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Everything posted by Browning

  1. Don't forget to factor in wastage of grain eaten by deer, pigeons, squirrels, rats etc
  2. Great little guns..... I remember one of the few times I ever hit anything with mine was a starling at about 5 yards. You could clearly see the flight of the pellet, see it strike the bird.......and bounce off.
  3. If you're hitting things and you're happy with your current setup then leave it as it is. I think the majority of O/U users release the bottom barrel first as (in theory) the recoil is straighter into the shoulder which (in theory) produces less muzzle flip. Whether this makes any practical difference in reality I don't know. The only think I would say, and this is just my personal preference, is to use 5's for rabbits.
  4. His show is far more entertaining than some (read lots) of the hogwash on TV recently.
  5. Your referees MUST send their forms directly to the Firearms Licensing Dept and you should not be allowed to see them beforehand. Supply them with an SAE to make life easier and ensure they get the correct address.
  6. Take a look at Harkila, I have the Pro Hunter kit. Very good kit that has stood up to (so far) three years of keepering and beating, and the worst that the Scottish Highlands can throw at it. Without a doubt the best winter clothing that I have ever owned. Not cheap, but then you get what you pay for.
  7. You tend to get similar people on forums as well..............
  8. It depends what you want to get out of it. If you want to spend a lot of time and money on rearing, releasing and keeping (hopefully) your birds to provide some sport for you, your pals, and your neighbouring farms, during the winter months, then it will probably be worth it. If, however, you just want to put Pheasant on the table then it will absolutely be cheaper to buy them ready prepared on a plastic tray from the butcher. I'm not saying this to try and put you off, but if you go into it with both eyes open, knowing what to expect, then you are less likely to be dissapointed.
  9. A good pal of mine almost had his FAC revoked when he destroyed an injured Roe buck with his .22-250 after it had been hit by a car, the boys in blue tried to do him because he didn't have the 'deer' condition attached to his .22-250. This is an extreme case (hopefully) and common sense did not prevail on that day, but my pal says he will always use a shotgun in future.
  10. Whilst at Uni and reasonably skint but very hungry all the time, we used to have cornish pastie sandwiches, large roll with a pastie inside. Certainly hit the spot.
  11. Speaking as a CPSA member for many many years (now ex-CPSA member) I have to say...........NO.
  12. We'll be doing pretty much the same as you again Webber, starting after keepers day on the 31st, and going right through Feb and into March.
  13. As long as they are happy with food, water and shelter, and not being harrased, they will be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to get back. If nothing changes over the boundary then it looks like these birds are gone for the season. I would look forward to next year and look at changing things on your shoot to try and stop it happening again.
  14. Good answers by anser2. One thing I would say is don't start shooting too early in the season, especially if it's been a poor breeding summer like the past two years, and limit your days, give them time to recover and settle down after you shoot. I never shoot more than once a fortnight on my rough shoot, and even then I rarely shoot the same beats. This means I have birds around all season.
  15. DD, The Bazanty originates from Poland and, as you say, is renowned for being a good flyer. They also hold quite well and are a good bird to start with. Lots of game farms can supply Bazanty birds, and I think many of the general 'ring necked' birds have Bazanty cross in them.
  16. I use a 75gn V-Max (which does 3400fps, very very good for chasing down Mr Fox...)
  17. 38.5 is Hodgdon recommended max load for their Varget powder.
  18. 2000+ rounds through my first A-Tec helped make my mind up on the second and third purchases. No single sound mod will tick ALL the boxes, my preference for the A-Tec was a personal decision, and the second and third purchases were based on research which included taking advice from a good pal who is a very knowlegable riflesmith, and did some rather intense testing of different mods. So no, they didn't 'see me coming', I actually looked them up, which puts a completely different view on things.
  19. Sorry to read this Olly. I know it's tough but you did the right thing by her. You're a credit to all hunters young fella. Keep up the good work.
  20. I emailed the CPSA when the car went back up informing them of my thoughts. (Del Boy stylee) I did receive a response, which said that I, along with ONE other, were the only two members that had complained about the car being on the site. I guess they are quite happy to openly lie to their members as well. (Ex member, I will not be rejoining)
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