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Everything posted by 12gauge82

  1. Fiona Onasanya was one of the 4 majority who voted to block a no deal brexit, how she can be allowed to vote after being jailed for perverting the course of justice is beyond me but it sums it up really, parliament really is corrupt!
  2. Me to just remember it at the next general election!
  3. I can't believe these idiots are running our country.
  4. Well it appears Parliament has just stuck another nail in the brexit coffin, they have voted to rule out no deal under any circumstances with a majority of 4 MPs.
  5. So what was the point of the referendum with only two options then?
  6. Blackstone are you Granett by any chance?
  7. Its not about being afraid of a second vote, I've no doubt in my mind another referendum with leave or remain on the ballot would result in an even bigger leave result, but they simply can't have another referendum on the same issue without enacting the first, it would be completely undemocratic and would make a mockary of the values our political system is based on.
  8. I don't think the EU have played a blinder, it's UK MPs who refuse to enact the referendum result who are scuppering the uks ability to negotiate a decent deal or make a clean break, simple as that.
  9. Your second paragraph is true, but it's too late, the vote was held. As for your first paragraph, it's nonsense, it was made crystal clear, the country voted to leave its EU membership, that means leaving the EU and the core rules being an EU member entails, I can't see what your struggling to grasp about that.
  10. We don't need the house to decide, the choice has already been directly made by the people when it was put to them in a referendum. Anything less than leaving the EU and all its core rules is overturning the referendum result.
  11. Got to say, as ridiculous as flat earth belief is, there are other beliefs that I believe are just as daft, but are followed by millions of people around the world and they have no more scientific proof either.
  12. No the failing is by all those in power trying to block brexit, its crystal clear, the people were asked via referendum and they answered clearly, either a free trade deal with the EU or we leave, they have tried every trick in the book to not deliver. The UK population is not stupid, this country has a huge political uprising coming and I'm just glad there are people like Farage out there to give the people an outlet otherwise I could see a far right party getting elected in the future. I note David Cameron has stuck his oar in saying that we should rule out no deal and push for an extension, he really has a cheek, he sulked off when he failed to rig the referendum and is now offering his advice, he's completely irrelevant and should go and live in a monastery in shame for the rest of his day's.
  13. I hope your right mate, I've said since leave won the referendum and "hard" and "soft" brexit became a thing (driven by remoaners) the only way we're ever getting out is via a hard brexit, but May and most of Parliament are staunch remainers, I believe whatever happens BRINO or remain via another biased referendum is what will be forced through.
  14. I'm with tribsa, I've seen countless failed attempts of rehabilitation and it virtually never works, not by the time the relevant services get involved anyway. Just to add I don't blame the people trying, they're almost always nice people, they are just often naive and can't see that a broken person can't always be fixed.
  15. Good Post, that's twice today you've beat me to the punch 👊😂 The left don't want to admit it but the most effective part of the strategy there was coming down hard on offenders and using stop and search, the police in London are trying to tackle knife crime in London with one arm tied behind their backs by care bears who won't admit or can't see what's really needed to tackle the issue and save lives.
  16. As I'm sure your already aware, from a legal standpoint we don't owe them a penny, let alone 39 billion and I would say we owe them next to nothing morally either, we had to pay a huge sum up front for commitments the UK had nothing to do with before we joined. No deal brexit and we can spend our 350 million a week on the NHS instead of giving it to junker and pals!
  17. I was about to post the same link, Blair knows no limits as to how low he will stoop, it would appear we can now add treason to to his other crimes including genocide.
  18. Im very glad that so far common sense appears to have prevailed in this instance, if she were allowed back she would be a danger to our country, whether that was by radicalising others, including her own children or a direct terrorist threat, I believe it would be almost impossible to deradicalise her at this point and even if it were theoretically possible, why take the risk with innocent UK lives, she's made her bed and she can lie in it!
  19. This is great news, so pleased for his owner.
  20. The thing is, even if your assessment is correct, (which I personally don't believe it is), brexit is now not about that, the very basis of our country and the civilized world is based on democracy, the people were asked and the answer has been given, it was by far the largest democratic vote this country has ever taken and it must now be enacted, if it isn't, the ensuing damage to the very core and fibre that our society is built on will be irreparably damaged forever, it is far more important than a trade deal!
  21. I agree with you that it won't happen, at the moment anyway, I think we have already been done over, they simply will not truly leave the EU, I've said ever since leave won, the only way out is a clean break and all our main party's will never deliver on that.
  22. Its why May, the Conservatives and all the other main stream party's must go, they appear to have all failed to deliver on the largest democratic decision of the people of the UK!
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