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Everything posted by NatureBoy

  1. You well informed? Any link or info on that funding? Folk have tried but not been able to find any. They were trying to claim 36k expenses. . . .I think more people are starting to see through Packham and co. Talk of him being investigated and been warned before? I thought he would have been worth more than what he is. . . . He will never replace Attenborough! Willing to lie to self promote and nothing original about him at all! NB
  2. Turtle Dove English partridge Woodcock Lapwing Sanderling
  3. Good post Scully! And true. Have done the same. Surprised more don't try it. RPUK site to. They both get a little bit feisty though.😉 More should submit evidence when asked by our orgs and DEFRA to. Results show it works! NB
  4. Dr NO (Avery) was on about this. Encouraging his followers to shoot/dispatch pheasants in there gardens. Even on about getting them put on GLs to do it. One reckoned he got so many he put a large bird table up to feed them to kites and eagles. Yeah right! Strange lot. And sill they get taken seriously and sit at the top table! Bizarre! NB
  5. Ironic hypocrite! As he a vice president of the RSPB. They who killed 596 foxes last year! more than any estate. NB
  6. Complacency in shooting industry comment meant with tong firmly in cheek Gas Seal.😉 . . . . I think new GLs prob be as is. Not great but we can work with them. WJ will prob try to get jay off. . . .I meant i hope our orgs pick them up on some of what they are saying going into consultation. If WJ and co and there followers do study shooting and our org sites (and i hope they do, i study them.) it hasn't improved there knowledge of shooting, pest control or any of the species they claim to care about or want to stop being released. Or maybe it's because there agenda is driven by emotion of there funders and wilful ignorance. We all know it's got little to do with conservation! I think folk that once supported them and the public see that now to. . . . . . .They claiming the licencing of grouse moors as a victory. More regulation and red tape maybe. But! If it works it will mean they will NOT get the all out ban on DGS the three of them have been calling for! NB
  7. Ant this come up before? Surely this is just another advertising scam to promo GOPs and his dove shooting hols abroad!? Bit odd to claim can guarantee pigeons or weather conditions. Any one heard of him or used his services? . . . . . If you follow WJs campaign to shut us down (that is their agenda) you will see from what they and there regular contributors still say and write even after there continual attacks on GLs and game shooting they still have very limited/blinkered knowledge or understanding of shooting/pest control, pigeons corvids, keepering, game birds and the shooting of. Some of their boffins/scientists saying shooting has NO affect on wood pigeon numbers! And. To have any effect on reducing pigeon numbers we would have to shoot 80% of adults "between breeding seasons". . . , "Shooting corvids has no affect on song bird numbers"! But also! Will have NO effect on corvid numbers either because "we don't shoot enough of them". Only foxes predate grey/ENGLISH partridges. . . . . If So! Why they keep attacking the GLs then? Or bought the action at all if they really knew what they were talking about? . . . . They even talk of putting "pheasants" on GL so they could keep numbers down where they a problem in gardens etc. One saying he has so many birds coming over a mile to his garden he has to dispatch 200 a year to keep on top of them and would be !000 if he had time. This is the kind of bizarre info and misinformation they say they can use going into consultations on GLs and gamebird releases. Crazy! Worring if it's believed! I hope our orgs read and pickup on some of this on there media? . . . . . . . .Surprised no one has mentioned Scottish Gov voted to bring in licencing of grouse moors and muir burn yesterday? Complacency in the shooting community Gas Seal? Surely not! NB
  8. Spot on MM! Good post! Very true! . . . . .Have you seen the latest RSPB/ DEFRA scheme to "help" Turtle Doves? They looking for 100+ farmers and land managers to take it up in two specific areas in Suffolk and Norfolk, some of there last strongholds. As i see it another money maker to try and make them look good. Still refusing to acknowledge targeted pest control works/is needed in helping them. Or a lot of successes are on shoots. Flawed Science! Actually using/naming areas where we are already having success to make them look good and get more funding. Win Win for them. Even created/employed new staff position to over see it. Even though half there existing staff are furloughed. Strange that! And they appear to have a new company/third party (Entrade?) running it. It will also be by bidding in "reverse auction"/sealed bids for part of £320k pot. Trying to do conservation on the cheap with the new ag schemes coming in. NB
  9. How did you get away with that title.😉 Cracking pics GG. Like the second one. NB
