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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 3 hours ago, old'un said:

    The flesh is fine to eat but I believe the seed contains a very small amount of toxins, has do apple pips, but you would need to eat a lot for it to do you any harm, my Nan used to make Hawthorn jelly, and I can remember my granddad eating it with cheese and biscuits or a bit of crusty bread.

    You can also use them to make wine and jam.

    Your bang on with the apple seeds, i think the program is called food unwrapped the lass always eats core and all and they were talking about how the seeds are poisonous but you couldn't eat enough apples to do yourself harm.


    2 hours ago, CharlieT said:

    EU legislation only permits hedge trimming between 1st September and 28th February.

    Fitting it in during the winter months, when fields can be too wet to drive on let alone all the other farm tasks, means one has a very small window during the dry part of early autumn to get the job done.

    Certainly here, with our high rainfall, it has to be done before the end of September or I wouldn't be able to get on the fields.

    Lets hope they do away with that then next year, makes no sense.

  2. well rogue male is supposed to be very similar to Rambo but I've read Rambo several times and Rogue male went to the charity shop.

    3 hours ago, Scully said:

    It's such a long time ago I can't remember! Now I think about it I can't recall how the film ends either! 😳

    If you cant remember then your lucky, you can read it again.

  3. 1 hour ago, bruno22rf said:

    Well now that's a first for me - I actually saw a Squirrel fall out of a Tree this morning

    Wife and kids were walking along the river and one fell out in front of them, little lad shot it apparently 😉 

  4. 1 hour ago, team tractor said:

    Only last year we showed a 30 years in the trade chippy how to scribe a mitre 😞 

    Doubt this is just in your trade mate, we have a guy who is 65 and i doubt he's ever been any good, must have just done simple stuff all his life, if you follow him and others on a machine you just start again its easier.

  5. Stu, that's first class my wife wants to kidnap you for a while.

    Have a look a the play fort at Lowther castle, i thought you had built it for a minute.

    1 hour ago, Sciurus said:

    All trades are expensive in the Lakes (that is if you can get them to quote!) Anyway 

    Your right there, my inlaws had real trouble getting folk round, when they eventually turned up they charged top dollar for average work.

  6. Very nice as always Winnie, I'm agreeing with some of the above comments, I've always worked the unsocial shifts to earn more money but now I'm looking for a better shift meaning more time off without looking for the maximum wage, horses for courses.

  7. 4 hours ago, rovercoupe said:

    Well I was supposed to be finishing the shafts today but my other half is coming home early so had to hide them away and tidy all my mess up!

    but here is a bit more progress,

    Shafts cut from a tree felled in my garden a few years ago, also made some hoes so I cam make a couple of sets.




    i did not like the size and shape of the fork so I cut it up and re welded it up so the forks are closer together and looks much better now. 



    Very nice sir 👏👏 

  8. On ‎02‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 17:31, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    Good to be in the Ditchman Club, looking forward to mine soon.:good:

    How did you lot miss all the innuendos possible with "in the ditchman club"

    I'm thinking of the only fools and horses episode where they went to France with Grandad and all the fellas looked like him, is it like this in Norfolk??  

  9. 2 hours ago, Gordon R said:

    I am a bit embarrassed. I have read Simon's threads where he has been repairing and manufacturing machines, gadgets, knives etc and marvelled at the ingenuity and craftsmanship. I can bodge with almost the best, but he is different league and I am not afraid to admit it.

    I have more spanners than I can point a stick at, having recently bought another 200 job lot to go with the stuff I already have. Much as I like hoarding, I don't need ten 23mms, ten 25mms, ten 28mms - never even used one - ever. I get satisfaction knowing they are going to a better home and my garage will eventually get straight.

    I nearly bought another tool trolley and a roll cab -today - they were going at the right money. Despite having three roll cabs, .five top boxes, one middle section and a trolley, I convinced myself I would find room. Overtaken by events, they were sold at 9.00am this morning - despite being advertised at 10.00pm yesterday. I missed out on a trip to Blackpool as well.

