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Everything posted by 12gauge82

  1. 12gauge82

    Sharks fins

    Agreed, but as responsible hunters, I feel if we don't speak out against those who get it wrong, it makes it very easy for the likes of packham to tar us all with the same brush and the public, who are already probably misguided and against hunting in general will rallie against us all. Spot on
  2. 12gauge82

    Sharks fins

    I've got to be honest, I'm against any hunting of endangered species, I don't believe it can ever be good for the preservation of a species in the long run.
  3. Much like the off topic section of pw 🤣
  4. Surprising really, maybe the flat earthers are on to something lol
  5. Im no expert but i don't believe a helicopter or most commercial planes fly high enough to get a conclusive view of the curvature of the earth, I await to be corrected if wrong however.
  6. Don't know about the bug, but the timber it's on looks like iroko.
  7. Even the ref made some appalling decisions, it was totally bias, which I'm sure is why fury and his team decided the only way to guarantee the win was to stop wilder. Outstanding effort by fury, not just this fight but most of his career, his come back has been like a real life rocky film.
  8. Cracking performance by fury, hes proved he's in a different class to wilder, I fully expect Joshua and his team to do everything they can to avoid fighting him. Beat me lol
  9. Fury for the win in my opinion, he totally out boxed and outclassed wilder last time, the only chance wilder has is catching him with a knockout shot, so unless he gets caught, fury will totally outclass him with a points win after going the distance. Time will tell. I love the boxing!
  10. 12gauge82

    No need...

    Interesting rant 🤪🤣
  11. The reason we don't get as many is obvious and you really don't need stats and government figures to work out that we are an island surrounded by water, which makes us one of the hardest destinations to reach and yet still economic migrants try to come, why are the thousands of migrants camped of the French coast? Why would you go to all the extra effort of getting to the UK if there wasn't something in it, like the NHS or easy benefits?
  12. I fail to see any semblance of parity in your analogie. It is blindingly obvious that there has been mass immigration into this country. There is no scientific proof of a flat earth! Denying that the UK is a desirable destination for economic migrants is like flat earthers denying the world is round.
  13. 12gauge82


    They're so used to plundering the UK's money and resources, they are outraged and can hardly believe the gravy train is about to stop. Like an abused partner that's finally had enough and got the courage to leave, the UK is about to gain new found courage and discover life is great again. They're so used to plundering the UK's money and resources, they are outraged and can hardly believe the gravy train is about to stop. Like an abused partner that's finally had enough and got the courage to leave, the UK is about to gain new found courage and discover life is great again.
  14. We don't need data Henry, we have eyes and ears. The UK is an island, the fact we are surrounded by water obviously makes it the most difficult country in Europe for immigrants to get to, yet there are flocks of economic migrants desperately trying to get here, it doesn't take a genius to work out the pickings are good for them here. I don't blame the people trying to get here, particularly the genuine refugees, I blame our government for allowing them to come and for not booting those without genuine good reason out.
  15. That's spot on, it's how I feel and I think is the point Lloyd was trying to make by starting this thread, it's the hypocrisy of it.
  16. Your right of course, there are currently no allegations that I know of yet, just unfounded rumour, I just feel if this was a guy leaving his family for a young girl, there'd be protests of an older man using his position to take advantage, yet the same crowd are praising him because he's gay. Put that aside and I think it is brave to come out and something that must take alot of courage, even more so when in a masculine environment, like you already mentioned, Garreth Thomas ect.
  17. I think Lloyd has a valid point, I'm not demonizing Schofield, more looking at the double standards of it all, Weinstein has been on trial by media from the get go, with very little evidence of actual criminal behaviour, at least in the beginning, hes been demonized more for using his position to get what he wanted with young, beautiful women. It appears (although like Weinstein in the beginning there is no hard evidence of criminal wrongdoing) Scofield may have done the same with a young man and he's a hero. Double standards?
  18. If the BBC is such good value for money, it should have no problems self funding like other broadcasters do. I think it's an outdated, bullying, nasty organisation that prays particularly on the vulnerable. I say it needs major funding reform or for it to go altogether.
  19. I should think he is likely to suffer worse consequences than us, he'll likely loose his job for that. As for military training the police, I fail to see how that would improve safety in any way, shape or form. And as for the stats on accidental discharges, that is different from a negligent discharge. Negligent = gun went off due to negligent action by the shooter. Accidental = a huge multitude of situations, but would not deem the shooters actions as negligent, i.e gun malfunction causing round to go off during training, but in safe direction for instance.
  20. I've never had a dog I couldn't turn around yet. Some dogs can take huge amounts of time and effort and you need to know what your doing, if that's not you, then don't, if you are prepared to put the time in and either know what your doing or are prepared to learn and or pay someone to show you, go for it. I've always found it rewarding rescuing dogs others aren't prepared to take on.
  21. 12gauge82


    Doom, blah, blah, blah, gloom, blah, blah, economic ruin, blah, blah, blah. Since when does the UK need the EU to stand on its own two feet. Why not change the record, practically everything else the remainers predicted has been proved wrong, although, I guess you are on a role, no point changing your tune now, you could actually make a prediction that turned out right!
  22. I've said time and again on here, to the howls of a few on here, the risk that serious offenders possibly pose to the public on release, we should execute them, or build more prisons and warehouse as cheaply as possible those too dangerous for release, I would include rapist's, murders and terrorists for starters, there'd be a few more decent people still alive today.
  23. 12gauge82


    Nigel has always stood on getting us out of the EU, not working for them, I'm sure he always attended anytime that helped that cause, he's probably one of the best vale for money politicians in the country if you believe in his mission.
  24. 12gauge82


    I just wish others took a leaf from your book. All credit for your outlook 👍
  25. 12gauge82


    On the contrary, it's the Remoaners that are still crying, despite most of their predictions and fears being proved wrong that need to move on. I'm looking forwards to being part of a positive, strong, independent nation again, as are the majority of the country. Oowee, I'm genuinely glad you've seen the light 👍
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