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Everything posted by Mice!

  1. Yes but natural England said they were happy everything was done as it should be, so nothing further to be done.
  2. Just watched it and I'm surprised it made the news to be honest.
  3. Just seen Callum Smith on the news, didn't look like he had even been in a fight, also seemed a genuine bloke, then it went to fury and wilder, hand bags at two paces and usual banter.
  4. its being shown on BBC at half 6 north west news. I know what you mean oowee but no one in the media is talking about any benefits to wildlife, just that a badger has been shot.
  5. ha ha your going to have a thousand pictures of pheasant, and those two squirrels waiting for you.
  6. Anyone any idea if any shooting/ hunting orgs are taking him to task on this? Or the gwct? Chances are he may not be too far gone and could be shown the error of his ways, which could lead to good PR
  7. your certainly not alone, i mentioned this a week or so ago, doesn't always go down well. But in my garden the song birds are plentiful and lots more species compared to how it used to be. point these people to songbirdsurvival, its a good website and not coming from shooters. ask them what this vegetarian squirrel is doing chomping on a blue tit?
  8. Just watching the program now, Packham just said that badgers eat hedgehogs and are having an effect on their numbers, prof is from 2011
  9. I'm behind again, I certainly think the younger generation have got it harder, look at house prices theses days a three bed semi i bought twenty years ago for £43k is over a £100k now but wages in the area are pretty much the same?? Watching location location location last week maybe before, a couple had £700k and didn't think they would be able to afford a detached house 😯😯 I like a lot of others grew up making do, not many folk now a days seem to want to make do so pile up the debt , this made me my brother and sister aim higher and want more, i simply don't understand the folk who are happy making do on benefits rather than working, but these are the people who will happily vote for Comrad Corbyn.
  10. just caught the end this morning of " The animals guide to Britain" 3 of 4 woodland animals. Chris packham talking to a fella about shooting greys to preserve reds, on BBC 2 so take a look on I-player.
  11. With which projectile 😁 i had two on the lawn this week while the mother in law and niece were here!! Not a thing I could do, they'll be back.
  12. Don't think that was the plan, anyone got khans number for Groves!!
  13. Then realistically you should never pull the trigger, if I'm shooting a rat in the chest at 25 metres, normally less its going to die, it might flip about sometimes but its job done.
  14. Mice!

    Poker games

    My old fella tried showing me and my brother how to play years ago, I'll quite happily watch on the telly and find it interesting, but my brother just kept throwing all his two pence pieces in every hand, learned nothing.
  15. Very nice, I'll await some pics.
  16. one of my kids spilt some ice-cream last year and that worked well, the rat that had been evading me had to stop to lick at the ice cream POP, the other good one is peanut butter pushed into the holes on a brick, anything that gets them to pause.
  17. it worked well at the general election, if he was to get in, he would no doubt just say sorry there is no money left, so were going with plan B, everyone learn Russian.
  18. Mice!

    Punch bags

    They had some at decathlon when we were in the other week but I'm not sure on the weights. can you not get one with a rope coming off the bottom that you can attach to the ground?
  19. Looking at that part it could have been made anywhere in the world, same with assembly, and I'd be very surprised if they are 100% tested.
  20. I dont fully agree with this, if the rat is still I'll happily take the head shot, but I'm just as happy taking a chest shot when there mooching about, they might jump or flip into cover or down a hole, but your still going to have a dead rat, i normally find shooting them with accupell the pellet punches clean through which is why i like the pest control for rats.
  21. can you send PM yet? You might be best off getting in touch with one of the mods and finding out that way?
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