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Everything posted by Mice!

  1. Mice!

    Hunting pellets

    Think I'll be ok with a thousand 😄
  2. That would be great, but it wouldn't help those on minimum wage, and certainly wouldn't affect people on benefits that don't want to work. The system has been wrong for a long time, how can it be right that your better off not working than working? I grew up with my dad working, but due to ill health and disability he stopped so mum started working, minimum wage job, obviously things weren't as dear then and they claimed disability allowance for dad, but they didn't gripe how it wasn't fair, we were brought up wanting to work not sponge off the state.
  3. It's all well and good saying the rich are too rich, its a shame for the poor, so what's the plan ? Let Corbyn in? Everyone gets £10 an hour? Paid for how? Everything would just go up in price. If your only on minimum wage then you need a better job, which is easier said than done when you need to pay the bills and put food on the table. I'm sure the rich have always been rich?
  4. I know for a fact some people where i work are on £8 an hour so £320 a week less tax and stoppages
  5. Hardly any we know of, if there is money to be made someone will exploit it. It's certainly a stumbling point.
  6. Mice!

    Hunting pellets

    I might want them nev? Think the barrel on the bsa i was given is big, I'll measure the wasps he gave me see what size they are.
  7. yep, everything more or less doubled over night and the only winners were the banks and a few folk who downsized or inherited.
  8. Not all, i had a pair of Dickie's for years which are the best wellie I've had, but the design changed.
  9. It would have been a fantastic try for him, brilliant the way he turned his man inside out and finished the try. I finished watching the rugby league game, despite getting an absolute kicking i thought it was great that the crowd hadn't left, they stayed and enjoyed the game 👏👏
  10. very good logic, i have never understood how or why people would pay the sort of money they do to be in London £600k plus for a flat makes me cringe. I always think folk should want to sell up and move away??
  11. We'll you won't like this but "countryfile" said this year that we eat lamb at the wrong time, we should be eating mutton in spring and lamb in winter as you folk have said, but don't think I've ever eaten mutton? Unless it was in a pie?
  12. Mice!

    Hunting pellets

    🤣🤣🤣 have you tried measuring the head size? I'm sure their bigger, something like 5.52, so obviously your barrel doesn't like them.
  13. I meant with the rules 😉 clear as mud
  14. I think that's probably one of the most honest things I've read Lord Geordie, i would imagine you should be claiming something to make your life a bit easier and you would make the most of it.
  15. you lost me mate?? Should have kicked the penalty.
  16. Its not just that, if you look at something like machining, and there is still a lot around, companies will pay pretty much the same as others nearby so they have no reason to be competitive, the staff will generally stay put thinking better the devil you know. This will likely go for most manual trades as well.
  17. Mice!

    John Wilson

    As soon as i saw the name i thought o no, we also grew up fishing and watching his programs. tight lines.
  18. Found it, i said early on about how much dearer things are but that says it better, a nurse on £30k should have a great lifestyle but then an ordinary house "down south" might well be £300k which to us "Northerners" seems crackers, and that's without childcare costs.
  19. Im not sure i could have managed any more babies, lots of disturbed nights, kids change everything, but most of it is for the better. But a question your asked when you go for the snip is "what would you do if you split up with your partner and a new one wants more kids" you can hardly say how many children someone can have, its how you pay for them that matters.
  20. Someone said to me once, possibly my old fella, if you looked at how much kids cost you would never have them. Do people have to have kids, yes if your healthy and able you do, we stopped at two because we can manage well enough so the kids get nice things. Imagine if people just stopped having children? It's people who have never worked banging out 4,5, 6 and up living off the state that is a massive problem.
  21. well 3 pages behind and wow! I think some of you have completely missed what TT was saying, he hasn't had kids so he or his misses can avoid work, he said that his second partner has had two kids and he now has 4 in total, so he's already paying for two with his ex, he said it wasn't worth his current partner going back to work because of the cost of childcare. I have two kids and we decided the same thing, we didn't look at child care costs before deciding whether to have children who does? But i agree with TT, his misses would like to work but why should she when there is no financial benefit, I'm sure if the government paid half the fee of child care so people could work it would work out better.
  22. No idea on the price fella, possibly just folk like me having a look as i had one years ago.
  23. Well that's been an interesting read, i would certainly say there are levels of poverty about but some of it will be down to how you cut your cloth, if that saying is right? some guys i work with say their skint, but earn exactly the same as me, difference will be in how they live or what debts/ child care their paying etc Then you will have other people who don't work but still want things so they rack up debt, this might well be the same for people on minimum wage. I would say that everything is dearer now a days than when i was a kid 40 years ago, we had to make do and save for things and probably made do with a lot less, my kids are probably spoilt but i can. But their also learning the value of things as they grow.
  24. changes made, kiwis well up for it after having lost two games, three disallowed tries and the ref letting NZ get away with a lot early on, It was always going to be tough but the score line didn't really reflect the game. and I've still got ten mins to watch 😂😂
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