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Everything posted by 12gauge82

  1. 12gauge82


    I disagree, if they'd shut us down, we'd of had to of lived as a island nation with no movement of people and country wide lock downs every other week. The economy would be on the floor untill everyone was vaccinated. It just wouldn't be feasible.
  2. 12gauge82


    I think it's a joke how under prepared the government and other public services are to effectively deal with this. That said, I think Boris has done a very good job with the resources he currently has. Once this is over, I hope the greedy in society realise that take take take can seriously back fire and we'll see some change, but I won't hold my breath on that one.
  3. That's great news 👍
  4. Agreed, but they obviously can't get enough test kits Good luck to everyone. Really hoping anyone who catches it makes a quick recovery
  5. Fair enough. That's your choice but I'll make my own, I'm sure you don't have issue with that as I assume we're both adults.
  6. True, but at its core was correct information, which is ibuprofen could be harmful if you have contacted Corona virus. I am (as are most people) intelligent enough to filter what is relevant and what isn't. I can't see the issue with posting anything on topic, let those who read it decide if they want to listen to it.
  7. Hopefully this could be a wake up call to our government. When all this is over, it shows we need to stop raiding the country for every last penny and put some aside for a rainy day, properly fund our public services, have government run critical infrastructure and manufacturing and relook at globalization, which is starting to look like a failed experiment. Also, thank god for Brexit, which meant the country has stockpiled certain essential supplies.
  8. I'm happy to read any non sourced opinions or information which is on topic. I'm not sure why some on here are taking it upon themselves to be the forum police, I'm sure if there is an issue With any of the posts a mod will step in. From what I can see, although the original info regarding ibuprofen was factually incorrect or at least unproven, it appears to at least have some relevance at its core, which is that it would be wise to avoid it at the moment.
  9. Online shopping, simples. Good luck with your recovery 👍
  10. What are you expecting, vampires? 🤣
  11. Don't think any of us will have a choice if it's required, I'd say it's every single person's public duty if it's called for. I don't know if it's be on age as much as individual situation. It's be basic triage, giving the best chance of life, it's already done on the battlefield or major incidents
  12. I don't know why, but I get the feeling Henry is ignoring you.
  13. Because the government, via the media, keep going on about, which causes more people to buy it. It's subversion, because they can keep making as much bog roll as they want and while people are panic buying toilet roll, they hope they won't panic buy as much food, thereby giving the masses something that can be controlled to worry about, is my guess
  14. "Unarmed" 😂 Agree to disagree, deal 👍
  15. Well you've got your opinion and I've got mine, but it's clear to me you haven't a clue.
  16. I fought open class for the amateurs for many years and boxed from 8 until I finished competing at 29, I've sparred (obviously not on anywhere near their level) but with some now fairly well known names. I think I know a bit thanks Gordon. Sport is always marching forwards, boxing is no different, how often over the last number of years have athletes got slower or worse. Look at the size of the guys in Mike Tyson's era, then look back at Ali's, that in no way takes away from what these guys did, bit boxing has moved on.
  17. People are of course entitled to their opinion, but Tyson would loose badly in today's division and Ali wouldn't even be in it, I love nostalgia and I would never take away from what the greats of the sweat science achieved in their era's, but they wouldn't be effective competition today, people who know the sport wouldn't be disagreeing with me.
  18. Iron Mike was a great, no doubt about it, but there's equally no doubt what so ever, he'd not even be a contender in today's heavy weight division, he'd be a David Haye, a good boxer not physically big enough to compete with the big boys.
  19. 12gauge82

    9-5 rut

    Yes, if I remember correctly, you need the money 🤣
  20. Anyone who knows boxing will know that sport rarely goes backwards, Mike Tyson would have killed Ali and Tyson fury would beat either of them everyday of the week, he's virtually in a different weight division.
  21. I'm not so sure HS2 is a great idea to be honest, but that doesn't mean I think packham is wired up right either!
  22. I think it's useful, the point with this disease is it's very different to anything else we have seen, at least in modern times, we are in uncharted territory and the only comparisons we have, is with other infectious diseases, ebola being one of many, although certainly not one that is the closest to it?
  23. Thanks for that Henry. I can't fathom why anyone would think it a good idea to eat chimpanzees, they are so genetically similar to us, it's no wonder a disease like HIV has been transmitted.
  24. Interesting one this, I know HIV originated from primates, but how did it infect Humans, to my knowledge HIV can't be spread through casual everyday contact?
  25. 12gauge82

    Sharks fins

    The problem with a case like Cecil is simple, look at public perception of his killing, right the way around the world, lions are a vulnerable species and don't require commercial hunting. The damage done by that dentist wounding and then killing the lion the following day with a bow has done far more damage to public perception of all hunters than whatever good the money he paid to do it. I will call out anyone involved in hunting or shooting I believe to be wrong, whether that's hunting of endangered or vulnerable species, illegal killing of BOP or as in the case of this thread killing sharks for their fins, in my opinion, those supporting any of these practices are part of the problem and could well be responsible for the end of hunting in this country due to the public turning against us. I, like most on hear am a hunter, but I'm a conservationist first and believe you can't have sustainable hunting without putting sustainability first, whether that's on ethical or sustainable grounds.
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