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Everything posted by 12gauge82

  1. Your right, but as usual what's probably happening is the UK sticks to the rules while other countries flout them and if that is the case, it'll be innocent UK civilians that suffer, not the politicians that make the decisions with other peoples lives. Under no circumstances should she or any other isis supporter be allowed back here, it pains me to say it but stuff the law in instances like this.
  2. All I can say is I'm watching the BBC news now and all they're harping on about is the new remainiac party and a people's vote, nothing positive as usual.
  3. Says it all about our mainstream media and the deep state really!
  4. Did you check your crystal ball for that prediction?
  5. Yes, surely a manufacturer wouldn't lie to imply things will get more expensive thus helping prevent brexit if it could lesson their profit while actually benefit the UK population. (P. S this is a rhetorical question)
  6. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/business-47270616 What ever will the working masses do, in the event of brexit the cost of a porsche might rise from 90k to over 100k, I bet every one who voted for brexit regrets it now 😂😂😂
  7. I think there's little doubt they tried to rig the vote, the so called renegotiation before the vote, the leaflet to every house, project fear, the establishment calling in the likes of Obama, the totally incorrect predictions from the likes of Carny, the IMF ect you could go on and on.
  8. I haven't yet spoken to a single person who voted leave and has changed their mind, I have spoken to some who voted remain but would now vote leave for many different reasons, only a small sample and in no way proves anything, but I believe in another referendum that was conducted fairly, I.e 2 options remain or hard brexit for instance and there'd be a huge leave majority this time.
  9. I've as much sympathy for her as isis does for its victims, I.e none. I'm more concerned with the rights and safety of other innocent children and letting someone like that back in the UK risks another incident like the Manchester arena bombing.
  10. https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1088190/Brexit-punishment-Spain-Gibraltar-European-Union Who wants to be the member of a club, with countries like this!
  11. I say stuff the law in this case, change it if necessary, under no circumstances should a terrorist threat that's gone abroad to support the likes of isis be allowed back to this country.
  12. For a state to be recognised as such, their is no hard or fast rule, but I believe the general rule is that at least one other state must recognise it for it to be given legitimacy.
  13. Your right. Hes been a better friend to the UK than any of our supposed EU allies, look at the language that has come from the likes of Macron, Merkel, the president of Ireland ect, while half of our leaders have done nothing but been rude to trump, despite welcoming other dictators such as the likes of China ect.
  14. Another blow to the EU. fingers crossed for a hard brexit. https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1087979/brexit-news-donald-trump-trade-uk-us-deal-eu-latest-theresa-may-liam-fox
  15. Here's a conspiracy theory, maybe oowee is really olly Robins. 😂😂😂
  16. Well that is a polar shift, I wonder what has turned him, maybe the fear of being exposed yet again if we hard brexit and the UK does better than what was predicted if we remain or soft brexit?
  17. Who says he doesn't? That's a bit harsh
  18. Again Spot on, unfortunately it's the never ending harassment, how many people just pay to avoid the letters and knocking at the door, even when they don't watch the TV, if it were just me and I wasn't using it, I wouldn't pay and I certainly wouldn't let them in either, but for the sake of peace and quiet for my girlfriend, I just pay it, it's not about the money anyway, it's a small fee, some will even argue its good value, but I think that's irrelevant, it's the principle and the lack of choice, unless you want to be harassed of course.
  19. But why should you have to let the BBC in to your home to check your not breaking the law, just to stop the harassment. You don't see the police knocking on doors of non certificate holders to check they don't illegally have a firearm, or harassment to see if you have fishing rods that you could be using to illegally fish, it's state backed harassment that presumes guilt and its wrong.
  20. Spot on. I regularly move house and until I get a TV set up I don't pay a licence fee, the amount of threatening letters I get through the post on a regular basis really gets my back up. If it wasn't for my partner, I can honestly say I wouldn't have a TV, just out of principle so I didn't have to fund a government funded properganda organisation. In UK law, we're innocent until proven guilty, so why is it your presumed guilty until the BBC can bully their way into someone's home to check they're not secretly watching TV?
  21. If anymore proof is needed that the EU is another way for Germany to exert its dominance over the rest of Europe through the back door, take a look at this. https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1084402/EU-news-Germany-Angela-Merkel-European-Commission-law-rule-Court-of-Justice
  22. 17.4 million disgruntled voters, if brexit isn't delivered I can see a polar shift for politics in the future.
  23. I'm loving the new profile pic mate 👍😂😂😂
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