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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. My uncle is taking early retirement, he had to change job because of redundancy but the new shifts and travel don't suit, if your only a year from "official" retirement age then it must be an option or thought??

    Hope things went well today

  2. 8 hours ago, Walker570 said:

    How many tree rats in the first photo ?

    Anyone spot the maggie?

    At least 3 possibly 4, Is the magpie the white dot in the pheasant pic?

    And I'm sure someone near you is breeding these squirrels there seems no end to them.

    I had one appear on my sunflower seeds Saturday afternoon just as we were heading out, it'll be back.


  3. 15 minutes ago, silver pigeon69 said:

    Not even on the skull, where the airgun pellet "seemed" to enter???

    The RSPCA site where they treat animals etc is very close to me. I wonder if they would let me take a look at them???

    I'm sorry sir, all evidence was burned due to the possibility of the truth getting out, i mean health and safety. Would you like to make a donation sir?

  4. I'm going back twenty years but i never had problems getting ferreting permission, if you can see a warren with activity then so can the farmer, if you can find the farmer. Have a drive round or cycle, its easy to look about and ask if you could come and work that warren tomorrow? It's normally easier than asking to shoot. 

    Always go and say thanks afterwards say you've enjoyed the opportunity, hopefully you get chatting and see where it leads.

  5. 1 hour ago, Salmo9 said:

    I'm enjoying a long career with a global company and I'm currently being moved within their business. This move has terms which I'm not overjoyed about so I've refused to sign onto this 'appointment' (their words).

    My response now sits with HR and my mind is racing as to what might be the consequences of my revolt, so to speak. I'm expecting HR's 

    As Tightchoke says are you in a union? Are you even going to be doing the same job or is it a change in hours or shifts?

    We are all just numbers these days.

  6. 17 minutes ago, ordnance said:

    + 1 We’ve already had a referendum. What do we do keep having referendums, it was sold as one off final decision stay or leave the people chose leave. 

    Yes but they chose wrong, haven't you heard, so its the best of three, maybe 5 until the public vote the way there supposed to vote. 😂😂 

  7. 42 minutes ago, Gordon R said:

    Tyson Fury fought a classy fight, despite getting caught. Few would have got up from the 12th round knockdown - I was genuinely amazed. The pair showed class after the fight - Fury going a long way to improving his public image. I was proud of him - never thought I would say that.


    35 minutes ago, Westward said:

    No one ever wins a title fight held in America against an American boxer on a points decision. Fury's only way to beat Wilder by knockout or stoppage.

    Yes to both comments, just been reading the reports on line, and everyone seems to be saying the same thing, Lennox Lewis saying it was the same with him, you have to stop them when your fighting in their back yard.

    But given the time out Fury has had the weight loss and two easy fights, I think AJ will be dodging Fury for a while yet.

  8. 6 hours ago, Gordon R said:

    After 4 - unless the judges are blind - 4-0 Fury.

    Round 5 - uneventful - Fury again. Floyd Mayweather has Fury winning every round so far.

    Round 6 - bit more even, but Fury could have nicked it. Either 6-0 or 5-1 to Fury.

    Round 7 - only big punches landed by Fury.

    Round 8 - few punches landed until last minute, but most landed by Fury.

    Round 9 - Fury down - up at 9, but came back fairly strongly. Looks to have recovered.

    Round 10 - big one for Fury - landed all the big shots.

    Round 11 - fairly even. Unless he gets knocked out the verdict is Fury's.

    Last round - Fury down for 9 - I thought he was out, but comes back again and rocks Wilder with two big punches. Fury has a better chin than I gave him credit for.

    Scoring will be interesting. Fury boxed Wilder's socks off, but down twice. Fury showed a better boxing brain and heart. He deserves it.

    Crowd booing as a draw is declared. Robbery.

    Cracking breakdown thanks Gordon, looks the rematch will be on then?

    5 hours ago, sako751sg said:

    Outstanding performance from Fury and should have had that in the bag by a round or two.

    Unbelievable conditioning to have after being the mess he was and school Wilder although being away from home and getting KD twice it was going to be closer on the cards.

    Not many fighters would have got up in the 12th after going down that hard and cant fault both mens heart but especially Fury.


    Mexican judge gave Wilder the first 4 rounds with is absolutely shocking.

    sounds about right for boxing these days, a Judge watching a different fight already having been told the result.

  9. 19 hours ago, Mr.C said:

    Bruno was right it's an MPR FT completely stock apart from some extra spacers to increase lop. And Ive taken the cosmetic air stripper off. 

    Still wondering how often they need servicing. 


    If its still performing then i doubt you need a service.

  10. I think because I could watch Fury when he was on channel 5 in his early days I like his style, lots of jabbing and good foot work, i tend to dismiss what goes on out the ring, look at Hatton he liked to party but he still had the fans backing.

  11. So how is this fight going to go? I've never seen Wilder fight, just highlights.

    I know there are plenty on here that don't like Fury but I'm hoping he wins, he beat Klitschko then pretty much lost the plot.

    I've just seen the press conference on the news with the expected handbags, now just the wait for fireworks.

  12. 1 hour ago, Ultrastu said:

    The biggest issue with the pellet going right through isnt so much that it doesnt kill a rat .Its more that it comes out the back of it without slowing down much .and then bounces about in who knows which direction? .and thats a pellet i dont want to stop with my face .

    I used to use a .22 ultra sub 12 .just for rats in barns . (Up to 20 yds max. Most shots about 10 yds ) and the pellet would go right through and often hit ply boards or metal sheeting and them bounce about inside the barn where i was in the dark . (Very frightening ) i tried allvthe hollow points to try and reduce it. With various degrees of success and failure  .



    I get what you mean, i nearly always find my pellets go straight through on head shots at normal ranges, but when I've shot rats there normally on ground with me above or some place with a good back stop, certainly wouldn't want a .25 pellet covered in rat coming back at you.

  13. 21 minutes ago, rapid .25 said:

    Cheers marsh man, it will be a very long few weeks.

    Thanks mice, I really don't want to part with the rapid but I can't see me being able to use it again, 

    There's no rush mate, having a look at Johns bsa might be an idea, ultra stu has one or five in fac, probably a lot lighter than your rapid.

  14. 6 hours ago, Ultrastu said:

    The issue with the heavy .25 cal pellets (25 grn ) is that they tend to over penetrate at almost any speed and energy . (Within reason ) 

    So your sub 12 .25 is still gonna go right through a rat. 

    so a dead rat then 👍 

  15. Don't sell your Rapid, just put it to one side, in a year or so you might well be fit enough to shoot it again even if you have to use a sling and sticks. And you know how hard it will be finding another. I didn't shoot mine for a good few years but I'm so glad i didn't sell her.

    As for the rehab, take your time mate do all your physio and you should be back on the pigeon in no time, on the bright side your only missing the wet and cold months.

  16. On ‎25‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 09:17, The gouse said:

    We had a  discussion and we decided we would shoot one more min drive and we drop another 8 birds we cheated I know but the bag was 102

    I wondered if you were going to own up to the extra drive 😄

    And don't forget the hospitality, we get spoiled rotten every week by Steve's daughter and wife keeping us all fed and watered throughout the day, that rice pudding was great 😋 

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