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Everything posted by 12gauge82

  1. Time will tell, but I believe if they don't honour the referendum result those in power will see a political landscape they've never seen before.
  2. I don't know enough about the case to comment, the video certainly doesn't look good for the cops use of force, but then I haven't heard his side of the story, since he's been found guilty I can only assume that his actions were disproportionate to the threat and that is why he has been jailed, although it may not be totally clear cut, hence why he's received a comparatively short sentence for wrongfully taking a person's life, but that's just my speculation, I wasn't on the jury that convicted him.
  3. Maybe true, the thing is, those in the Conservatives trying to block brexit are the self serving, sneaky, selfish members of the party and if they realise that if they damage brexit, they could very well be damaging themselves, they might take a different view, the only problem with that is they're so arrogant that they probably don't think it's a possibility but im sure it will happen in the long run if they continue to blatantly ignore the people's will.
  4. Exactly, now imagine a party with 17.4 million votes, maybe brexit being blocked will be a good thing, it could be the end of the two horse race.
  5. I'm not so sure, 17.4 million voting people is a lot of people to annoy, even if it did take many years, people don't forget when they're annoyed enough, I know I won't. Ask most in the mining areas of S Wales or the N East what they think of Thatcher and the Conservatives for instance!
  6. If the remaniacs in power are stupid enough to stop brexit it could well be their downfall. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/brexit/8236819/nigel-farage-new-brexit-party/
  7. I completely agree, if democracy never existed in the first place, even the illusion of it is now shattered and our corrupt, self serving politicians have been exposed for controlling the population rather than serving it. That is going to have far reaching consequences going into the future that will make any kind of brexit look like a minor event in comparison and could well end up unsettling traditional politics for years.
  8. I see what you mean, however, I'm not at all surprised, none of these other countries have probably bothered to put the work in to negotiate deals with us as they probably haven't taken seriously that the UK might have a wto exit, if May had got on with it we wouldn't be in this position. Our MPs can't turn to us and say look how bad a "hard" brexit is after they have caused it, whether it's by their own ineptitude or on purpose.
  9. While we are members of the EU, we are not allowed by their rules to secure trade deals with any other countries, if that's what your referring to?
  10. I enjoy moving about so I've lived since the referendum took place South Wales, West coast Scotland, East Coast Scotland, Somerset and Surrey, your of course right, there is also a division in voting between major city's and the rest of the country, but I would again guess that is due to the number of people living in city's that weren't born in the UK or their parents weren't, they probably aren't as nationalist as those whose family's have lived solely in the UK for generations, again, just my guess.
  11. I disagree, the young voting remain that I know tend to be those who have done nothing other than been in the education system to date, I know many who have been to uni and have since travelled, bought property, got a career ect and most of them I know are leave supporter's, only my personal experience of course.
  12. Being a member of the EU meant the country had to follow a number of rules to be a member, when leave won the referendum, it meant we should leave every one of those rules being an EU member entailed, anything less is simply subversion of the referendum result, it couldn't be any simpler.
  13. Quite right. I also believe the split between remain and leave follows far closer to the working masses vs the rich and those in the higher educational system due to the lack of life experience and indoctrination the young who go to uni will have had before going out in the "real" world. I know far more young who voted leave than remain.
  14. One that doesn't require us to give up being a free country to the EU. I.E 1. our supreme Court being sovereign. 2 ends free movement of people and stops anyone with an EU passport having automatic right to enter the UK. 3 stop us paying a huge fee to simply trade, especially when we buy 100 billion more from them than they do from us. All the normal things that happen when two countries do business without surrendering being a free country, like every other country in the world trades. Assuming you genuinely can't see the remain side in parliament are trying to subvert democracy, I'm really struggling to see why you just can't get it?
  15. We don't need to compromise at all, no deal would be a fantastic result for the UK, it would of course be disastrous for the EU as we run a 100 billion euro trade deficit in their favour and pay for the privilege. The UK voted leave, which means we voted to leave all the rules that being an EU member entailed, Mays deal doesn't deliver on that, so it's either a free trade deal with the EU (I would love to see that) but if they won't see sense then a wto exit would be great.
  16. You'd be surprised how many people do that in the winter time or when they know they've gone too far on drugs and need to get cleanish.
  17. One things for sure, if anyone was still in doubt, the illusion of our democratic system where the UK people are supposedly sovereign is dead!
  18. Where in the referendum did it say we must leave with a deal? because I and 17.4 million must have missed that box!
  19. The vote couldn't have been clearer, we voted leave, so either free trade deal or wto exit.
  20. Sounds like a sensible suggestion, the only problem is I don't see the EU offering that, the reason is we have so many remoaners in government intent on not allowing us to leave, the EU will gamble for the big prize of us remaining in their dictator euphoria. The damage to this country the treasonous remainiacs on all sides of the house are doing is simply unbelievable!
  21. How can anyone of sane mind think Mays deal, or remaining in the EU for that matter is a good idea?
  22. Well I never thought I'd see the day we'd absolutely agree on something! But spot on 😂👍
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