a good move but can't see that happening. Tax those paid in dividends the same as the rest of us. Hold 40% tax allowance at current level and add a percent.
  19. https://www.power-technology.com/news/germany-shuts-15-coal-fired-power-plants/
  20. The rise of renewable energy has been so fast that the closure of the last coal fired power station in the UK can be brought forward to this week. The first major nation in the world to end coal fired generation is a milestone. The UK leads the world. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c5y35qz73n8o
  21. That's the beauty of science.
  22. oowee


    Do you listen to the radio? On our boat we don't have a tv and listen to lots of podcasts through spotify.
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