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Everything posted by NatureBoy

  1. Do you have turtle doves? If you have you can get individual licence to control collard doves. If you need to! As when numbers high they can push returning turtle doves off territory, food and nest sites. Collards doves are not invasive! There were less in the 70's than turtle doves that were then common. They established and numbers steadily grew since then. They are now in decline. Tricho disease, higher predation on birds and nests and change in farming practice. Used to have up to 18 at mine. Only about 2 pairs now. When a local farm got out of pigs and another upgraded their piggery numbers crashed . . . Huge and increasing numbers of stock doves locally and Suffolk at mo. 300+ on one farm. So many on cut covers some thought they were woodies. Most i have ever seen and hard to believe they were all stockies. Didn't realise until recently that this country has a third of the global population of them. . . . . So many hares we almost take them for granted. Enforced close season bad idea! Farmers need to be able to control as and when (crop damage) if needed and to maintain healthy populations going into Winter. . . . I never shoot them. NB
  2. About time! So many dogs have been nicked locally. Hope mates and farmers get theirs back. Must of been some pressure put on and good intel. Normally the law will not not go on there. This and a piece on ITV news other day, highlighting the poaching and coursing going on locally, all good. That was filmed over a year ago, but better late than never. NB
  3. Hobby (known to follow/hunt martins) reported local in Suffolk last week. Sighting (witnessed by 3 peps) was dismissed by bird boffs saying would of been earliest ever recorded. I mentioned it to very knowledgeable falconer mate (got hobby's) and he not surprised at all. Has seen himself and believes some now overwinter in the area/country. . . . Same ol story. If "experts" or one of their own don't see something it get's dismissed. If it was one of them they would be jumping up ad down claiming a record. Gal i know Who's life long naturalists/country gal and a Sheppard, really knows her birds has lot of her rare sightings she reports dismissed cos she's a woman. Sadly still a lot of biggoted snobbery in the bird world . . . Saw sand martins feeding over a local lake in late November last year. Some might overwinter and survive. Swallows sightings get reported in every month now. NB
  4. And it's a No from me! . . . Keep it simple. . . . Who came up with this and why would it be any benefit to us?? NB
  5. Another great action pic that's a bit different. Not as may GC grebes about now. Wonder what cause their decline. NB
  6. Including links to middle east terriorists, Uk recruitment and fund raising for them to. Found this out after doing bit of detective work on anti sites that sabbed a local Farm/family/friends shoot in December. Flags and symbols of support on display on their SM. Their actions that day opened several country folks eyes who hadn't experienced them before that these blinkered people really don't care about the wildlife, conservation or the countryside they hide behind. Just see politica,l class targets. . . . That Joey Carbstrong was on breakfast tv arguing with Racheal Carrie a while back. She done well to keep her cool. He just lahh! Lahh! not listening i am right you're wrong ranting. NB
  7. NatureBoy


    Go for a ride on a Honda, come back with a BSA. . . . .Old bikers. NB
  8. That's an award winning wildlife pic right there! Winter light sharp as! NB
  9. Ever the optimist Chris.πŸ˜‰ 100k reward if you catch one probably says it all though hey. Talk of illegal intros. I saw a poor pic of what was said to be one a while back with river ID feature in background and couldn't think what else it could be. Think some of the big barbel boi's on the Ouse knew more than they were letting on as it was specimen/record barbel at all cost then. Think they go unreported, as after last claims EA jumped in netted the rivers and ******** them up. Otters cleared the big barbel out in the end. Shows how devastating they can be on many fisheries. Aint the not knowing and unknown the reason many fish. NB
  10. Nowt wrong with GWCT! Need more action rather than words! Their research and science good! There latest posts an interesting read and good info! Everyone should join get behind and support them if you really care about shooting and conservation! Lets move on with a bit of positive attitude. WJ and co have played their hand. More folk gov and orgs can see them for what they are. They come across as more desperate, and what followers they have seem more left-wing low info radical know nothings bleating a load of same ol drivel when prompted by their raptor obsessed anti shooting puppet masters. . . .Good to see GWCT involved in a new multi org project start up to save curlews. I hope they gona use targeted pest control. Moorland monitors (Luke Steel, Rob Burnze) already trying to under mine it. Toys out of pram like a bunch of kids cos they not involved and it not fit with their agenda to get shooting stopped and land reform. NB
  11. Wow! Spot on! Pic of a lifetime! NB
  12. NatureBoy


    Nice to see you sober. πŸ˜‰
  13. Amazing to see on the news today that large meteorite flare captured so clear on peps simple doorbell cams in the night. Are they really that good? NB
  14. NatureBoy


