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Everything posted by 12gauge82

  1. Someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but is a slow worm actually a lizard?
  2. This is fantastic news, nothing worse than a missing member of the family
  3. Genuinely very sorry if I've offended you, I'm not sure what happened with my quote, I write on my phone and my fingers are like four sausages stuffed into a pasty. it certainly is not my intent to upset you. Although we often have different views, your posts are always thought invoking and we'll written.
  4. On this point you also don't grasp the majority of this country's feeling, almost everyone in the UK will agree slavery was an vile trade that they disagree with and that was nothing to do with them or anyone they ever met. Those that fought and died on the battlefield for our freedoms were brothers, uncles, fathers and grandparents, who stood for the values we still believe in today.
  5. I'm not talking about going back, but our culture is built on our past and the morel's handed down from parent to child, it history that happened in people's life times, not something that happened thousands of years ago. What have I said that is distasteful?
  6. There's a difference, there is an attempt to bully those living in the present to drop it's values and being unfairly blamed by a hard left wing minority into taking blame it doesn't deserve, very few are trying to live in the past, just admire and remember those who made sacrifices, which has made us the country we are today.
  7. Fantastic news, an inspiration to us all.
  8. I don't believe it's entirety separate though, our culture meant that we as a country stood up for what was right against the odds, I don't believe that is something we should forget and I believe it is something we should be proud of as a nation and continue. We, or at least many of us still hold these values, we hold doors open for women, would step in if we saw a woman being hit, believe in manners and respect, we cue up in shops in a far more orderly manner than many other countries, which is a hark back to war time, it is part of our culture as a nation and although we're not perfect, I don't believe we should loose that.
  9. I think that's talking down what the brave men and women of the UK ,who stood up to Hitler did at that time. There were many calling for us not to get involved, as they rightly pointed out, we were unlikely to be able to win it at that point,but the likes of Churchill and other great people, stood for what was right, against the odds and collectively, good defeated evil, like me, there will be many on here who lost family in that war, standing for freedom for the world. Why shouldn't we be be proud of what this country stood for then and the brave who ensured all our freedoms, including the ungreatful hordes currently smashing our country up? Ahhh, you beat me 🤬😜👍
  10. Reflect my thoughts also. Interesting fact r.e the workhouse.
  11. I'd rather not have a deal tbh, from the moment the UK had a referendum to leave and I saw the EU behave in the way it did towards us, I realised they were not friends to make deals with, but more like the Mafia who get what they want through bullying and intimidation, who'd want to make a deal with the Mafia? It's interesting really, the UK lead the way in abolishing slavery, the brave men and women if the UK stepped up in ww2 when Poland was invaded and helped end world domination by an evil regime and it looks like once again, the majority of the UK will lead the way in stopping the EU dictatorship from romping over freedom once again.
  12. I don't find myself agreeing with you all that often, but I've got to say, I don't see what those people's colour has to do with anything. I hope Daveg doesn't mean offence, but his post certainly doesn't come across very well.
  13. I'm not sure I like understand your point, do you actually believe the colour of someone's skin has anything to do with how they act? If you don't, I think you should correct yourself.
  14. But that would mean people are routinely being killed by the state simply based on their colour. I don't know much about the usa, but I'm absolutely positive it's not happening in the UK. Which then leads to the question, what are they actually protesting about in London and the rest of the UK? Even if it is happening in America and they're protesting on their behalf, why aren't they out protesting that Chinese lives matter, Syrian lives matter, or north Korean lives matter ect?
  15. A polar bear is a good example, they exist, but they are rare and they are almost unheard of in the UK.
  16. Fair enough, I'm not going to gloat, brexit has been one of the most complex issues in this countries history. Give me some time, I've been a little pre occupied lately and I'll see if I can add some useful input to this thread.
  17. Come on guys, just admit you got it wrong. Thank god for Brexit and the brexiteers who had the courage to see it though.
  18. Fair point, I'm so used to oowee rubbishing the economic benefits of Brexit, skim reading through this thread, I missed that he has actually accepted that Brexit is actually looking positive for the UK, hats off to him for admitting he was wrong all along 👍
  19. More evidence you can't follow logical reasoning more like, no wonder you think remaining in the EU would be a good idea.
  20. I'm not quite sure why your bringing race into this, what has the pigmentation of somebody's skin got to do with a place being a ghetto?
  21. I'd rather see power bought back to Westminster and devolved government done away with.
  22. What a load of nonsense, it is exactly the other way around. It has let the remainers off the hook, however give it a few years and I believe we will see the UK trading well, as the EU crumbles, it's already starting with Germany refusing to print more money to bail out the likes of Greece, many of the Mediterranean countries are likely to go bust and the internal conflict that will ensue in the EU will be it's downfall.
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