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Everything posted by kingo15

  1. Depends on what you going to shoot really. Do you need the full frame of a d3. Do you have any lenses already
  2. Yeah but trap shooters don't need to move their guns much the targets are all in the same place 😉😁😁😠 Get a 30" you will be closer to the clays 😉😉😁
  3. My first gun was a 525, great gun and I still have it. They are front end heavy. I balanced mine with weights in the stock and it made it loads better.
  4. Sad news saw the accident last night, he never stood a chance.
  5. Always best to shoot it over 2 days. Much more fun and we get to watch will poon drink Bailey's
  6. Come on people need more to sign up or commit to the shoot as I'm struggling with the raffle prizes due to the numbers. I can only big it up so much. The numbers speak volume people
  7. Dad and I managed 1st 4th and 5th. We did bet on 8 horses and if none of them had come in we would of lost some money. But always worth a eachway bet on the national as 5th brought us in as money as the winner
  8. Rulatnds pair are back and have laid 2 eggs.
  9. This would be my only criticism of the event, the timings and running on the admin side seem to be a bit wayward.
  10. After several months of complaining and being pushed from pilar to post in various countries they basically said tough. It doesnt effect the working of the gun. We noticed today where i have to keep cleaning the rust in the serial number and safety catch/ barrel selector the blacking is rubbing away. Im very surprised the cg doesn't fit you as thats one of the guns ive tried and liked, when i was toying with the idea of getting rid of the s3 black
  11. Don't do it get your money back. I love my 725 s3 black it shoots awesome but get your money back and get a better gun with a better warranty. Sorry to burst the bubble. But after being stiffed over for £2300 by Browning over a rusty gun I will voice my opinion. They are prize *(?*#
  12. We are only going cause will didn't pick the hotel this year He will make you buy a silly stock. Don't listen to him
  13. Premium bonds is the way forward that sort of figure I put 5k in the leave it a couple of weeks get another 5k split the numbers up a bit. The oh has the maximum you can have and wins every month a min of £25
  14. The cpsa are special. I have no issues with them it is what it is. I want to shoot competitions so I'll have to stick with them. Pretty much like gas safe to do with work. Take your money and don't want to help you out or Peruse the big boys. Scared of them
  15. If they had only sent a few ambulance crews and a couple of officers people would still be on here criticising about the response. How did they know what was next or where. Hindsight is a great thing
  16. Sad loss for the 3 that have died and all others injured. Can't believe with where the car crashed into the barriers and the amount of cctv that there as such confusion on whether there was 1 or 2 in the car. Let's see what drivel they come out with after the cobra meeting tonight.
  17. kingo15

    Sky Mobile

    We have recently switched our phones to Vodafone. I agree whilst their customer service on the phone or online is the worst ever. Their signal is by far the best at the min. Just googled who sky use and it's o2. My other half has o2 and it's shocking. If we have any issues with Vodafone we now go into the shop far easier and guaranteed to get a person in this country.
  18. Does she make cartridge pouches that go on your belt.?
  19. I was thinking the same. As we have been told we have so many home grown terrorists as they say. Plus they have proven they can get across Europe easily. So all they will do if they want to do anything is just get to a country that isn't on the list.
  20. https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.thesun.co.uk/news/3140301/essex-couple-dead-car-poisonous-fumes-after-vehicle-modification/amp/
  21. I would put it down with rough dates and leave it at that. On my feo visit he knew about all the early morning calls id had at the house from half of the armed response team of the county. Nothing to do with me but we did have a laugh about it. So regardless I think they will always find out. I'm sure the tin hat brigade will be along in a minute
  22. highwaymans is £40 for a registered shoot Northampton is £38 Sporting targets is about the same
  23. Whilst having a rant about cartridges. I picked up a slab of 28g 8's eley superbs and a slab of another 28g 8's the weight difference is unbelievable I think eley maybe scrimping on some lead
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