    In suffolk "black or white" would be in front of that. Or were you being PC Ditchy? NB
  15. That's a cracking looking fish! Well done! Most of bivvy boys would of been disappointed to catch a great looking carp like that. Many want 20lb plus fish. . . , Since i packed in match fishing i mainly fish with just a 5m whip and simple rig and a few bits of tackle that live in my van/truck. Amazing what you can catch on bit of basic balanced tackle. It's all i use when it teach folk to fish. Important thing is to get them catching, learn how to unhook and look after fish. . . Some match anglers have made it a real skill successfully fishing for carp in the margins on commercials. Partly why i gave up because you had to beat the venue specialists who knew every peg. Then realised i had became that specialist on some waters to the point of being band from some because others couldn't beat you or were to lazey/not good enough to improve or have the watercraft to do it. Strange how some folk get when big prize money and ego's get involved. Commercial match carp got to big for my liking. Needing 100lb+ to win some match's when you might be sitting it out for 5hrs on the pole on a peggy venue for maybe only a dozen bites/fish to do it. Needing specialist poles/rigs/nets to get them out. Or keeping such big lumps in keepnets. All became no fun in a shrinking ageing branch of angling. . . . .Good to see peps and matches getting back/growing on natural venues and rivers. Tidal River Yare in Norfolk not easy to master but one of the best rivers in the country. Ask Bob Nudd. . . When it was in the news the other week that fresh water fish were in decline i think they meant globally. Yare and others rivers fishing better than they have for years. 2lb roach almost common. Specimen records getting broken/ bigger all the time. NB
  16. So sad. Your words and tribute so moving! Radiated the love you shared. Take care! NB
  17. There might be a bit of wood around.πŸ˜‰ They are also looking for a forester. Probably for tackling wayward bush. Undress code maybe?πŸ˜‰ Apparently no naturist's allowed in the dunes or forest now. . . They had probs in past and band it for a while. . . .Holkham great place any time of year. As has been said BIG ques in nice weather. Will be worse at mo and if sea eagles are introduced that way. Even more Twitching and big scopesπŸ˜‰ . . Interesting they recruiting while most of RSPB or WT staff are still furloughed or been laid off. When was the last time you saw any of their field workers about or on site? NT Dunwich Heath in Suffolk still only able to visit by booking only. Puts lot of pressure on what were other quiet areas and farmland. . . .Jake Fiennes and team doing great conservation work there. That's what you get when you use the skills of a former game keeper with vision and someone with (literaly at Holkham) big sky thinking . . . . i hear the spoonbills came back early last week? NB
  18. if you are counting all variants of carp add, wild, koi, ghost, F1 and goldfish. Also Bullhead/millers thumb, 3 spined stickleback, ten spined stickleback, stone loach, spined loach, shad, powan, sturgeon, ide, golden tench, golden rudd, blue orfe as well as golden. Some more tricky ones might be lamprey and, burbot. Or exotics like sun bleak, pumpkin seed and cichlids. . . . . I did once catch a near 2lb tiger oscar in a match on the river Soar several years back. With that and 7 gudgeon i came 2nd (beaten by a single bream) on a very hard day. I also won the super pool and went home with over Β£250.00, i was only guesting for a local pub team with borrowed gear. Happy days! We reckoned the oscar had been recently dumped to be that size, as they are known to out grow tanks. . . . .It's illegal now to intentionally fish for some of the rare species mentioned. So check before hand. NB
  19. Holkham Estate looking for a Seasonal Beach Warden. What a great job and office to have for the Spring/Summer. But what made me chuckle and something you don't see in many job descriptions was, " On particularly hot days, regular checks and engagement with visitors to the nudist area." πŸ˜‰ If only i was closer! NB
  20. Flagged this up a while back! After Avery was promoting it sarcastically, saying wouldn't it be a same if they folded. Even put it on his blog to gloat. GWCT were running a campaign to boost their membership by 500. They deserve more! WJ would love to see them fail! If you shoot live quarry you should be a member and support them. They doing the real science on shooting, conservation and farming. While WJ "are just three mates larking about" (their words recently). GWCT continue showing successes by example on their own farm/shoot and they don't like it! . .Always great and up to date info on their site/briefings. . . Discount on some membership at mo. Well worth it! . . . If you care about the future of shooting and wildlife. . . Be part of it! . . . . We can all be educators! NB
  21. That's the one. Wana be actresses maybe?πŸ˜‰ Spent a lot of his time in London "Rescuing (stalked) fallen women" as he put it, and waitress under the pretence of getting them acting jobs. Loads of them! His wife in on of some of it to. Should be a film made about him. Such a bizarre story. Just for the fact he was mauled by a lion in his own sideshow he toured with after he was defrocked. Literally exposed, got to the bottom of, after a posed photo (it's art i tell ye) of him and a semi clad "actress" was publicised by ye olde media. . . . Nowt has changed! NB
  22. Remember the RSPB were involved in/helped fund this! Cos it was gona go there way to the extreme and be promoted. As has been flagged up before they got committed anti with connections on board now and why Packham so keen to bandwagon it. Reading the report, it was hardly scientific. They or associates got game from random outlets of there choice and processed how they saw fit. Like to see the same done by GWCT or independent. Don't think figures would be so high. Interesting to that they found shot in ALL? the birds given how some of them had been processed? I have processed a lot of birds and don't find any shot in a good percentage. . . . . RSPB and pheasants in BBC news at start of week, Greenpeace and fishing this lunch time. Not biased at all then! . . . . . .Lab meat for lunch anyone? NB
  23. For another good ol rural Norfolk tale. Look up "The Reverend With The Roving Eye". A strange but true story of the Stiffkey rector. Bit of of lad,(under estimate) hiding behind a dog collar. NB
  24. Another half story with biased twist. Don't all supermarket foods go through a metal detector anyway? . . . . .Coincidence? That Avery and co bang on about Sainsburys selling game at mo? I wonder? Having there own tests done. Some of us have already questioned their pic put up of samples they say they purchased and sending to get analysed. They have take them out of original identifying packaging and put them individually in Sainsburys ziplock bags. Very scientific! Not a smear campaign at all! No Sir! . . . . We all Know regardless of there findings (even if they are really having it done) we know what they will be saying was found. NB
  25. Or a woodie. Though i couldn't see from that angle.πŸ˜‰ NB
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