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Everything posted by Retsdon

  1. If the Turkish firm is a reputable outfit that didn't deliver to spec, then fair enough. If it's anything else - either the wrong stuff was ordered or due diligence into the supplier's bona fides wasnt done properly - it means the ball was dropped on this side of the water. 400,000 gowns has to add up to several million pounds of taxpayers money that was paid out in advance and is now almost certainly lost. You can't just say, oh well, never mind, understandable mistake, better luck next time.
  2. Whose fault is that? The press or whoever squeaking about a shortage of PPE might factor in mitigation, but ultimately the responsibility for ordering the correct equipment lies with the people whose job it is to order the correct equipment! Outside pressure doesn't alter that.
  3. With a gun of that age I suppose 2 1/2 inch is going to be standard. And it's probably the kind of gun you're not going to be using every day....keep if for walked up up partridge... Anyway, for what it's worth, the couple of Beesleys I've handled were very nice guns indeed. Lovely balance.... If you buy it - let me know! If it were a 12 or even a 20. But English 28s are pretty uncommon so I think it probably has rarity value.
  4. https://www.guntrader.uk/guns/shotguns/beesley-f/side-by-side/28-gauge/boxlock-200402143355006 If I had the means.....
  5. Some interesting graphs on this page. https://euromomo.eu/graphs-and-maps But another interesting that asks some hard questions about how (in the UK anyway) the figures above are arrived at. Again, it seems like the system has gone off the rails. https://off-guardian.org/2020/05/05/covid-19-is-a-statistical-nonsense/
  6. On the topic of the tracking app - https://www.theregister.co.uk/2020/05/05/uk_coronavirus_app/
  7. Or, in my case one time, stand in a ditch with the water coming over your boots trying to clear a blockage, and accidentally push down one of the wires on the fence behind you with the top end of the wet pinch bar. My first thought was that someone must have belted me across the back with with a shovel.
  8. What material are you using to learn with? If you don't know him already, I highly recommend young Justin. He's a very good teacher. https://www.justinguitar.com/
  9. Retsdon


    There's nothing new under the sun https://youtu.be/kY-pUxKQMUE
  10. Retsdon


    https://www.newsweek.com/dr-fauci-backed-controversial-wuhan-lab-millions-us-dollars-risky-coronavirus-research-1500741 Newsweek has an interesting story on the lab in Wuhan.
  11. Warren Buffett has just sold all Berkshire's airline holdings. Taken a hit for billions, but can't see an upside. Berkshire is normally hoovering up distressed stock in a crisis, so for them to cut their losses is almost unprecedented.
  12. Retsdon


    Thanks, I'll see if I can find it. But the BBC is hard to watch from overseas. They block everything.
  13. Boric acid. You mix it into a bait, either sweet or savory depending on the type of ant. There are recipes online on how to make the mixtures In Thailand ants are always an issue and boric acid is what we use. It works too.
  14. Retsdon


