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Everything posted by 12gauge82

  1. But what makes the British workers give poor productivity? I do hope your not suggesting that it's linked to being of British nationality. I think that's a very silly view point.
  2. I've got to be honest, anyone wanting to come should be vetted and I'd take nobody with a criminal record, but other than that, if they want to come, I say let them.
  3. Thank goodness. The remainers will thank us for it one day.
  4. 12gauge82

    Sedwill gone

    Mr nobody has already answered the points I was going to make in reply to this so I won't bother duplicating it again. If you can't see Sedwill took a political stance, we'll have to agree to disagree.
  5. 12gauge82

    Sedwill gone

    Got to be honest, I can't be bothered to waste too much time on this one, I'm rather busy at the moment. But in a nut shell, the guy massively overstepped his remit and gambled his career on helping to manipulate us remaining in the EU, or at least a deal so close it'd be like we'd never left. That is outside of how he should be behaving in that position and Cummings has yet again won the day, Sedwill now needs to go and he's only himself to blame. On a bit of a tangent, I'm starting to have a bit of respect for Cummings, I've never really liked him and thought he was a bit of a odd moron, but every time he's been taken on, he makes little noise and just when you think he's finished, like a magician, he pulls something from up his sleeve and comes out on top, like his opponents, I've underestimated him.
  6. 12gauge82

    Sedwill gone

    By attempting to block Brexit. That's going way beyond the remit of his job.
  7. 12gauge82

    Sedwill gone

    Sedwill took a political stance, he's now paying the price and rightly so.
  8. 12gauge82

    Sedwill gone

    It's not about being enthusiastic. The guy clearly had an agenda and not only did he have an agenda, he had one opposite to that of the British people and how they voted. Just who the hell does he think he is!
  9. You can under H&S law, withdraw your labour if you do not believe it safe to work in. But it'd have to be serious to do that Employment law is far too weak in many areas these days and is in part a result of the over zealous union action in years gone by.
  10. 12gauge82

    Sedwill gone

    Love how sky news has said his replacement Frost, now means his old job is a political one rather than a neutral one under Sedwill. As if he was neutral. Good riddance I say.
  11. Yes, however, as a police officer, the law allows them all to be armed, they're not routinely armed not due to an act of parliament, but largely due to public consent and probably most chief constables view that they do not believe it necessary, they're not.
  12. Mrs Steve Sounds genuine to me.
  13. I know very little about Australian or Canadian police, I do know however that the majority of the public in the mainland UK don't want to see routinely armed cops, which is a large part of the reason they're not.
  14. I see what your saying, the police have the law on their side to deal with it, however, despite my opinion that the general public want to see it dealt with, I believe the police are hamstrung by the deep state, especially the media who would have a field day with scenes of the riot squad smashing protesters up.
  15. It can, but I very much doubt he walks around all day with that on his head. Most people in main land UK don't want to see police routinely armed, although we are starting to see that opinion shift towards armed officers. But until the majority of people want to see it, it won't happen, because like I said, it is enshrined in UK policing that they police by consent.
  16. Often there are no quick fixes for complex issues. It's one the far right often pulls, make people believe there's a simple fix and blame the problem on a group, the brain dead will run with it all day.
  17. Very true. I think the only sensible way would be to make the UK a far less attractive place to come, the migrants would then stop coming here. The problem then is leaving the door open for genuine refugees and still treating people like human beings, it could become a race to the bottom. I really don't know what the answer is, but something needs to be done.
  18. That's nice of you, maybe he was too busy worrying about saving lives to find his balaclava. I wonder if you'd be so flippant if it was your family that was at risk.
  19. No we don't and again, does that mean anything, I would argue not, at least without any evidence that there was some sort of racial motivation. The sad thing is, all these people going nuts on the BLM movement, accusing virtually the entire white population of racism, (which in my view is a form of racism in itself) is so counter intuitive. Ive tried to work out there motivation and I've come to the conclusion, they do in fact believe a large proportion of the population are racist and can anyone really blame them. The government and deep state has been banging the racism drum needlessly for so many years no it's clearly made people paranoid, the sad thing is, it's leading to actual racism now, both from the far right who are made up of thickos and the far left who arrogantly believe they are so much more intelligent, educated and therefore are aware of people's unconscious bias that the general population don't see. The sad fact is, they are creating a racism problem that simply doesn't or didn't exist. I am watching it all and it makes me rather sad.
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