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Everything posted by 12gauge82

  1. As if anymore evidence was needed that May always has been and always will be a remainer. https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1130947/Brexit-news-Theresa-May-deal-resignation-UK-EU-withdrawal-free-trade-Steve-Baker-latest
  2. I don't think anyone on here suggested dropping a murder inquiry to investigate this instead. Each to there own but I'm glad they've taken an interest.
  3. I don't think it a waste of police time at all, I hope he's found and prosecuted.
  4. Absaloutly discussed by this, unfortunately though I'm not surprised, these are the same people trying to block the largest democratic vote in our country's history, a bit of violence or intimidation was never going to be beyond people like that.
  5. If May does not ask for another extension, by default we now leave in October, there is actually a legal challenge ongoing at the moment which alleges that the UK has already left in May as it says T May didn't have the legal authority to extend our membership without asking permission from parliament, very much like the argument from Gina Miller that she won. Whether it's sucssesfull or not I have no idea.
  6. Yes that was stated by many, but it was also stated that if they failed to agree a deal we would walk away. I still think a free trade deal could easily be reached, the problem is no one's asked for one, if we leave under wto we can then negotiate from a position of strength again and if the EU still don't want to be sensible, we can watch them go down the plughole while we trade with the rest of the world. No amount of squirming can ever change the fact that the people were told they would make the decision, parliament were going to give them that power, the largest vote in the history of our country took place and the politicians went back on their promise, this is why people are so angry and I can fully understand why. I honestly believe there is only one choice to solve the issues they've caused 1. Deliver brexit, which at this moment in time would mean WTO Or 2. Be honest, tell the people they lied, they never thought leave would win and they were never going to allow us to leave as they believe it would cause too much economic damage and hope for forgiveness. If politicians continue to lie, patronise and manipulate, it will cause damage beyond even the worst predictions under wto, it'll just take longer to come about.
  7. If that is the case, it is almost beside the point, the issue is, the government held the referendum, thinking they could manipulate the electorate to vote remain and were confident that was the result they would get, they had no intention of ever honouring a leave vote and obviously never thought it could happen. They've then tried to move the goal posts and muddy the waters by patronising leave supporters telling them they didn't know what they voted for, some MPs trying to block brexit all together and some trying to "deliver" a watered down version of remain under a different name, like Mays "deal", which most leavers and remainers believe is the worst of both worlds. It was blatantly obvious what was voted for, the reality is those in power don't want to deliver it, whether its because it'll cause huge economic damage or because politicians are inept and corrupt liers is for each of us to individually decide and vote accordingly at the next GE. The point is, if we do not truly leave the EU, it means each and every one of us, regardless of whether you believe staying or leaving the EU makes better economic sense, no longer lives in a free and democratic society, try and put a price on that, as master card used to say, "some things in life are priceless"
  8. I really wish this whole "didn't know what they voted for argument" would be put to bed, it's a ridiculous and patronising statement, it's obvious to even the biggest baffoon that a vote to leave the EU would mean leaving its core rules which would include its 4 freedoms, to state anything else would be ridiculous, what would you have actually left if we didn't?
  9. Dogs to many are more than a possession, while 6months inside is enough for theft of belongings, its not nearly enough for the hart ache caused by the callous theft of what to many is virtually a member of the family. To the op, petition signed.
  10. And yet YPs get every intervention and chance going before they're banged up, Im certainly not rubbishing your efforts, you must have the patience of a Saint to work with them and I'm certainly not saying that intervention shouldn't be tried, but once it's failed and make no mistake, as the statistics prove, it fails very often, for serious offenders I say lock them up and warehouse them cheaply, no longer should innocent lives be put in danger by releasing dangerous people back on the streets who are likely to reoffend.
  11. So why is it that some of the latest figures (2018) show that of all those in custody over 60% will have served time for committing a prior offence?
  12. This is how I feel. Someone like Farage couldn't possibly be worse than Blair and he ran country for god knows how many years, a vote for any of the main parties is simply a vote for more of the same, lies, incompetence and descite, let's give someone fresh a go and see what happens.