    I would agree - in fact I'd say more like a very strong chance. But even if that's true, then what? As this article in Newsweek https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newsweek.com/controversial-wuhan-lab-experiments-that-may-have-started-coronavirus-pandemic-1500503%3famp=1 points out, the research into coronaviruses that was being done in Wuhan was in part financed by the United States itself and was in no way extraordinary or nefarious. And this ' gain of function' research isn't unique to China. In other words, there are plenty of other countries where a recreated or altered pathogen could potentially escape, and in fact has done so on on more than one occasion. Here's my theory. 1) A lab worker from the Wuhan research centre accidentally got infected with a virus they were working on. If they only developed light symptoms they may not even have been aware of what happened. 2) The lab worker took the virus into the local community. 3) Individual cases started appearing in hospitals and doctors began to ask questions. 4) Local CP officials began doing some investigating and found the doctors concerns to be true. 5) The local officials put two and two together and realized what must have happened. 6) And here's where it went wrong. Fearing they'd get it in the neck from higher up, the Wuhan and Huban CP officials and safety bods tried to cover up what had happened by silencing the doctors and refusing to acknowledge an outbreak at all. Probably they were hoping that with luck it might just fizzle out on it's own and a local safety breach could be swept under the carpet. But as we know it didn't fizzle out, it spread like crazy. 6) As the disease spread, now local people too began to ask questions. And so on, up the chain. An explanation was required and as there happened to be a large cluster of infection centred on the wet market (like later in Korea there was a cluster centred on a church), the theory of transmission from some animal there was pounced on as a plausible and handy get out that didn't attract blame from either Beijing or ordinary people. And who's to say it wasn't true anyway? 7) The rest, as they say, is history.
  15. Ghee to fry the onions and spices, and yogurt in the sauce.
  16. A story..... There's your clue right there.
  17. That reminds of the joke - you know you're a redneck when someone in your family has either died or ended up in ICU shortly after saying "Hey y'all, watch this'....
  18. Are they? That's funny. Strangely topical though because I changed out a couple of CDs in car last week without really looking what I was feeding into the CD player, and found myself listening to Hancock's Half Hour. 'Back from Holiday' was the first one up - containing the immortal line (about French food) '...just the look of it was enough! Even the dog closed his eyes when I gave it to him.'
  19. You'll need to run them separately to tension the fence. Despite that its electrified your fence wire will still need to be under tension. So you're going to need strainer posts and tensioners. To electrify the fence, if you're using normal single strand fence wire use joint clamps and run a separate connecting wire between the strands you want to electrify. Incidentally, you actually don't want all the wires electrified. If you want a cracker of a fence, only electrify the bottom, middle, and top wires. The two in-between ones you connect separately and run a wire from them back onto to the main charger earth wire. That way when an animal touches both wires it becomes the direct link between the fencer and your 3 copper pole earth. It's far more effective than just having the animal be the earth themselves. But perhaps if it's to keep your own dogs in, you might not want to do that. It gives them a hell of a belt! Edit: But perhaps that's overkill. And it's still going to look like a fence. I don't know how you're going to keep your dogs in with less though. They'll quickly learn to jump anything that's not high enough. Wait - how about this? https://www.electric-fence.co.uk/electric-fence/electric-fence-netting.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjwka_1BRCPARIsAMlUmEqvXvQA01k01geqL4OpCFvGLcgYso6_aF0MA4P0ylE-r08Krd6e4Q8aAlp9EALw_wcB
  20. 1998 - it says in the link.
  21. There was a plan .https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/344695/PI_Response_Plan_13_Aug.pdf Unfortunately, it was for a different disease. I'm not critical of the slow response, because I think the government was badly advised by its 'scientific advisors', several of whom had had a hand in drawing up the 2014 plan linked to above, and were probably influenced by that. It's hard to abandon your own work. That said, when looking at the crisis in Wuhan and the accelerating one in Italy it would be nice to think that someone, somewhere, in one of these COBRA meetings or whatever, would have asked the question, 'Are we sure that this is actually a kind of flu? Or is it something completely different?" Was that question ever asked - and if so what was the response? in any event, once the reality became clear that Covid-19 wasn't just some particularly virulent flu strain; that it was highly infectious; that there was no vaccine in the offing; that short of palliative care there was no treatment either and that unless the plan was abandoned an awful lot of people were going to to die, the government did change course - although there seems to be the impression that it's still just reactive stuff, and that as yet there's no clear goal or pathway to that goal been properly determined. I think poor young Matt Hancock has been handed the short straw and left to take the flack while more 'senior' cabinet ministers try and keep out of the firing line. Where's the Home Secretary in the biggest home crisis since WW2? Disappeared! The Prime Minister (despite that I don't like him) at least has the excuse of having been hospitalized himself and is probably still not 100%. But the rest of the government seem to have gone into hiding completely. That's not right.
  22. Retsdon

    Boris is back.

    Which just goes to show that old Joseph Maisre was right.
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