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Everything posted by Mice!

  1. Mice!

    Khan v Vargas

    Ha ha i just typed Vargus ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„ and i knew he wasn't a thread mill.
  2. nice shooting ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
  3. you should have got a rapid, some if those fellas have rebuilt, changed parts/ calibres, sounds like your kind of thing, me i point and shoot ?
  4. some great memories being shares, I'll bet those 9 pigeon felt better than a 90 ??
  5. I got a msg this morning off Suburban shooter, he's on 45 magpies so far this year. Great two hours work that Hamster, so what pellet were you using?
  6. Mice!


    I noticed another in a conifer next door, same thing looks like a hole has been chewed to make an entrance, possibly used to be a hole from a blackbird, I'm not putting my face in to find out. Not far from next doors garage!! If i have to think I'll flood it not burn it.
  7. Mice!

    Khan v Vargas

    We'll on the boxing side i hope he does well, now his hands are better he should hopefully be able to box properly again. But i know nothing bout Vargus he any good? Or is he past it? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jessie_Vargas From this snipet he looks decent
  8. As Lloyd says Facebook market place is good for local stuff, the wife shifts quite a bit of stuff that way. Also free cycle if its still going, helps folk out.
  9. He is looking for beaters as well, got another post else where on here, have a look and get your name down ?
  10. Be sure to let us all know what they say when they pop round, you should be able to sort yourself a few days free shooting, anything less close the gate son!
  11. Mice!

    Packing in booze

    There was a programme advertised with Adrian Giles? It was about this exact topic, just having two or three beers a night, then the weekend, might be worth a look.
  12. I've had one on the camera trap, but he's not been up to the bird feeders yet.
  13. well that's made me giggle, nothing like a good first impression!! I'm sure an extra drive every time they shoot is worth loosing a few pheasant for, now they'll likely loose both.
  14. Not buzzards but herons, had three fly over today making a right noise, I've never seen a pair with young before, they did a few circuits of the area along the river before landing in the trees at the back of the gardens. straight away the magpies were on them making a proper racket, I'm now upstairs watching and telling my neighbour where to look when the youngster changes trees and flaps onto one of his butchered cherry trees, five or six magpies straight in all around it, it took the hassle for maybe a minute before one of the parents flew off and the youngster followed, very different. had a pair of yellow wagtails in the garden which was a first for me this week, and spotted the kingfisher this morning while talking about squirrels so been a good bird week for me.
  15. when they banned lead shot for fishing what did they change too? I'll have some but can't think what it is?
  16. camouflage truck, near naked bloke? ????
  17. Did it make you Mad Max ??? its the same with the stuff the kids have that pop up, think its more technique needed than aggression, which is why i leave it to the wife. As for your Turkish delight, maybe get the stock stripped and re done, i would imagine purdey spend a bit more time and care than most,
  18. My old boy had some amazing days, and some shockers, i can still remember some fantastic retrieves and flushes, but also him chasing a sheep and catching a roe which ran into a fence? fantastic dogs, i never did mine full justice as he was my first working dog. about 14 probably here.
  19. Never nice how ever it happens, remember the happy times you had.
  20. If don't get your flue sorted there are a few places round here that do that sort of thing if you do visit as planned?
  21. That looks very impressive, neat tidy and practical all in one.
  22. Ha ha your right, haven't ferreted in twenty odd years but still look, don't think I've ever shot a pigeon with a shotgun but I've had loads with a stick or finger. its hedges and woods that get me looking, quite often see a roe driving home, I'm sure no one else will see it.
  23. like i said i don't know the buyer, it was an example of what is available and its cheaper because its fac, normally when there sold there is much more information given, folk are asking him all sorts.
  24. your not wrong, i don't know this seller but what a deal this is, I'll be surprised if it hangs around long.
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