  10. I would wait until its warmer to take him freshwater fishing. Farm pond, keep it simple. Match rod, reel or telescopic whip. Simple tackle. Landing net disgorger, tin of sweetcorn n don't forget to get pic of his first fish. The Bramford lakes you mentioned Farmboy is Suffolk Water Park.Park. They do teach ins. Half day £80.00 two peps. All in. They also do cracking all day breakfast there to.😉 If he like it G.A.P.S and Gipping Valley Angling Clubs good, have plenty of waters and have junior sections. Plenty of gear on car boots. Youtube got plenty of instructional vids. If sea/beach Plenty of whiting at Dunwich/Felixstowe and few cod at Aldebrough at mo. NB
  11. Great vids. Nice to see things done a bit different! Like the look of the triple. . . . . . For some really bonkers, confidant? crazy, Dangerous shooting with dogs check out, Okay Sahin channel on YT. Wild boar hunting son 4. And i don't think they even eat pork? NB
  12. Fantastic Album! . . .My x faience was in one of the top Pink Floyd tribute bands. Met after one of their Suffolk gigs. Their first set was always Darkside Of The Moon. Blonde in little black dress blowing a mean sax in the spotlight soon got my attention. When she sung Great Gig In The Sky (good a Claire Torrie) i got goose bumps! I was in LOVE! Never tired of many gigs listening, watching her and them practice/perform. Or the ordnance's stunned reaction (some in tears) every time she sung Great Gig. Be it a pub, hall, festival or stadium gig! Totally AWSOME! . . Roger Waters Contacted and congratulated them after one show. . . She always reminded me my chat up line when we met in front of everyone as they were going was simply "I wana take you Home" and she said "NO! But give me your number". We snogged, the crowed cheered, the band were shocked, (thought she a lesbian) and she was gone. She rang late one night after a gig a week later and we talked all night! She proposed to me a few months later and wanted to move to Suffolk. Sadly we weren't last. Our Rock n Roll dream didn't come true!😉 Great memories! Great gig still gets me. . . . . Wherever she is i hope she's happy! . . . . Another one for the book. NB
  13. Be interesting how the changes in crops, cropping, tillage planting affects pigeons going forward. Specially if a shift away from growing rape and less pestisides. NB
  14. Indigestion!😉 . . . Strange. But could be true? Safety in numbers as they do this time of year. Feed, roosting, flying as a collective. Do it to work big high value some hard feed through there crop/system. Seeds, berries, acorns, mast etc. Watched some( Abt 150) doing similar near where i was working other week (was milder then). Numbers built steady in quiet small wood/day roost by mid morning. About midday they got restless. All left on mass with purpose/high. Few minuets later about same number same back. funnelling in from high no messing. Repeated twice more during afternoon, last time just before dark. No evidence of them feeding in that time. Often thought air pressure may affect there behaviour to? Like it affects fish and us. Change in wind weather and light may trigger it. Reshuffle/safer tighter, warmer, position for some on return and for the longer nights. Next day hardly saw a bird all day and none came to roost. Maybe them foreign buds? We will never work them out! Picked up new bit of ground today. Result! Blank canvas, contract farmed, only me on it and can do what like. Happy days.😉 NB
  15. He also went stalking and shot a red. He did cry afterwards though. Weird Woke and batty. NB
  16. Got it JKD. Ta. Like you say open ground surprised they didn't see him or find bird. Especially if he didn't now they were there. NB
  17. There report says it happened on South West boundary of reserve. I can't see locality either . . . I guess orgs don't wana give this/them oxygen. Lot going on and coming up at mo. Hence RSPB selectively releasing this now. Less is more with there info. A distraction! Specially after Beefy's go at them all. Dr NO trying as well today with pics for same reason. . . . . A buzzard was shot! Illegally? Who knows? They would/should of had someone for this by now if they were going to. Ant gona happen. It's how they have used and spun the info that's wrong. Bearing in mind how much they bang on about facts and science. Yeah right! A dead buzzard pic randomly added to story to tug heart strings! FUNDING. Half there staff are furloughed. Clever! Have you noticed, they always seem to find a good photogenic corpse that looks like it could fly or run off any time? Not the bloody headless sodden predated ones we find. And everything they find seems to have been shot trapped or poisoned. Why do we never find them? Especially those with dogs, and we in field more than any of them. Strange that! NB
  18. Unfortunately once again we will only get one side of this story. Police statement if a reward has been offered? This should of been easy for law to sort if a crime had been committed as reported. Great fund raiser as intended. Some interesting comments and posts on there social media. Like RSPB just sharing a pic of what the poster says is a "shot" sparrow hawk they "found" with out question. It's NOT a sparrow hawk but a buzzard. Instead of them asking for more pics and what/where/when. Why not, How do you know it was shot?, have you a crime number and if so why didn't they correctly ID it? . . . . Wondered why Dr NO n Co took so long to share it. Saw it up on shooting sites way before theirs. RSPB stealing attention from them and funding they after to push there agenda, with there latest effort by putting up pics "someone" sent them of what they say is a pheasant predating a lapwings nest? From 2012. Mmmm. They must of taken some finding, and very convenient and clear if a "nest cam"? NB
