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Everything posted by KB1

  1. KB1


    He definitely has a talent and for the right price I think many would buy some of his work…..
  2. “Fill yer boots” you sound a tad aggressive in response to someone having a different opinion to you……. You think that the £50 spent on renewal of a license is to line the pockets of the police’s empire……. I don’t! The topic was about gun cabinets, and in my opinion you went off topic with a needless rant….. just saying
  3. Ok, throw the syntax around a bit….. 'In most instances, they could never know instantly (or, instantly know) a SGC/FAC holders medical condition' Rather than trying to be grammatically smart, why don't you just see the point being made
  4. Ive recently started using 2 x Modified extended tubes in my 725 and am getting decent results…. Was a bit confused though reading that you had good results with 1/4's but thought that 1/2's seemed too open
  5. The rant I refer to, is where you felt the need to explain that Police keep data on computers And as for your "Somewhat contradictory" remark; its not if you apply the correct reading of the grammar
  6. It would have been easier to save the rant and concentrate on the highlighted issue…... In short, they could in most instances 'never' know instantly a SGC/FAC holders medical condition!
  7. Most banks will let you transfer up to £10k a day from your account, or even more if using CHAPPS
  8. Maybe JDog spotted the Apple Watch
  9. Past your place twice last week whilst on a Richardsons boating holiday……. beautiful around Acle, but bloody wet & windy Knowing my luck, this week has been much better……..
  10. Then this….. although it doesn't mention Shotguns https://www.durham.police.uk/Information-and-advice/firearms-and-firearms-licensing/Pages/Sound-Moderators.aspx Cheers Tim, I will do that Not quite sure what your saying there……..
  11. Then I read this…... http://www.shootinguk.co.uk/uncategorized/how-do-i-get-a-silenced-or-moderated-shotgun-28129
  12. http://www.pellpax.co.uk/rifles-and-shotguns/accessories-1/rifle-sound-moderators/hushpower-10-detachable-12g/17291
  13. After watching a video on PW, it sparked my interest in buying a moderator for my Browning Maxus. However when I did an internet search, the website stated that a FAC was required for purchase….. I only have a SGC Does anyone know if this is a cast in stone regulation?
  14. Nuns & undetected tunnels
  15. Judging by his clientele list, I'm frightened to ask how much for a 1 hr lesson
  16. If you fancy a bit of a trip, Manchester Clay Shooting Ground in Eccles is open till 8pm on a Wednesday….
  17. Im going on a Broads holiday next week, and will be stopping at Acle overnight; mind if I bring my lawnmower?
  18. Was that a Freudian slip, by any chance?
  19. Walnut Gun Stock Oil…….. Amazing results when rubbed in by hand
  20. KB1

    Roman coin

    If that coin could talk, it would be priceless
  21. May I suggest that you either misunderstood what the 'professional' was telling you, or he could have been winding you up? The heating up effect on the skin you are talking about (although you refer to it as 'boiling') is correct, however the consequences of NOT irrigating profusely with water are dire! I installed a multitude of equipment at SKB in Stevenage, and spent many hours going through RAMS on the very subject, and I can tell you quite categorically that WATER (and plenty of it) is the first port of call……... But don't just take my word for it……you can google all day long and get the same answer. WATER!!!!
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