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Everything posted by Mice!

  1. Have a look a the gouse's posts asking for beaters, its in the right area for you and could open sone doors for you.
  2. I've just put it on the grey army on Facebook, realise its already out there but it can't hurt. hope you get her back.
  3. have a look at second hand, there is a place near us that does refurbs, this way you can still get an older more powerful machine.
  4. market stall like you do with mobile phones, can't be that hard surely??
  5. Be careful this can back fire, someone a while ago got asked for ID in Tesco, out came his passport, i joked that its not fair that i never get asked, the lass said "have you got ID on you" no says me, "so shush , if you haven't got any i cant technically serve you" still made me giggle.
  6. Mice!

    Mods help

    Want means you'll find a way to get it Need means you can openly get it without any sneaking about, "just storing it for a mate 😁"
  7. Mice!

    Mods help

    Your device stores cookies every time you go on a website
  8. Haven't seen the fight but how can they still get away with bent referees these days, its being watched globally from every angle possible, same with drug cheats tested every which way and still professional sports persons slip through.
  9. I counted 40-50 last week sat out around 5pm, i was amazed, haven't seen that many in years.
  10. Cant imagine your getting high quality if your expecting to pay less than £20, it wouldn't take long to make one so long as you have material gauges tooling, at twenty quid there probably pumping out two hundred a shift somewhere.
  11. go on explain please?? I thought I'd bust mine, i forgot you need it in test to set things up😣
  12. show her you care, get her a milk crate.
  13. Another way of looking at it Lloyd is what does your misses drive? We have two cars, mine an estate which doesn't really like popping round town but is great on longer journeys, and the wifes a golf which is fine everywhere but smaller obviously. could you get something like a Jimmy and use the other halves car if going on a longer run?
  14. What's that saying, the more i practice the luckier i get? Nice shooting fella.
  15. Isn't that the truth, a lad my age ish, rugby player family and kids committed suicide at the weekend, tragic really. That's a lot of us i imagine, but we don't know what brexit means!!! It's a chance for something different for a start.
  16. I read it as the smack as the pellet hits home.
  17. They take the sweet chestnuts in the park near me, and normal conkers. cheers Walker, got lucky with a few shots, most were moving or too far for the phone really.
  18. wrong one, i grabbed a mag, but very nice.
  19. I always liked the look of them, but the nearest I've got is pictures, and the stalker rifles, just wow.
  20. Mice!

    Khan v Vargas

    I read a bit in the paper last night Kahn saying, he only caught me clean 4 times, i underestimated him, i had to let him hit me to get close?? None of that sounds good when your chin is made of cereal.
  21. Mice!

    Khan v Vargas

    They never know when to quit sometimes, just one more big pay day. I imagine Brook would love to finish his career but if it goes badly it could ruin both of their lives.
  22. Always the same 😂😂 its got you all thinking anyway
  23. So free pheasant, and get a feeder up and sort those squirrels.
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