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Everything posted by 12gauge82

  1. Don't know what size wire and breakers you've got but that's a huge load to pull if you had alot of machines on at once. I'm not a spark, but it could be alot of different things, a broken wire ect
  2. I know we've had this one before. But the UK worked fine before the HRA came along, infact, it was much of the UKs work that was copied when making it. The biggest problem with the HRA is it is rarely used for law abiding people, infact almost everyone has probably had their HRs breached at some point, but who's got the money to take it to court. The HRA is used most often to get scum bags and terrorists what they want.
  3. Very concerning, firstly the threat from unknown and unvetted people from anyone's guess and secondly, the huge cost to the tax payers.
  4. That's not correct, it's an offence to use a mobile phone by either holding it with the hand, or cradling it between the head and shoulder. So as long as your using it hands free there shouldn't be an issue. There are other bits of legislation, for instance if you were distracted by it and it affected your driving, you could be prosecuted for driving without due care and attention, or as you've already mentioned, it's illegal to block the view of the road ahead.
  5. Can't beat Google maps, always up to date and reliable ETAs
  6. Don't be so dramatic. Ive clocked thousands of miles riding motorcycles and not once has horse mess been a problem, I would suggest anyone that did find it an issue was going far far too fast and I don't hang about. No I would never leave a mess outside people's houses. I don't ride horses, but I am tolerant of people that do. What if someone found your shooting inconsiderate, should that be banned?
  7. I think your argument is ridiculous, you need to learn a bit of tolerance for others, if we all follow your school of thought, there'd be nothing left to do because some kill joy would have stopped it all. And that's how give and take works 👍
  8. Yes I wonder the same.
  9. This thread just proves to me this country is over populated, everyone is becoming so intolerant of each other as they jostle for space, the sad thing is some people are so tunnel visoned on their own lives, they expect everyone else to make allowances for their enjoyments, but are totally intolerant of other people's.
  10. You can't be serious, your not much of a farmboy if your offended by horse poo 😂
  11. Is it April the first?
  12. Absolutely, there are literally areas of society that have become lawless. They'd probably teach their kids to stone a copper who drove down their street, much less invite them in for a cuppa.
  13. I think it's another case that highlights just how out of touch our politicians, judges and the criminal justice system is. The very fabric of our society is broken. While the system worries about the rights of terrorists, criminals and racism that doesn't exist. Good people are dragged to their death with their families lives ruined, victims and witnesses cower in their homes while criminals act without fear and some with almost impunity, it's totally backwards and very sad to see.
  14. I find it all very petty, they're people, people aren't perfect. That includes Cummings and Corbyn.
  15. Appreciate the further explanation. Sounds a very muddy grey area, interesting none the less, thanks
  16. I'm just trying to get to the bottom of the legality of dispatching a suffering animal with a firearm or shotgun and it appears contrary to your original post, without authority, if you take it upon yourself to do so, you commit an offence. Getting into discussions about the definitions of public places ect doesn't change that, discharging a shotgun at a clay ground is very different to shooting Bamby on the side of the road.
  17. There would definitely be a difference there, as you can use any force necessary and reasonable in the circumstances in defence of yourself or another, that doesn't apply to badgers. I assume that section covers carrying a firearm in a public place, not discharging it to dispatch suffering wildlife. Unless you can show different, I believe it would be an offence in law, no matter how well intentioned, which is a very important distinction if we want to be on the right side of the law and keep our tickets.
  18. Thanks for clearing that up, its as I thought and is a real shame as a licence holder one would hope that you could be trusted to make a sensible judgement, but in these times of health and safety and litigation, it's never going to happen. Goes to show how much misinformation and "Dave down the pub said!" Opinions there are out there.
  19. So your saying anyone can take a gun out the boot of their car and discharge it in a public place to dispatch a suffering animal, if that's the case, can you point me to the act of parliament that allows that, as that's news to me?
  20. Absolutely agreed, but you'd be putting yourself at the mercy of our criminal justice system and that often doesn't work on common sense, you'd technically be in breach of the law.
  21. Fair one and it's better than renting. The property market is awful for those just making a start, I really wouldn't buy new housing if I was in his position, particularly if I was handy at a bit of DIY, but good luck with whatever he decides 👍
  22. You wouldn't as you'd be discharging a shotgun/firearm in a public place.
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