  13. 12gauge82


    So sorry to read this, I know exactly how you feel, I lost a German shepherd 2 years ago to the same thing in very similar circumstances, I know its early days but you'll find another partner who can never replace but you will love equally, dogs find a way in to your heart like nothing else, they truly are man's best friend.
  14. The biggest issue in my opinion, is how are they going to ever restore any shred of faith in our political system, the lies that were told by most politicians, on both sides for their own gain has caused division I've never seen in this country. I think it's worth remembering it's the politicians who've caused these issues and not the people who voted, I hold no grudge against anyone who voted remain, they are perfectly entitled an opposing view, that is what democracy is all about, I am however annoyed at the politicians who have refused to action the result.
  15. I think something is amiss here, I haven't seen the said footage but I can only think he's received a fine for a public order offence, it is to my knowledge perfectly legal to cover your face in public.
  16. Again, I think he's about the only politician who has consistently said the same thing regarding leaving the EU since the start, I'm not sure I get what you think he's changed his mind on?
  17. I don't think Farage can be blamed for what's going on, he's not in a position to actually do anything, all the main party's particularly the Cons have done everything in their power to block him from helping, despite his offer as a go between with trump as they are very close, such is the fear from treasondisMay, she actually stipulated that trump not be allowed to meet Farage on his upcoming state visit. Your second point I feel unfair to, Farage has been crystal clear on the relationship he'd like us to have with the EU from the very day the leave vote won, he has stated many, many times he'd like a free trade deal with the EU, but if they won't we should walk away, aka hard brexit and retry negotiations from there, if they still won't see sense then we trade with the rest of the world, as it would still be better than where we are currently, I don't know how he could be any clearer to be honest. Regardless of what anyone's personal view of Farage is, I don't think anyone can fairly give him criticism on not being clear on where he stands with the EU, he must be the only politician (and his brexit party) with a totally honest and clear stated aim of what they want to achieve.
  18. I wasn't referring to your post, but the original and I'm pointing out that without knowing the back story, giving the cops criticism for trying to keep the streets safe is unhelpful, just look at whats going on in many major city's including London with people getting stabbed.
  19. I'm going to hold off bashing the cops, without knowing the background. If the items the op posted were taken from an individual up to no good, then that's job well done in my book, imagine if they'd stopped someone and thought "it's only a pair of scissors" only for someone to get stabbed with them later, I'm sure the same people criticising the police now, would also critisize them for not confiscating the items, the police really can't win sometimes.
  20. Maybe, it wouldn't surprise me, although the stated manifestos of both labour and the Conservatives was to leave the EU, how many people that would take in I don't know and time will tell. I just wish a Conservative leader that believed in brexit could have taken the helm after leave won the referendum, I think the UK would be in a vastly better position now and it wouldn't be long before even staunch remainers would of had to of admitted there were benefits to leaving, May must be one of the worst leaders the Cons have ever had. As it stands currently, if Mays deal gets through the only benefit I can see is leave and remain might not argue as much because they'll be united in agreeing Mays deal is a disaster.
  21. I refer to the vast majority who actually voted leave, most of those who were swingable, voted remain as every trick and horror story in the book was used before the referendum and anyone who could be swayed to vote remain would have been, I believe in another referendum their would be an even bigger leave majority.
  22. For anyone interested, I thought this was an interesting documentary filmed from the other side, it exposes the EUs real intentions to turn the UK into a powerless lap dog, it is well worth a watch if you have a spare hour.
  23. Nonsense, the polls are showing the brexit party with more support than the greens, lib dems and change UK combined. The gap is also likely to grow as the brexit party have launched from nowhere, couple that with many leave supporters are stupidly still likely to vote Conservative and Labour and your theory is blown totally out of the water. It is absolutely clear, far from what the remaniacs are saying, Brexiteers have not changed their minds!
  24. But hang on, it's the remainers who are enlightened and intelligent, us leavers are the thiko's, surely Jean Monnet wouldn't have said that or the remainers would have seen through him and what he was up to!
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