    I need professional help.

    Nearly bought more tools 😅😅😅 very nice of you to pass on stuff you don't need, but you may need sn intervention.

    And you didn't miss much not going to Blackpool although the M55 is nice when it's quiet 

  10. 21 minutes ago, Ultrastu said:

    Finished today and swung .

    Pretty pleased really 



    very nice, typical comment from the misses " they would look better if the wood was all the same colour" don't you just love women 🤣🤣

  11. On ‎03‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 16:39, oowee said:

    Soon he is circling the same area with head held high and will not return. People either side are looking but he will not leave the spot. I then glanced up and there was the bird hanging in a branch 10ft off the ground. 👍

    My old dog once brought back a headless cock pheasant that others hadn't been able to find, whilst everyone else was happily ripping the urine out of me saying he had simply killed another bird the keeper walked up and said the bird must have been hanging in a tree, silence 😃

    Dogs along with your children have the power to make you feel proud and ashamed all within minutes.

    sounds your going to be having fun oowee.

  12. 26 minutes ago, Ultrastu said:

    I charge £150  a day .im a chippy 

    And i think im too cheap .and too good / fast .

    Making these gates (fully m/t joints ) on site to customers specs in 3 days plus 1/2 day to fit .



    I would say yes that's too cheap Stu considering you'll provide your own van tools etc,  but I'm guessing your booked solid, so where would people draw the line between knowing you have work or charging a top rate?

    my missis likes to point out I'm useless because i set/run machines in work, that won't build her extension 😂 

  13. 15 minutes ago, JDog said:

    My cereals in the morning wouldn't be the same without honey. No more sticky spoons but squeeze the plastic container. How easy is that?

    There is though a problem. When honey crystalizes it ceases to be 'runny honey' and it stays stubbornly in the container. Microwaving does not appear to solve the problem. Are there any genii out there who can solve this?




    Ha ha, we've all been there, Rowse certainly does crystallize easily, I've done the hot water, microwave. I think its down to storage temperature?

  14. 4 hours ago, soulboy1957 said:

    Nothing, the birdwatchers have got squirrel proof feeders, they gave us a big bag from their store. 

    Great going soulboy, and really good news finding bird watchers that acknowledge the need for squirrel control. 

    You probably don't need to use peanuts plenty of folk just use wheat or maize depending on what else is available, also people saying the squirrels like a bit of aniseed in there like folk do with pheasants.

  15. 49 minutes ago, chrisjpainter said:

    I've done a bit of work with captive leopards. I'd still take them over tigers, any day of the week! I find a leopard's body language a little easier to assess, but tigers seem to have far fewer visual indicators as to what's going on in their heads, 

    very jealous, always amazes me the speed and power tigers have, from lay down to full tilt and covering distance like a racing car.

    Here's one, everyone knows there have been big cats out in the countryside at some point, has one ever attacked a human? In this country?? 

    31 minutes ago, Stonepark said:

    Pick up a copy of 'Where the Wild Things Were' and the 'Wolfs Tooth', both of which look at the reintroduction of wolves and the predator prey/habitat interactions and understand that wolves (and other apex predators) by changing the habits of their prey (deer etc) also have large changes on the habitats, allowing native forest to regenerate for instance.

    One of the programmes i watched showed the habitat changes after wolves were reintroduced and it was amazing, from flora regrowing because deer and elk couldn't graze at leisure to smaller mammals recovering because the wolves killed lots of coyotes 

  16. 1 hour ago, Pigeon Shredder. said:

    What a shame you cannot shoot that 1k woodland as you might have had to double next years squirrel total.

    Agree with you regarding the weather, and will also be out tomorrow for some eradication purposes.

    It was also good to see the 2k mark surpassed, my reckoning is a lot of people have not put their kills up and with a bit more "advertising" on the forum 2k could be 3k next year.


    Might well hit the 3000 yet when Jerry adds in his totals, 

    Having a 1000 acre wood on your doorstep would certainly explain where all your squirrels are coming from Walker.

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