  19. Well done Neil Dale NOBS for having a go back at them on twitter RSPB birders. NB
  20. Come on folks. It ant no crow! That's a buzzard! Other bird a kestrel comes up to mob it and slides away. Unusual in October as kestrel shouldn't be holding territory then. See both most days. Trees look well in leaf to. A buzzards been shot of that there's no doubt! Could it of been under licence if it's an out door unit behind that hedge. Was it a shooter, someone with legal gun and permission? A man has been spoken to! . . . Was it the same bird found 9 days layer in good condition. We will probally never know or find out. If there was a prosecution pending would the police let them put out this film and there biased info so long after the event? Doubt it . . . Was it filmed how/when they saying? What and how they say it is very clear. Perfect. As others have said something not right about how they spinning it. Bearing in mine they always banging on about how important and FACTS are. . . . . Do any of the Kent boi's or anyone know the reserve/ location they mention? Shouldn't be hard to find as they give details. NG powerlines in back ground. What looks like large farm buildings, village and quite possibly a truck parked facing camera. i would say the pic of the bird on tail gate has been added. It had not been struggling on the ground for 9 days. Strange they so keen to kill it if it had survived that time and recovered from shock and as some antis recon it been eating. In there interest it died though? . . . In the X-ray pics 3 of (the old pellets) look like they could have been easily removed. It had been living with them. Fresh pellet in flesh in the broken wing. Bones and break on long bone there and don't look that bad considering. I have had/ cared for plenty of birds/BOP's with damaged/missing wings, feet and eyes. I wonder if the police ever get fed up with them tampering with evidence (Chris) or jumping in and putting there spin on things. . . . I wonder if the bird hadn't been found and died they would of still put that footage out. What do i know! . . . . . . I still think that pic on RPUK site heading of eagle "flying" with feet in a trap don't look right. There rabid mob are av'n right ol rant about this. and still banging on about Beefy. Totally Bonkers!!! . . Worth a look! . . . . . .A they still expect to be taken seriously at the top table. NB
  21. Would that be shooters? Or antis pretending to be shooters. Any link? NB
  22. Yes! Shooting of BOP wrong! . . . . Or convenient maybe? Beefy/ GL's/ GB releases/ consultations/ lack of support and funds. Mmmmm. Was only saying other week we haven't had one of these events lately. . . . Police have spoken to a man in connection with it. And??? . . . . But could vid have been stitched together? Not exactly clear and that bird look like it was hit hard for one piece of ("recent") shot. They appear quite calm/clear in audio (wind?) and look quite close to scene. Why as with others has it taken so long to release details/vid/appeal for evidence of a alleged crime that happened on 10th October? A injured bird was found on 19th October with "3 old pellets? in it" and 1 new Is it the same bird? Mmmm. Nine days in wild after evading (what not even feathers) extensive search by "professionals" with a broken wing not able to hunt. Not attacked by predators? A kestrel was having a go before the bird was shot. Then ahh there it is, found close to the incident? Very strange! . . . So badly injured it had to be euthanised by a vet? If so and If it's the same dead bird shown on the tail gate of that truck it looks in remarkable condition? No blood, no damaged/broken/ wet/ dirty feathers or signs it had been struggling on the ground in habitat where it could not be found in Autumn. Amazing! Why is only pic taken/shown on back of a dirty truck after it been in vets and euthanised? Surely secured in evidance bag and frozen? . . . Where was Chris to hold it up to camera like other such good looking corpse's. . . . Not saying it didn't happen as it did! But as ever selective (no doubt fund raising for both) info/heart strings vid released at a time to help push/achieve a weak agenda. We only ever get to see and hear part of the story. Or out come! Just saying. My observations and some of the questions i would be asking NB
  23. Interesting how he claims and says he's his step daughter. She's not! Never been married and she is the daughter of an exgirlfriend. How does that work? NB
  24. I am glad the volunteer peas have finally been sprayed off properly. It was bugging me and strange seeing peas in flower in November and had hardly seen a pigeon on them since harvest. Will never work them out. NB
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