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Everything posted by 12gauge82

  1. That it's an interesting name considering the world's current situation, was I not clear the first time?
  2. Interesting choice of name for your profile.
  3. Feel for them, on the plus side, the ones remaining might get a fair price for milk in the future, it's been ridiculously low for years due to too much supply.
  4. On the subject of the EU, many of us including myself predicted if we didn't get out we would end up going down with the sinking ship at some point as the the EU was a project doomed to fail and we could see the cracks, much to the laughter of many remainers. I think this crisis demonstrates how vulnerable the EU really is, when it comes to the crunch, all these countries will look after number one, rather than the greater EU club.
  5. British Transport police (BTP). Police the railways, it operates differently and has totally different policing responsibility to the rest of home office forces.
  6. Scotland, Northern island and England, Wales have different laws. And it didn't work well at all for police Scotland when they changed to one force.
  7. PW gold right there πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£
  8. Wasn't aware of that, thanks πŸ‘
  9. Very good points raised, although I'm not sure on the position of mortgages, I don't think you'd get evicted at the moment, but I think you still owe the money which would put people in inescapable debt by the time this is over. Many of the younger generation have huge mortgages through no fault of their own, as the cost of property is so large compared to their earnings. I'm not saying 2.5k to everyone is the best way, but I'm not sure there's that many other better solutions, maybe pay people's essential bills, plus living expenses? Although that would be very complicated to roll out.
  10. Regardless of who it is, I wish anyone a speedy recovery from this disease and Boris is a cracking chap, really hope he bounces back asap.
  11. At this point I can't say I believe what they say, due to the backlash from the country, they could say anything, although to be fair to Boris, as the leader of the country he does have an excuse and I suppose an argument could be made for his Mrs if they're living together. On another note the Scottish health minister who issues the advice/order for the Scottish public to comply with social distancing, was caught going for a drive and warned by police, all credit to the police in this instance for being impartial, bit yet another case of do as I say, not as I do.
  12. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚Class envy! Shows what you know about me. Your post does however say alot about you as a person vile! Agreed, hats off to you πŸ‘
  13. Agreed, I'm just highlighting it Spot on, nail on the head
  14. It's plain wrong, I don't care who they're, one life isn't worth more than another based on wealth, private tests shouldn't be available while this is going on, they should be allocated on most need basis.
  15. I can assure you, if you phoned up and said you were in the at risk cat and your partner had tested positive and you weren't displaying symptoms, there's not a cats chance in hell you'd get a test. The point is, there is a clear devide between the masses and people with money and power, the rights and wrongs of that in itself is up for debate, but when one person's life is worth more than someone else's, based on that fact, that is totally unacceptable. Spot on, I think it's very much alive and kicking, in a different form is all.
  16. Well now your just repeating my point. I don't know what point your trying to make? mine is clear, some people are getting tested for no other reason than they are rich and powerful, which is wrong, someone's life shouldn't be worth more than someone else's, especially based on the amount of money or power they have. That's about the size of it πŸ˜‚πŸ‘
  17. Your analogie make absolutely no sense, there's no specific threat against my life, therefore I don't need protection. However, her life is no more important than anyone else's and neither should it be.
  18. 5g is mind control, I know it's true, I saw it written on a pavement in Glastonbury.
  19. Sounds plausible to me, thanks for the info πŸ‘
  20. Yeah, not much suprises me, I don't much fancy bear aids either!
  21. I note Camilla has tested negative despite showing no symptoms, so again I ask, how did she meet the testing criteria?
  22. Your right, it's little wonder at all. The Chinese government should be made to pay for this, just how many deaths will they be responsible for due to their filthy practices!
  23. Cheers for that πŸ‘
  24. Just leave them in their cells and feed them anything that fits under the door, toast, pizza ect, sorted πŸ‘ (Before anyone gets offended, I jest of course)
  25. What motorway was that, sounds a bit suspect, to block an entire motorway and ask every driver would be a mammoth task, even with the reduced lock down traffic.
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